wizard dps


Never Trust a Rogue
Dec 9, 2008
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Curious what people are doing with wizard adps. I have a chanter in my group playin twincast and mana recip as well as casting IoG whenever it is up. My lineup is:

1. Claw
2. Dichomotic
3. Fuse
4. Ethereal
5. Cloudburst

Dps is in the 30 - 40 k range. I am sure I could be doing better than this :( Any suggestions very much appreciated!
I think your weave order might need to be :

1. Claw
2. Dichotomic (best dps spell now?)
3. Cloudburst (previously best dps spell before dichotomic)/ Magmatic Burst if single target (better than cloudburst)
4. Fuse
5. Ethereal

And ofcourse, the force line between global cooldowns.
claw of flameweaver
ethereal fire
cloudburst stormstrike

twincast / burn

ethereal fuze
ethereal fire
ethereal rimeblast

gift of mana hit ditcotonic

here is a little tip
!${Me.Buff[Twincast].ID} || !${Me.Buff[Improved Twincast IV].ID}
add that to claw and cloudburst and it will bypass those when twincast is running
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claw of flameweaver
ethereal fire
cloudburst stormstrike

twincast / burn

ethereal fuze
ethereal fire
ethereal rimeblast

gift of mana hit ditcotonic

here is a little tip
!${Me.Buff[Twincast].ID} || !${Me.Buff[Improved Twincast IV].ID}
add that to claw and cloudburst and it will bypass those when twincast is running

This is a really bad way to run a 105 wizard.

Cloudburst/Magmatic burst were or are the best dps spells so you want that as the 2nd spell you cast (I'm not sure about Dichotomic on how it stacks vs those in terms of dps). Slot #2 in your weave should be your best dps spell as that would be the 2nd spell that gets cast the most over a period of time, whether its Dichotomic or Cloudburst that is yet to be seen.


You would never ever NOT want to twincast claw, in fact that is one of the reasons why its the first spell in your weave. Twincasting claw increases the chance of continuously casting twincast over again. The other reason why you cast it first is because it resets global cooldowns, i.e. harvest and you can add dichotomic now too (60 sec refresh). By ensuring its first in your line up, you are ensuring you are casting more claws than any other spell in your weave.

Wizard DPS in The Darkened Sea

The order I listed in the previous post is what the consensus is from most wizards, I did extensive reading on it about 3 months back when I redid my wizard ini and my group wizard dps has dramatically improved.
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By the way. I've always had the intent of revisiting weaves/gift of mana usage. So if you identify a better way to build the mousetrap, I can take a look at implementing it.
claw of flameweaver
ethereal fire
cloudburst stormstrike

twincast / burn

ethereal fuze
ethereal fire
ethereal rimeblast

gift of mana hit ditcotonic

here is a little tip
!${Me.Buff[Twincast].ID} || !${Me.Buff[Improved Twincast IV].ID}
add that to claw and cloudburst and it will bypass those when twincast is running

This is a really bad way to run a 105 wizard.

Cloudburst/Magmatic burst were or are the best dps spells so you want that as the 2nd spell you cast (I'm not sure about Dichotomic on how it stacks vs those in terms of dps). Slot #2 in your weave should be your best dps spell as that would be the 2nd spell that gets cast the most over a period of time, whether its Dichotomic or Cloudburst that is yet to be seen.


You would never ever NOT want to twincast claw, in fact that is one of the reasons why its the first spell in your weave. Twincasting claw increases the chance of continuously casting twincast over again. The other reason why you cast it first is because it resets global cooldowns, i.e. harvest and you can add dichotomic now too (60 sec refresh). By ensuring its first in your line up, you are ensuring you are casting more claws than any other spell in your weave.

Wizard DPS in The Darkened Sea

The order I listed in the previous post is what the consensus is from most wizards, I did extensive reading on it about 3 months back when I redid my wizard ini and my group wizard dps has dramatically improved.

why do you think its the best way to run a wizard. do you have parse numbers for the both? i will test it up and see whats up with the dps.
and dicho spell is deff a gift of mana spell ... 17k mana yea
Because that is what the consensus from people who know more about the class then I do and looks like yourself too from the way you quoted your weave. Read those threads I linked.

