Where to farm plat in CoV


Premium Member
Sep 26, 2010
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Returned to bristlebane, I'm having trouble figuring out how to make plat with CoV expansion. Everything seems to be no drop. Any advice on what I can farm to make some plat? Full group sk/necro/sham/monk/bard/cleric 115. All the gear from t1 is no drop also the crafting mats I've found so far are worthless. Thanks in advance
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Its fairly easy to get CoV TS and collectables via overseer and since its two going on 3x expansions old there isn't going to be a lot of demand.

Another option is to pick some older zones that have a lot of trash mobs that drop things that can sold to the vendors and grind out that stuff. Down side there are many. If you do it while at the keyboard its boring as FK. If you do it while AFK you risk getting petitioned.

Third option is to buy and sell items to other players. Spam general offering to buy a krono at what ever the lowest possible rate is and hope you get lucky, then resell during peak hours. Not my idea of fun.

Or just bite the bullet and drop $10 to buy a krono and sell it for 5m+ or what ever they are going for on your server. Depending on how much you value your time ....
IMO, Better off going back one expansion to ToV. All Tier 1 equipment and items are droppable, then sell in Bazaar for plat.

ToV even has T1 missions such as Grikor the restless, and Restless Assault (if you have a group capable of them). If not, there’s named in East Coast Wastes and Great Divide.
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Thanks for the info. I went the krono route hehe
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