Zeixshi`Kar Ice wing dragon Crystallos


Mar 27, 2006
Reaction score
Any info you got head beating wall at this point been at this encounter for a good while now and can't beat it. thanks in advance.
the event it self is very simple and easy...... 2 or 3 ways to beat the event 1 is using the ember from fire wing to defrost anyone that has gotten hit. pm will tell you the rest
Post the strat in the raid strat section? crazy talk!
I would love a full strat on this guy.
Am not sure why people want to keep this guy so "hush hush" really. He's about as straight forward of any event in the zone.

Every few mins he gives off a emote, and shortly after he will do 3 waves of frontal ae. Call your dps and such off when the emote happens. After the 3rd wave is done, then call your dps and such back into the fight. The ae turns people into golems and gives them DA. It can be cursed with crystals you pick up off the ground in fire wing. Takes 3 different people to click the person in golem form for cure. Otherwise you can just let it wear off. When the emote comes you need your tanks spread out they cant all be standing in 1 spot otherwise your entire tank team gets frozen and you get fucked.

At the start of the fight have someone run in DA so that person takes another ae by themself. This AE is a spell slow / snare. After its cast let them call everyone into the room.

Oh and he feign deads your tanks as well. Its a really shitty fight for tanks as keeping agro is pretty tough. VoT from SK's on warriors is always nice.

Thats about it honestly. Its a annoying fight but absolutely nothing hard at all about learning to do the event.
sure there is then only he gets the 1st ae slow and your set for a few mins
The more you make something simple the easier they become but thats just my opinion.
Just let your entire raid including MT be frozen and wait it out. You can try to dps between freezes or just park everyone on the front until say 20% then burn. As for agro it is very tricky, warriors can keep agro if you have a couple of them fight for agro. Heals need to be consistant on all tanks fighting for agro though.
Just let your entire raid including MT be frozen and wait it out. You can try to dps between freezes or just park everyone on the front until say 20% then burn. As for agro it is very tricky, warriors can keep agro if you have a couple of them fight for agro. Heals need to be consistant on all tanks fighting for agro though.

While the 'getting everyone frozen' works currently (no word on if they ninja fixed it with 9/3 patch but my bet is no) it always seems to be cutting it close at the end. I would advocate at least trying the way that it's intended. If your tanks aren't able to pull that off, then use the freeze. The only reason I say this is, because I think one day this will be fixed and the freeze will result in an ensuing deathtouch; thus all of the time you used a broken mechanic to essentially win the raid is wasted and you need to start all over in really getting down how to do this fight.

Essentially with the freeze all method, you're losing about 60+ seconds of DPS between the 3 pulses of freeze ending and the minute left waiting for the mez to wear off which elongates the fight.

This is coming from a person in a guild who DOES currently use the 'freeze all' strategy so i'm not insulting those who do by any means.