I never said anything about not using Dichotomic with GoM, that would depend entirely on your mana pool. But I did mention about your not casting claw when you had twincast up, which is really bad info.
oh yea was not trying to be a dick about it just makes more logical sense to hit your 29k+ nukes on twincast and fuze when its up ... i played wizard since hot and just started raiding him about 4 months ago?

yea i checked the links gonna check it out and see what kind of numbers i can run
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Great info here. Since I box 6 toons, I'm a journeyman when it comes to maxing out my wizard's firepower so I'm always looking for tips like these.

One question: why does the expert on the DBG forums recommend keeping up:

Ethereal Hoarfrost


Ethereal Rimeblast

The first spell is level 99 versus 104 for the second spell, which appears to be an upgrade. The recourse effects are a little different but same principle. The level 104 does more damage so it seems like a no-brainer to go with it.

The guy's an expert (so he says and I believe him) and clearly he has the 104 spell so I'm wondering what's the deal.

(Also note that Prolonged Destruction is no longer an AA, having been merged into Frenzied Devastation since that post was made.)

He also doesn't mention the Veteran AA Intensity of the Resolute, which I believe stacks with everything. (Correction: IoR does not stack with Illusions of Grandeur, so that might explain why he doesn't use it.)

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Hmm good question maybe someone who plays a wizard on these forums would know.

I don't use the cold ethereal in my weave, because everything recycles to the top of the list before you even get down to the cold one. I suppose you could add an exception to cast it when GoM is up to conserve mana if you are running into mana issues and add it in that way to your lineup, but I'm not having mana issues at all with 75k mana pool (non-prestige gear).

The weave I mentioned above drastically improved my dps, I omit the force spells even when there are global cooldown timers (I am not sure if they get twincast, but figured you'd want the biggest burst while twincast is up, i.e. best dmg nukes) when twincast is up, and include cloudburst on twincast since its instant cast and you only have roughly ~18s of twincast. Before my weave was:

1. Claw
2. Ethereal
3. Ethereal
4. Ethereal

Which actually seems like it would be the best, but it isn't.

They seemed to have nerfed wizards too when they consolidated Prolonged Devestation. I was critting for ~350k on Ethereal Fuse (Rank I), sometimes ~700k if it got twincast. Now, its ~300k/600k.
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have not had time to mess around with the spells yet. the forces do not count against twincast. not sure why anyone would use the older ethereal cold nuke, however, mana burn is AMAZING now.

what lineup are you using aspire? and what are your sustained dps numbers in groups?
I don't know my sustained numbers as I don't have the log file turned on.
But my total combat time has dropped by about 9-11 secs with nothing else changing, so it has to be pretty drastic. Killing the same mob with same amount of hitpoints to test, my combat time went from ~36-37s to 22-25s

I'm still using the TDS setup, as I haven't had a chance to redo my ini yet again, plus waiting on maximizing aa again for TBM aa's before I redo it.

I saw mana burn but not sure how I'd ever incorporate it with a 60k mana hit.
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The mana burn hit is 32k and with mana-saving focuses my hit drops to about 20k. Still not sure it's worth it, though. More of a raid spell since it boosts the damage output of the next 500 spells hitting the mob. In group play, there aren't any mobs that take close to 500 nukes to kill. LOL

It's on my to-do list to test the damage boost from mana burn but it's not enough to be easily noticed just eyeballing logs. I haven't maxed out the AA, either, so maybe it works better maxed out, in terms of dps.
Its not even worth it if its 20k mana cost, ~30 min reuse, so calculate the dps out with the efficiency and its god awful. If the reuse timer was below 5 minutes along with GoM usable, sure then its something to think about.

I know I can do 2.4 million dmg on my wizard just with my current weave in about 2 minutes and still continously sustain over 75% mana forever, so this aa is pointless to cast as I see it as you will have to med unless you just have massive mana regen along with a massive mana pool.
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yeah mana burn really is a raid only spell i think, but still fun to hit once in a while haha.
Mana burn is 2.4m damage for 60k mana with 500 proc debuff that does 20k per proc you proc it by casting spells on the mob. Its only for raids/named.

