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    Kronos Selling kronos, FV pp and EoK rares.

    Krono: x1 atm, 10$ each. Current pp amount: 49 mil on FV server, 4$ a mil. EoK Rares: Scar: 75$ or kronos. Scar :: Items :: EverQuest :: ZAM Golden Soldier's Belt: 55$ or kronos. Golden Soldier's Belt :: Items :: EverQuest :: ZAM Payment method accepted: Paypal gift.
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    Plugin Summoning axes with bot plugin?

    Is there a downshit for summoning items up to say, 1000? or can it be done within the bot plugin itself? I just started my second zerker and summoning a 1000 axes a day for two is annoying. Help appreciated.
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    Plat Firiona Vie Plat. 7$ per mil.

    Firiona Vie Plat. Current stock of pp on FV is 100mil. 6$ per mil up to 10mil, 5$ per if 25mil+. Payment type accepted: Paypal friends and family only.
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    New clicky changes, a question.

    I get how to fix the ini to stop clickies from chain casting, but what do you do about the clickies you do want to use, such as illusions, or lizardplated girdle?
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    How do I change the familiar my wizard uses?

    I have read the wiki numerous times and I'm either missing something or it isn't mentioned. I tried changing the key value with... /bot SelfBuff1=Kerafyrm's Prismatic Familiar and it still casts the Icy familiar. Help appreciated.
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    Cleric casts quiet miracle and veterika's perseverance when full mana.

    Anyone know which setting I need to change? Also since the last mmobugs patch the cleric hasn't been using quiet miracle on my other toons and I'm having mana issues. [MQ2Bot] BotVersion=20150907.2010 BotCommandsOn= BotCommandsOff= AlwaysCheckAdds=0 RestrictedZones=344,202,151,345...
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    bot macro, mq2advpath, stick. Tank won't face mobs properly after pulling.

    I don't believe it's a bot macro issue as Pete mentioned it only use /attack on, which activates the melee plugin. Plus I'm using the same ini as before the problem started, which was after the latest mq2 was pushed out. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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    MQ2 plugin config won't save properly

    It gives me a message saying it can't save to macroquest.ini. Does anyone else have/had this issue?
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    Level 100 shaman bot & INI?

    I couldn't find one that's up to date in the class macro list. I just need one that will cast single and group heals, as well as slow mobs and keep the latest langour spell and wild growth on MT. Talisman of the Snow Leopard as well. Dots would be nice but not too worried. I really suck at...
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    Working RoF dev's Mage bot ini?

    I tried making my own ini from the example but it didnt work when i logged, in. The macro started up and gave errors. I'm a total noob to macros, but i'm trying!
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    How safe is buying pp atm? FV server?

    I have never had trouble in the past, I did the /trader and sold an item for the amount i purchased. I heard they are cracking down tho, is this true? Peace
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    Spammed this address in game, trustworthy?

    It's obvious by there spelling they are foreign, they have void e + iksar mask as a service tho, and i'd like to get it. Anyone used these guys before? Info appreciated. Peace
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    Crashing when i hide with hide/run on

    It happens every time too, instant crash. This plugin no longer work or is it just me?
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    Murdunkss Last Stand update = instant tier 5 merc?

    I have no other progression done but i have read this update gives you a tier 5, true? Thanks for replies in advance. Peace edit, or tier 4, whichever it it.
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    /zone questions

    Please direct me if this is all addressed somewhere. Ive done a good bit of reading and cant seem to find all the info im wondering about. When you /zone and chain zone multiple zones can you be seen for a split second in each zone you chain through? Where is it okay to chain zone and where...
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    Cant get any mq2 ui windows to show

    I ve added the mq2 ui and equi to a new ui file, even added the <included stuff>. But i load it in game and its my same old ui that shows up. Dunno what im doing wrong?