Search results

  1. OldOne

    How Much EQ Have You Played Without MQ2 Since Patch?

    Yup, same as most the others, I cant do without Played since the 2/3 night the game was live. At 5+ years I quit. But all the new & fixed stuff a few years later made me try again. It became fun too when I found MMOBugs!! I'll never go without again. I dont ever play till a compile is up. Have...
  2. OldOne

    Help- Is this a WoW Scam?!

    It IS for SURE a scam I sent it to Battlenet, and they said it was.
  3. OldOne

    Its driving me nuts

    Opps my bust this is about click problem not movement. Nothing to see here ... move along please. Open the mouse, remove the ball and clean off the contacts the ball activates. :) They collect link and crap on the rollers too. If not that take $10 and buy new mouse :(
  4. OldOne

    When did you realise ...

    1999 Was driving home from work, scanning the side of the road for orks.
  5. OldOne

    Making Use of the /notify and ingame windows

    YES very nicely done, thanks indeed
  6. OldOne

    Post your Holyshits and Downshits!

    Below is the shit I use for FP hope it helps. downshit3=/if (!${Me.Invis} && ${Me.PctMana}<90 && ${Me.CombatState.NotEqual[COMBAT]} && !${Me.Song[Focused Paragon of Spirits].ID} && ${Cast.Ready[Focused Paragon of Spirits]}) /macro H-Multi.mac 5 H-Multi.mac |...
  7. OldOne

    How to make a Hud.ini

    Powersource percentage I'm trying to display a currently equiped powersource's remaining power. And if removed, display nothing. This works fine if equipped, but gives a "Divide by zero in calculation" error if powersource is removed...
  8. OldOne

    Need a snip to ck a group of mobs HP's

    Any one have a snip that will check the HP's of a group of mobs in a defined radius and target the lowest? Is in .. pulling a group of mobs and while fighting checking the surrounding mobs HP's, changing target to the lowest HP mob.
  9. OldOne

    Ignoring users on MMOBugs

    Block Character Sales posts Ok .. my link to MMOBugs is: What I'd like to do is block all posts from Character Sales .. is this possible?
  10. OldOne

    Mullets and Their Negative Effect on Society in General - A Case Study

    Block Character Sales posts Ok .. my link to MMOBugs is: What I'd like to do is block all posts from Character Sales .. is this possible?
  11. OldOne

    Is class in group

    Need to determine (holyshit format) if .. in a group, is there a warrior in the group.
  12. OldOne

    Post your Holyshits and Downshits!

    Try this .. I highlighted your errors in red. (Holyshit: Commands will be exectuted when in combat, no casting going on and the cursor is free.). Is BuffDuration what you really want to test? holyshit1=/if (${Me.PctHPs}<=45 && !${Me.Buff[Defer Death Rk. II].ID}) /disc Defer Death Rk. II
  13. OldOne

    MQ2Melee - feigndeathIF

    feigndeathIF - can this be added? Seems like a natural. There certainly are times when you do NOT want feign to happen, like when your main tank in a group. Doing so normally results in angry words at best.
  14. OldOne

    Possible Server Downtime

    Suggestion .. if currently connected/authorized when checkin time rolls around, have it ignore further checkin attempts for like .. 4 hours if it can not connect to the server... lol. Do not unauthorize due to server connections. Modify the time (realistically) as required for maintenance...
  15. OldOne

    Possible Server Downtime

    Does the above mean if you're already (connected) logged in, your good? Or does the Loader re-authorize for some reason after logging in? And if so .. how often? I've been getting some unusal firewall notices about the Loader.
  16. OldOne

    Find Item ID

    Is there a way to find an item's ID without having it on the cursor? ${FindItem[whatever].InvSlot} -- only seems to work with a item name.
  17. OldOne

    Window Name

    Thanks, found the window, been thru it 15 times .. no close button. Only way I found besides /keypress is to use: /windowstate TaskWnd close
  18. OldOne

    Window Name

    I give up .. can anyone tell me how to find a window name? I'm looking for the name for the "Quest Journal / Current tasks" (I want to test if it's open, then close it). But would really like to know the way to find any EQ window name.
  19. OldOne

    Plugin: MQ2Feedme

    Use it everyday, never had a problem.
  20. OldOne

    Powersource Macro

    Hate it when I answer myself .. ${FindItem[=Misty Energeian Light Orb].Power}