

New member
Jul 21, 2008
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I have a couple of questions about warp.

1. I use the map to highlight a spawn and then I hit /warp t. The problem is now my map is goofed up because it doesn't resync to my new location. I have to manually click on the "map current" button and then scroll in or out to get the map to the right focus. Is there a way to make the map move automatically with me when I warp? It isn't too much of a pain to hit map current, the PITA is having to re-focus the map because map current will remove the zoom.

2. I created a macro that I use when I want to warp to my target and kill it. It is:

Go Kill
/warp t

When I hit the macro I warp to the mob, attack turns on, but I don't swing. I have to target myself or another mob, then re-target the mob and then manually click attack. Is there a way around this?

3. I would like to be able to warp across the zone to an npc corpse and loot it. The problem I have is although the map shows no one around the corpse, when I get there, people are there. I understand that the map doesn't update real time for far away places. My question is, is there a way to check for pcs near your target before warping?

4. This is a continuation of question three. Does MQ2Stealth keep other players from seeing me? So if there is no way to check for pcs near my target, could I use MQ2Stealth to warp over, look around and warp back if I see company? Can I loot while in stealth mode and not be seen?
2. You need a delay after the warp before turning on attack. 1s should be plenty.

3. The client is not supplied with zone-wide real-time location data for every spawn, just your target and your group. Everything else is based on a radius. You can warp above the target ala "loc ${Target.Y} ${Target.X} ${Math.Calc[${Target.Z}+200]}" but this doesn't work in some zones and anyone using MQ2 will see that you arrived as a dot on the map.

4. Stealth stops players from seeing you run around, but it does not fix the location problem. You can be stealth, see the situation as all clear, and then when you loot suddenly you are surrounded by a group. You will blink at the corpse so any group nearby will see you looting for roughly a second.

The best answer to #3 and #4 is, if there is another group in the zone, don't do this type of behavior. You're going to get caught sooner or later.
Yes you can loot while stealthed. You will only glimpse at the corpse you are looting.

If you have stealth on you can warp anywhere in the zone and no one will know. You will still look like you are standing back at the place you turned stealth on.
Instead of pressing map current, press the blank button in the middle of the 4 arrow direction buttons on the map window (mine's in the upper right corner). This re-centers the map on your character without affecting your zoom settings.
Yeah you will be seen.
On Drinal, in Underquarry some monk was checking my corpses near Envoy Frindar from the zone in.
I was watching him warp back and forth. This was a week or two ago.
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