Vanilla Plugin in Loader Option


Oct 22, 2006
Reaction score
Hey Guys,

After the warning from SoE I try not to keep anything active loaded, but would it be possible to have some type of option in the loader that would hide the active? I'm worried about loading one by mistake or forgetting one that is.

Thank you,

yes plx i miss melee if anything and map its only thing i would load if i can
Open your Macroquest folter, open Macroquest.ini and replace your [Plugins] with this.

It should be pretty much everything you need to run most macros.. and I don't believe anything is active. It is what I use on all my toons and I haven't been hit at all.

Some of the more advanced MQ'ers could probably give you a better way, but this is a simple solution, I think.. :p

Or, Right Click on the MMOLoader icon in your task bar and choose Plugin Configuration. Then use the nice GUI the devs here have made for just that purpose and click off any plugin you choose not to use.

You can go as vanilla or not as you like
I wrote this about 6 months ago. I thought it was added to wiki, but couldn't find it. Hopefully it helps you out.

Fry said:
1 Star - Passive, Client side only, no way to be detected, They would have to detect MacroQuest2 to detect it (IE MQ2DPS, just displaying information for you based on client information)

2 Stars - Has interactions with your character, but will look normal (IE MQ2FeedMe auto clicking food when needed which looks like you are just doing it yourself)

3 Stars - Alters your character ingame, those that look very closely could figure it out. 3 Star plugins would be a little more obvious looking than 2 star. (IE MQ2DoCrack, NoMeleePushBack, your character isn't getting proper pushback, or MQ2MoveUtils, your Character is sticking a certain distance from a mob)

4 Stars - Actively makes your character do what it shouldn't be able to do. (IE MQ2MMOWarp, MQ2PiggyZone, Warping or zoning your character instantly)

5 Stars - Plugins which are fairly risky and have attracted suspensions recently or have a very high chance of suspensions. (IE MQ2GetMission - They can detect invalid getmission packets, MQ2MMOKite - This may trigger a ghostkill check, MQ2Reachit - FarTaunt gets detected as ghostkilling)

Please note, if you do something dumb like warp in front of players, /zone when your not anon, talk about MQ2 ingame, or get reported for any reason these plugin risk assesment will be useless for you. Cheat Smarter.

