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  1. S

    Want to attack npcs that have aggro on another grp...

    I have graduated to boxing 2 full groups but I have a problem with my Pallytank.mac. If the merc tank in other grp gets aggro before my pally does my pally will avoid it. I have been trying for a few days to solve this and have some questions related to it... What is this checking for? Seems...
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    BETA testing

    WOOT!!! 2 accounts accepted to Beta! If anyone else here wants to group with me send me a PM.
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    Mercenaries in new expansion....

    First it is only going to tanks and healers but eventually it will expand to other classes. I wonder if SOE's version of a botted healer/tank will be more efficient than a MQ'd one? Even if they are only passable in their roles it will allow those that can 3 box to now have a full group... How...
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    Avoid pet as target

    Many of my healing routines in my macros seem to want to target my Naggy pet(HP buff) when checking if I need a heal. Is there a way to make sure that does not happen?
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    Not bought here on the site so I did not post this in marketplace... Level 80 druid was stolen from my was then moved to Sarym server. If anyone here has purchased a druid recently and it is currently on Sarym please contact me. I am willing to buy account from you if you will...
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    targetting at a distance...

    How do I target a mob that is between 100 and 200 away from me? I can target mobs that are within a radius or zradius but would like to know how target outside of that radius. Something I can use in a hotkey would be nice but I could do it with a macro also...
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    MQ2Hud.ini question

    Is there a list of all timer names for abilities,combat abilityies and alt abilities? For example: ${Me.AltAbilityTimer[Divine Stun].TimeHMS} ${Me.CombatAbilityTimer[Armor of Righteousness RK. II].TimeHMS} Can I find these by opening a EQ file with a word processor or hex editor? I have found...
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    Running EQ from SD card

    I have a couple of 4 gig SD cards. I can plug them directly into my computer or access them with USB cardreader. Right now my EQ folder is larger than 4 gigs so I was wondering what I could trim out of the folder to try and run it from SD card. I do have WinEQ so possibly that could also...
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    If I start 4 EQ instances with WinEQ using profiles then I can the the windows and EQ seems to run well. However I do not get access to MQ2. Normal MQ2 commands do not work so I am confident it is not just a chat box display issue. If I start 4 EQ instances using EQ app then I can alt-tab...
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    Need help with follow mac

    I want to add follow capability to my macs. Here are the events that I would like to use and info about what I am trying to do. Can someone here help me with the code I need to accomplish this? The basic idea is to have my 5 boxed toons follow my puller when they get request in group. If we get...
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    Firewall/Router issues

    I just started my 9+ month project in Japan and the hotel I am staying at apparently is blocking the ports I need for EQ and Teamspeak. Below I have tried to give all the info I can think of that might help someone trying to help me. If you do not know how to fix firewall/router issues you can...
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    PoR lvl 70 spell

    Is Saga Skins the only way to get your "70" spell? Alla seems to say that 10 different quests will award the spell... If it can be gotten from other tasks which is the easiest? TIA
  13. S


    Can someone look at the ShowBonuses.mac and fix the info being displayed. Haste, Attack, DS, HP regen are not working. Possibly more... Also with can more items now be listed with this mac. ie Dogde, DS Mitigation... Thx
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    Record online video

    Anyone know of software that will allow me to record online video? I want to record Slingbox video that I stream from my home computer. TIA
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    Veteran reward

    Anyone hear any rumours about what the new veteran reward is going to be?
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    Buried Sea merchant faction

    I have seen a few things about some faction macros but would like some suggestions as to the best places to go. What missions are giving the best faction boosts? Are raids,groups or solo best for faction? How long (how many missions) does it take to max faction?
  17. S

    Need loop/declare help

    I am looking for some macro help with a targetting macro I am making. Basically I want to skip mobs that I can not hit and bypass mobs that have damaged me with DS. I would like to reduce the size of the subs. When I try incrementing and adding /next type lines I keep getting errors. I would...
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    Update Friday

    On Friday, February 16, 2007 at 4:00 am PST (5:00 am MST, 6:00 am CST, 7:00 am EST, -8.00 GMT), the EverQuest Servers will be coming down for an emergency update. The estimated downtime is 2 hours.
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    PvP strategy help needed

    When fighting a monk with my Pally in the Arena I have to much lag to stop him from constantly getting behind me. Even if I stand against the wall he can run all the way around me before I can turn 30 degrees... Anyone want to give me some arena pointers?
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    My nephews ranger and my sons warrior show Haste -100, my ranger shows Haste +40. Is it possible to have -haste? It seems that /mac showbonuses does not include any spell bonuses, is that correct? Thx