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  1. M

    Doors and if they are open

    Edit: Write a macro to check the doors state but maybe the sliding doors in the guild hall don't typically show their Open state like normal doors? For some reason all of those sliders show as false with ${Switch.Open}.
  2. M

    Any way to reconnect to channels?

    Is there a way to send a command to reconnect to the universal chat server without, camping, zoning or /fading?
  3. M

    Anyone else think RoF will be a piece of crap?

    From just the feedback alone and the posts by people who are in beta (posting on non SOE boards of course), Rain of Fear seems like it was a sloppy rush job, with really no thought. Copy/Pasted AA's (No new ones), many critical ones even neglected, zone's like Kael and a few others just reused...
  4. M

    Test Patch note

    I keep staring at this and think, I'm sure this will be interesting: *** Miscellaneous *** - Made several changes to the way EverQuest is compiled. Please keep an eye out for any strange behavior.
  5. M

    What makes GTT and Gina Ok

    I'm not questioning what makes MQ2 not ok, but frojm SoE's standpoint what makes programs like Gina and GTT ok? Here is what I'm thinking: Both read from log files and do not inject things into the client (or are they because they can send/extract triggers to EQ and do text overlays). They...
  6. M

    Watching for Event with Single quote

    I'm trying to watch for a tell and take the tell from the person and do stuff with it, but am having issues if the tell the send has a single quote in it. For example #Event EchoThis "#1# tells you, 'echothis #2#'" Sub Event_EchoThis(FullText, Sender, TheText) /echo ${Sender} said ${TheText}...
  7. M

    InvSlot for the inspect window

    Is there a way to call data from the inspect window using InvSlot? I've been using the window command... {Window[InspectWnd].Child[INSW_InvSlot5].Tooltip} But I need access to more of the data types that can be pulled by InvSlot and item. Example ${InvSlot[pack1].Item.Name} works...
  8. M

    Any see a pattern here?

    I'm looking at some data in EQ achievement links, I think somehow these translate to time. Taking a look below with the time on the left and the string on the right does anyone see a pattern here? I see 07 in there which is today's day part of the date, but maybe I'm seeing things. The hour...
  9. M

    Game on!

    Servers back online. New EXE though.
  10. M

    Variables in Non-Slash Commands

    Ok so... /declare ToonName local /varset ToonName Mrguy /tell ${ToonName} Hello Result: You tell Mrguy 'Hello' /declare ToonName local /varset ToonName Mrguy ;tell ${ToonName} Hello Result: Could not find player ${ToonName} Is there a way to send variables in a command to things that do...
  11. M

    Trigger Event Top of the Hour

    This is something I use, to make something happen at the top of every hour. I'm not sure it's the best way to go about it but here is what I do: | Figure out how many seconds until the next O'clock /varset HourTimer ${Math.Calc[3600-((${Time.Minute}*60)+${Time.Second})]}s | Timer Event...
  12. M

    Question: How many rows are in a list?

    Anyone know of a good way to get a count of how many rows are in a list of items in a window. For example how many rows there are in the guild roster list of people?
  13. M

    Looking for Guild and Player Window Anywhere

    Make new social Line one /windowstate LFGuildWnd Open Bind key to social Done
  14. M

    Getting data from non active tabs in windows

    This is one of those duhs that I had today but wanted to throw this out there in case anyone else is programming around a wall that isn't there. All of the information in a window is in memory as long as it's opened, even if the data in the window is hidden behind an active tab. For example...
  15. M

    Question: Echo when someone dies

    Anyone know of a quick loop that will echo back a person's name as soon as they die in the zone.
  16. M

    Heading Check Boggle

    I'm getting lost in brackets! I'm writing a simple mac and I'm screwing up the syntax. The condition I was is basically if my heading matches the direction I want to face to get to my target I get a beep. I have: /if (${Target.HeadingTo}.Equal[${Me.Heading}]}) /beep I'm getting an error...
  17. M

    Window List Length

    I'm just being dense but I can't figure it out. I want an int returned of how many items are in a point merchant window list. I'm going about it by trying to use: ${Window[NewPointMerchantWnd].Child[NewPointMerchant_ItemList].List.Length} But that of course is wrong, anyone got this answer...
  18. M

    Activate Tribute Window, Guild Page

    I have the tibute window open but want to click on the Guild tab to activate that page. Having a little trouble with it and can use a hand. /notify TributeBenefitWnd TBW_GuildPage leftmouseup That don't work
  19. M

    Inspect Distance

    Is there anyway to remove the distance limitation for inspecting people?
  20. M

    Link Hash

    Does anyone know how the hash is created for a EQ item link. Is it based on the ItemID and some other strings?