How to know if you can group with your target, in game.


New member
Nov 9, 2006
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So that people stop asking JJ how to calculate this in IRC every day.

Copy/paste to your MacroQuest2.ini file under [Aliases] before entering game. (its too long to paste while running)

/canwegroup=/multiline ; /if (${Target.Level}<=${Me.Level}) /if (${Math.Calc[${Target.Level}*1.5+1]}>=${Me.Level}) /echo ${Target.CleanName} has a group limit of: ${Math.Calc[(((${Target.Level}*1.5)+1)\1)+1]} and we CAN group. ; /if (${Target.Level}<=${Me.Level}) /if (${Math.Calc[${Target.Level}*1.5+1]}<=${Me.Level}) /echo ${Target.CleanName} has a group limit of: ${Math.Calc[(((${Target.Level}*1.5)+1)\1)+1]} and we CANNOT group until they gain ${Math.Calc[(${Me.Level}\1)-${Math.Calc[(((${Target.Level}*1.5)+1)\1)+1]}]} more levels. ; /if (${Target.Level}>${Me.Level}) /if (${Math.Calc[${Me.Level}*1.5+1]}>=${Target.Level}) /echo ${Me.CleanName} has a group limit of: ${Math.Calc[(((${Me.Level}*1.5)+1)\1)+1]} and we CAN group. ; /if (${Target.Level}>${Me.Level}) /if (${Math.Calc[${Me.Level}*1.5+1]}<=${Target.Level}) /echo ${Me.CleanName} has a group limit of: ${Math.Calc[(((${Me.Level}*1.5)+1)\1)+1]} and we CANNOT group until I gain ${Math.Calc[(${Target.Level}\1)-${Math.Calc[(((${Me.Level}*1.5)+1)\1)+1]}]} more levels.
lowest level * 1.5 + 1, its a question of do you want to round down or up.

Way to completely miss the point and humour in this though. I am writing a ridiculously long alias that requires several calculations and comparisons to achieve its goal, all for a simple 3 value formula.

You are saying its not hard so I'm stupid for doing this. How is that funny? Its not.
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Hey, r2h, most people have a very hard time with anything that involves their brains.

Look at most of the posts on RG, and to some extent, here. Most people can't or won't take the time to read to solve their own goddamn problems, or don't have the intelligence to understand even when they do.
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or don't have the intelligence to understand even when they. do.

LOL, word.

Edit: BTW, I used TP's quote from your sig on the phone today. ISP was bullshitting with me. Told them don't waste my time. :cool: They didn't get it though.....*sigh*