1.098.900 Tribute points without leaving Guild Hall


Nov 6, 2006
Reaction score

Wanted to share it with you all, don't know if it's already posted somewhere else, but couldn't find it if so.

With the House of Thule expansion, you get a claim item called Dreamweave Satchel, it has a tribute value of 1100, and can be claimed 999 times, which should equal alittle bit over 1 million tribute points.

I have currently claimed 100 without issues.

right infront of my eyes the whole time, i woudl have never wanted to tribute one of my good bags, so i never even thought to look. nice find.

bs part is , now that its been noted it will probally get nerfed soon. sneaky bastards, would be cool if there was a way to know who the imformant was, and every time they made an account just bann em. that be a nice table turn as well.
obviously its a pretty ingenious tactic, get a sub on the enemies site to find out there game plan.
just wish that the info we got on here would actually stay amongst the community and not be able to be gotten ahold of by the people who use the info to put a stop to it..
nice find though.
Someone post a macro for this imo.

Since you have to create a new character for each hand-in a macro will do pretty much nothing for you.
Create character
Claim bag.
Get guilded.
Hand bag in to Guild tribute.
Delete character.
Rinse repeat.

Alternatively you could pass the bag through the shared bank space and have it for personal tribute, but you will have to keep track of that. Would take longer but should be doable. I think these are tradable, anyway.
Someone post a macro for this imo.

Since you have to create a new character for each hand-in a macro will do pretty much nothing for you.
Create character
Claim bag.
Get guilded.
Hand bag in to Guild tribute.
Delete character.
Rinse repeat.

Alternatively you could pass the bag through the shared bank space and have it for personal tribute, but you will have to keep track of that. Would take longer but should be doable. I think these are tradable, anyway.

Pretty sure you can claim the bag multiple times aslong as its not on you when you do.
You can claim all of the bags on the same character, no need to create new characters.
Well, learn something new every day. Didn't know that. Hadn't bothered to try.

Hopefully this works better, had to get outside the work firewall.

This should work in both guild halls, and at any tribute master, both guild and personal. Just start it with the claim and tribute windows open, and an empty top level bag slot open.

| Donate Bags Macro, 
| DonateBags.mac by Nightmare327

#Event NoEmptySlot "#*#You must have a top-level#*#"
#Event LimitReached "#*#Favor cap reached#*#"

Sub Main(int param)
    /declare loops          int    outer ${param}
	/declare DonateLoop     int    outer 1
	/declare donations      int outer 0
	/declare claims         int outer 0
    /if (${loops}==0) /call no_param
    /if (!${Window[ClaimWnd].Open}) /call windows_not_open
	/if (!${Window[TributeMasterWnd].Open}) /call windows_not_open
    /if (${FindItem[Dreamweave Satchel].ID}) /call DonateBag
    /call ClaimBag
    /if (${donations} < ${loops}) /goto :startloop

Sub ClaimBag
    	/notify ClaimWnd ClaimFeatureList listselect ${Window[ClaimWnd].Child[ClaimFeatureList].List[Dreamweave Satchel]}
    	/delay 1s
    	/notify ClaimWnd ClaimClaimButton leftmouseup
    	/delay 7s ${Window[ConfirmationDialogBox].Open}
    	|/if (!${Window[ConfirmationDialogBox].Open}) /goto :startclaim
    	/nomodkey /notify ConfirmationDialogBox Yes_Button leftmouseup
		/delay 1s 
		/if (!${FindItem[Dreamweave Satchel].ID}) /goto :waitforbag
		/varcalc claims ${claims}+1

Sub DonateBag
	/itemnotify ${FindItem[Dreamweave Satchel].InvSlot} leftmouseup
	/delay 1s
	/notify TMW_DonateWnd TMW_DonateButton leftmouseup
	/delay 1s
	/varcalc donations ${donations}+1
	/echo Donations: ${donations}

Sub no_param
    /echo No Parameters were given
    /echo Usage:  /mac DonateBags BagNumber
    /echo Example:  /mac DonateBags 10

Sub windows_not_open
    /echo You must have the /claim window open, as well as the tribute window.  Please correct this and re-run the macro


Sub Event_NoEmptySlot
	/echo You must have a top level slot open. Please correct this and re-run the macro


Sub Event_LimitReached
	/echo Favor limit reached - you are full up!!

haha, I noticed this a couple of weeks ago but didn't give it a second thought. I tend to always stay full on tribute by surfing the bazaar. Glad it got posted :D

Anyways I copied the macro (ie by selecting all) as a clipboard item dropped it into MQ2 folder and tried to use it this morning. /mac DonateBags - however, got the message back could not open macro. My only thought is it could be the the description at the top by be blocking.
I am far from being a computer wiz - I just like to dabble. Would appreciate any help or direction.
Macros need a .mac extension in the file name and need to be in the MQ2\Macros folder.
Didn't they nerf the tribute value on the bag? Is this still working?
i don't have a Macros folder in my MacroQuest folder, so I could set one up . However, there are only a few items with MacroQuest folder period. Also I did save it as .mac file on the ext.