Warrior AC


Feb 29, 2008
Reaction score
My team consist of all level 100's w/o the lastest expansion TDS. All are maxed out on aa's . Currently working on acquiring AC augs for my warrior. How much AC should a grp and raid warrior have to be viable and survive CoTF names ie Argin Hiz

Stuck presently in Breeding Grounds on Velishan. Rare mob - popped twice and no augment
AC isn't really a concern in tanking group content :) Just hit last stand/no time to bleed and you can tank almost anything.
My 105 warrior is @10600 ac buffed up (shaman/cleric/clickies....no hybrid buffs). With field protector and stout defense going and all tribute's on, he's at 12,995ac. Not sure where his ac is unbuffed, but probably like 9600. No raid gear at all, pretty much maxed out on group gear and augs. Maybe a tiny bit more room for improvement.

I tank all the group nameds easily, but I always split my group and have a healer merc/cleric bot/shaman bot watching my warrior. I usually do last stand or NoTTB, not both. Some Arx camps have multiple nameds in a small area and respawns are 5 minutes, so I don't always have last stand up. With three healers, I don't need a defensive disc.
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AC isn't really a concern in tanking group content :) Just hit last stand/no time to bleed and you can tank almost anything.

This. The warrior can out tank any knight class without a contest. Even if I had 20k more hp and 2k more ac on my shadowknight, the warrior would still win, well cause the innate mitigation is like 25%? (can't remember of top of my head) and the aa's and discs are just phenomenal for tanking.

My warrior can handle 3 mobs in tier 3 TDS, while my sk can only handle 1 mob in tier 3 , with roughly the same stats, so that gives you an idea..
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AC isn't really a concern in tanking group content :) Just hit last stand/no time to bleed and you can tank almost anything.

This. The warrior can out tank any knight class without a contest. Even if I had 20k more hp and 2k more ac on my shadowknight, the warrior would still win, well cause the innate mitigation is like 25%? (can't remember of top of my head) and the aa's and discs are just phenomenal for tanking.

My warrior can handle 3 mobs in tier 3 TDS, while my sk can only handle 1 mob in tier 3 , with roughly the same stats, so that gives you an idea..

Totally agree. A group warrior can out tank my raid SK.