Warning on Tower Harpies

btwn events 1 and 2 - Tell raid to move to corner of mindblight room closest to corner hallway leading to event 2. Have a rogue officer sos to the other side and drop banner or cleric da/insta da officer ru nto drop banner. Then aetl and zone into 2 active mobs and 2 others that need killing ... have enchanters rdy to mez

btwn events 3 and 4 - tell raid to move to corner of stasis room closest to corner that right outside door to event 4. Rogue officer drops banner, aetl, zone into 2 mobs who overwrite clarity ... make sure enchanters are rdy to mez

btwn events 4 and 5 - have a da class train the mobs away from the first room out from event 4, run raid to the opposite corner from dt 4 room and have a sos rogue officer drop the banner right inside of event 5 in the corner. aetl and when rdy zone into the event with the mezzable and non-mezzable adds and the named popping on you...gotta have skilled enchanters to make the transition smooth

after event 5 is complete, drop dz and get new one to remove all the remaining trash
heeh we clear trash 1-2, not really that much to skip....rest we scoot right by
Well according to the patch notes Sony finally fixed these things, but then again just cause they said they fixed something doesnt mean it is...