MQ2AASpend - 3 Stars - Uses packet sending which makes it borderline 4 Stars
MQ2AdvBeep - 1 Star - Clientside beeping only
MQ2AdvLoot - 4 Stars
MQ2AdvPacks - 3 Stars
MQ2AdvPath - 3 Stars
MQ2AutoAcceptTrades - 2 Stars
MQ2AutoAFK - 3 Stars
MQ2AutoBuff - 3 Stars
MQ2AutoClip - 1 Stars - Just alters clipping range client side
MQ2AutoDestroy - 2 Stars
MQ2AutoForage - 2 Stars
MQ2AutoGroup - 2 Stars
MQ2AutoLogin - 1 Star
MQ2AutoRez - 2 Stars
MQ2AutoSize - 3 Stars
MQ2AutoSkills - 2 Stars
MQ2Bandolier - 2 Stars
MQ2BardSwap - 3 Stars
MQ2BoundTLO - 1 Star
MQ2BuffBlock - 3 Stars
MQ2Bzsrch - 2 Stars - Could rank this 4 as it uses packet sending.
MQ2CapsLock - 2 Stars
MQ2Cast - 2 Stars
MQ2CastTimer - 1 Star
MQ2CEcho - 1 Star
MQ2CharNotes - 1 Star
MQ2Chat - 1 Star
MQ2ChatFilter - 1 Star
MQ2ChatWnd - 1 Star
MQ2ChuckNorris - 3 Stars
MQ2Clickies - 2 Stars
MQ2ClickMaint - 2 Stars
MQ2Clip - 1 Star
MQ2CLoot - 4 Stars - Uses packets to loot
MQ2CompassUtils - 1 Star
MQ2Crypto - 3 Stars
MQ2Cursor - 3 Stars
MQ2CustomBinds - 1 Star
MQ2CustomSound - 1 Star
MQ2Debuffs - 1 Star
MQ2DoCrack - 3 Stars (Possible 4?)
MQ2Doors - 4 Stars - Removes doors from zones so makes you look like you are hacking ingame
MQ2DPS - 1 Star - Just displays information clientside
MQ2DPSAdv - 1 Star - Just displays information clientside
MQ2EQBC - 1 Star
MQ2EQBugFix - 1 Star
MQ2EQIM - 1 Star
MQ2ETrack - 1 Star
MQ2Events - 2 Stars
MQ2Exchange - 2 Stars
MQ2Fakelink - 3 Stars
MQ2FamKiller - 3 Stars
MQ2FeedMe - 2 Stars
MQ2FilterSet - 1 Star
MQ2Focii - 1 Star
MQ2Fog - 1 Star
MQ2FPS - 1 Star
MQ2G15 - 1 Star
MQ2GamParseHelper - 1 Star
MQ2GemTimer - 1 Star
MQ2GetMission - 5 Stars - They have been watching invalid getmission requests in the past.
MQ2GMCheck - 1 Star - Just displays information clientside.
MQ2GZone - 5 Stars
MQ2HoverInfo - 1 Star
MQ2HUD - 1 Star
MQ2HUDMove - 1 Star
MQ2InstanceKill - 2 Stars
MQ2Irc - 1 Star
MQ2ItemDisplay - 1 Star
MQ2Krust - 1 Star
MQ2Labels - 1 Star
MQ2Languages - 3 Stars
MQ2LinkDB - 1 Star
MQ2Log - 1 Star
MQ2Loops - 1 Star
MQ2Main - 1 Star
MQ2Map - 2 Stars
MQ2Mastermind - 3 Stars
MQ2Melee - 3 Stars
MQ2Missing - 1 Star
MQ2MMOBugs - 1 Star
MQ2MMODPS - 1 Star
MQ2MMOFastMem - 4 Stars
MQ2MMOKite - 5 Stars
MQ2MMONoWelcome - 2 Stars
MQ2MMOPopup - 1 Star
MQ2MMOText - 1 Star
MQ2MMOTLO - 1 Star
MQ2MMOWarp - 4 Stars
MQ2MMOXp - 1 Star
MQ2MoveUtils - 3 Stars
MQ2NameSay - 1 Star
MQ2Navigation - 3 Stars
MQ2NetBots - 1 Star
MQ2NetHeal - 1 Star
MQ2NoGoto - 2 Stars
MQ2NoMountModels - 3 Stars
MQ2NoStun - 4 Stars
MQ2NoSummon - 4 Stars
MQ2NoWelcome - 1 Stars
MQ2Otd - 1 Star
MQ2PCCheck - 1 Star
MQ2PCSafety - 1 Star
MQ2PiggyZone - 5 Stars
MQ2PluginMan - 1 Star
MQ2Pop - 1 Star
MQ2PowerSource - 2 Stars
MQ2ReachIt - 5 Stars (Because of /fartaunt)
MQ2RelayTells - 3 Stars
MQ2RemoteCamp - 2 Stars
MQ2RemoveDet - 3 Stars
MQ2Reward - 2 Stars
MQ2Rez - 3 Stars
MQ2SetRace - 3 Stars
MQ2ShitList - 2 Stars
MQ2Shutdown - 1 Star
MQ2Size - 3 Stars
MQ2SpawnMaster - 1 Star
MQ2SpeedUtils - 4 Stars
MQ2SpellHotkeys - 1 Star
MQ2SpellSearch - 1 Star
MQ2SpellTimer - 1 Star
MQ2Stealth - 4 Stars
MQ2SuperCast - 4 Stars
MQ2SwitchChar - 3 Stars
MQ2Targets - 1 Star
MQ2TaskAddAccept - 2 Stars
MQ2Telnet - 1 Star
MQ2Timer - 1 Star
MQ2TimerColor - 1 Star
MQ2TimeStamp - 1 Star
MQ2Tooltip - 1 Star
MQ2Tracking - 1 Stars - Client side only
MQ2TributeManager - 1 Stars - Does it via window calls, Client Only.
MQ2Twist - 2 Stars
MQ2Vendors - 1 Star
MQ2ViewPort - 1 Star
MQ2VladUtil - 2 Stars
MQ2VoiceCommand - 1 Star
MQ2Web - 1 Stars
MQ2WickedSpeed - 4 Stars
MQ2Winamp - 1 Star
MQ2WinTitle - 1 Star
MQ2XPTracker - 1 Star
MQ2ReachIt - 5 Stars (Because of /fartaunt)

They must have put a movements per *timeframe detection, that if you don't have (*) this many movements per this much time it doesn't flag, maybe? This is the one thing that is just boggling my mind as to how this, of all things, is not being the main flag people are freaking about. Well.. this and /zone + /gate.
Wounder how many used AASpend over the last few weeks. Got suspended.
ok just to get this starigh MAP - MELEE are ok ? i mean im always behind the keyboard when i play just dont want to be hiting as many keys why melee and map well makes it easy to roam around.
ok just to get this starigh MAP - MELEE are ok ? i mean im always behind the keyboard when i play just dont want to be hiting as many keys why melee and map well makes it easy to roam around.
Yeah, that's fine man.
so basically no move utils, reachit etc etc anything that would make the character move wierd and not '/stick to the mob turn all that off and you pretty much ok just using map and the melee stuff suck as fieldoutfitter commanding voice taunt disarm that kind of stuff?
By the time our release is out today, I'll have loader update pushed - which will show you a Type (Active/Passive) and a Risk, if it's Active (Low/Med/High).

I'll also update the top part of the Config window, to give a basic description of what those mean for you.



I would really like to thank you for putting that in! Really appreciate it. There were some like clipping I was using that I will turn off.

thank you,