Watching for Event with Single quote


Big Gnobody
Mar 16, 2006
Reaction score
I'm trying to watch for a tell and take the tell from the person and do stuff with it, but am having issues if the tell the send has a single quote in it.

For example

#Event EchoThis "#1# tells you, 'echothis #2#'"

Sub Event_EchoThis(FullText, Sender, TheText)
/echo ${Sender} said ${TheText}

If I sent the tell "Isnt it nice today"

I would get an echo of "SoandSo said Isnt it nice today"

If I sent the tell "Isn't it nice today" I would get nothing.

My brains a little friend today and I know I worked around this before, I just cant think of it now.
#Event EchoThis "#1# tells you, #2#"

Sub Event_EchoThis(FullText, Sender, TheText)
/echo ${Sender} said ${TheText}

Try this
You might want to check out EQBC . It gives you a private chat interface inside EQ where you characters can pass messages. You can sent commands. Etc.

Generally faster then any EQ chat that has to go hit SOE and come back.

Its also a LOT safer because your data never touches their server, though I've never heard of anyone getting busted that way.