Wizards can crit the proc for 150k and other classes that get crit spell AAs can also crit it for 100k + If you do the math on 500 procs on a raid boss you can add 20-50m damage to the mob from just that debuff.

[48954/8450] Mana Burn XVI
Classes: WIZ/254
Skill: Melee
Mana: 60000
Target: Single
Range: 200'
Resist: Magic -1000
Focusable: No
Trigger Spell DS: No
Reflectable: No
Casting: 3s
Duration: 2m (20 ticks), Dispelable: No, Allow Fast Regen: No
Hate: 120000
Max Hits: 500 Matching Spells
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 19200
2: Limit Target: Exclude Lifetap
3: Limit Target: Exclude Target AE Lifetap
4: Limit Effect: Exclude Resource Tap
5: Decrease Current HP by 2400000
6: Mana Burn up to 1 damage
7: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 6 is 'Mana Burn' and < 100000
Text: You are struck by an enormous blast of magical energies.
Increases the damage dealt by the next 500 incoming direct-damage spells by #1 points.

Damage on the proc is 19.2k tested it on a combat dummy a level 1 nuke procs it for 150k ish on a wizard.
I keep trying to figure out how to use this in group play on a named mob. Someone mentioned earlier that it uses less mana with focus effects and preservation,. But, I am not seeing any mana savings from casting this, it flat out takes away exactly 60k mana for me. I didn't see focus effects working on it, and after checking if it was focusable it is not.

How much hp do TBM namers have? anyone know a rough estimate from a couple of parses?

I suppose if you can drop the hp% of a namer by 50% it could be useful as it would save that much combat time. But, my wizard only has ~75k mana lol.
Could always load up older spells to chase for spell procs.
I keep trying to figure out how to use this in group play on a named mob. Someone mentioned earlier that it uses less mana with focus effects and preservation,. But, I am not seeing any mana savings from casting this, it flat out takes away exactly 60k mana for me. I didn't see focus effects working on it, and after checking if it was focusable it is not.

How much hp do TBM namers have? anyone know a rough estimate from a couple of parses?

I suppose if you can drop the hp% of a namer by 50% it could be useful as it would save that much combat time. But, my wizard only has ~75k mana lol.

My parses may suck (I use GamPars and these are from wizard), but for mobs like The Sleepbringer, I'm seeing 7 to 8 million.
Mana burn is 2.4m damage for 60k mana with 500 proc debuff that does 20k per proc you proc it by casting spells on the mob. Its only for raids/named.

Wizards can crit the proc for 150k and other classes that get crit spell AAs can also crit it for 100k + If you do the math on 500 procs on a raid boss you can add 20-50m damage to the mob from just that debuff.

[48954/8450] Mana Burn XVI
Classes: WIZ/254
Skill: Melee
Mana: 60000
Target: Single
Range: 200'
Resist: Magic -1000
Focusable: No
Trigger Spell DS: No
Reflectable: No
Casting: 3s
Duration: 2m (20 ticks), Dispelable: No, Allow Fast Regen: No
Hate: 120000
Max Hits: 500 Matching Spells
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 19200
2: Limit Target: Exclude Lifetap
3: Limit Target: Exclude Target AE Lifetap
4: Limit Effect: Exclude Resource Tap
5: Decrease Current HP by 2400000
6: Mana Burn up to 1 damage
7: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 6 is 'Mana Burn' and < 100000
Text: You are struck by an enormous blast of magical energies.
Increases the damage dealt by the next 500 incoming direct-damage spells by #1 points.
Damage on the proc is 19.2k tested it on a combat dummy a level 1 nuke procs it for 150k ish on a wizard.

Need to find spells that have a 0-1 sec cast time, and chain cast those. Also did the force aa line get the proc added to it? Cause you could do a mix of 0-1 sec cast time spells with force in between to really just chain those procs. Also, wonder if it works on item nukes. Think there might be 1-2 clickies out there with 1 sec cast time, so no global cool down timer and you need to finish of 500 procs in 2 minutes, that would be the best dps I could think of if it worked on item clicks.
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