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  1. Coffee

    Before you ask for help...

    .. How To Ask Questions The Smart Way
  2. Coffee

    A best practice for downloading new compiles (re: MQ2PacketAPI questions)

    This appears to be an ongoing issue since this change was made. The immediate info is: If you still have MQ2PacketAPI.DLL in your MQ2 folder, you need to delete it. This file is no longer being put in the compile zips yet folks still have the plugin. Since this means you are keeping your...
  3. Coffee

    Mob Spawn, Respawn, and Lockout Timers

    Here is the list cleaned up. Adding timers will be an ongoing process of this community I hope. Help will be great! Please reply to this thread with any mobs or events missing, as well as any timers that are missing or up for debate. Respawn Timers Old World ---------------- Plane of Fear -...
  4. Coffee

    ALIASES: Your most creative, useful, or entertaining

    I haven't seen any hardcore threads where people post all the useful aliases they have created to get the job done without having to type a large amount of lines, ones that accomplish things through creative means, or ones that are outright funny. Here's mine to get it started: Ridiculous, but...
  5. Coffee

    Making EQBC a service.

    This will explain how to setup EQBC to run in Windows as a service. No more needing to start up the program manually, and it will remove the console window from displaying for those who find no need for it. It will run in the background open and ready to be connected to. This information can be...
  6. Coffee

    Ways to reduce system and EQ resources.

    By request I've converted this into a guide of recommendations. These recommendations will: -reduce system resources used, allowing more available memory and CPU time free for other programs, EQ being one of them -help your system run smoother as a whole -allow more copies of EQ to be loaded...
  7. Coffee

    How to know if you can group with your target, in game.

    So that people stop asking JJ how to calculate this in IRC every day. Copy/paste to your MacroQuest2.ini file under [Aliases] before entering game. (its too long to paste while running) /canwegroup=/multiline ; /if (${Target.Level}<=${Me.Level}) /if...
  8. Coffee

    They actually send this out....

    High quality MS paint skills over there.