Titanium AA's


Destroyer of Man
Oct 2, 2005
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ok all, I am currently trying to get Titanium AA's up and running for eq emu. I need to know how to find the OP_codes. Does anyone know how to do this?
make the change in titanium.conf file

no point though, they are able to be viewed but dont acually work.

so I wouldnt even bother, while users cant see the AA's they cant bitch that they dont work :)
I already got my soulbinders to work. Not many servers can say that. LOL
  if($mname =~ /^Soulbinder/{

    if($text=~/Hail/i){quest::say("Greetings $name. I am placed here to serve the Lord Yoda. Should you wish me to [bind your soul] to this location, then let it be so !");}
    if($text=~/bind my soul/i) {
      quest::say("The force is strong with you, you are now bound to this location.");

Isnt hard at all really :confused:
I just got my augmentations up and running. YAY!!!
Share the love Darg, I havent even touched them yet but a working version would rock.
Both of those fixes are posted on eqemu.

Yoda, the perl script is there and worked prior to 821 release. In 821 and all after, they broke the canbind query in zonedb.cpp which affects the ability to bind in zones.

The SoulBinder/ Bind Affinity fix is just to // out line 115 in zonedb.cpp. What it actually fixes is the canbind field. Then of course, you have to re-compile it. This is still not fixed in the 841 release.

To get your Augs to work, albeit not properly, but at least you can insert them and they stay and add to whatever they are suplementing, change this in Titanium.conf OP_AugmentItem=0x000 to OP_AugmentItem=0x539b. You have to ESC out of teh Aug Sealer and zone for anyone else to use it.. but it's a start. Or, just download the new release and copy the .conf file from it.

Also, in 841 you can start actually buying the AA's, but it too is not perfect, but it's a start. YOu max em out but when you zone you have 1 less and some are now missing. Still better than having NONE of em. :)
my 841 doesnt even have AA's listed. I have changed exactly what they said to change and still nothing. I am thinking of dasming my eqgame.exe just to see where erverything is listed, but I would only get the offsets and not the OP codes.
Darg said:
my 841 doesnt even have AA's listed. I have changed exactly what they said to change and still nothing. I am thinking of dasming my eqgame.exe just to see where erverything is listed, but I would only get the offsets and not the OP codes.

Dumb question I'm sure, but you are overwriting the ones , the .conf files, with the ones that come with the release right?

Are you running the Win32 compiled release from the Download site or are you compiling or running on Linux?

Mine all show up and I am compiling my own on Windows.
I am using windows. If you would be so kind to post exactly which codes all got changed, I am sure I can get this issue started to being resolved. As I have much more free time on my hands than they do. So post it and lets see what we can get fixed.
Yoda007 said:
Share the love Darg, I havent even touched them yet but a working version would rock.

Here is the aug code for my mysql: C:\mysql\bin\mysql -u root eq if you use cavedudes database.

INSERT INTO object (id, zoneid, xpos, ypos, zpos, heading, itemid, charges, objectname, type, icon)
VALUES (5001, 22, '-228.84', '-1617.5', '5', '140', 0, 0, 'IT10714', 53, 1115);

puts an aug sealer in ec tunnel by the adventure merchants. Also find OP_AugmentItem=0x0000 in your patch_titanium.conf file and make the last part look like 0x539b. You will have working augments then.
Darg said:
I am using windows. If you would be so kind to post exactly which codes all got changed, I am sure I can get this issue started to being resolved. As I have much more free time on my hands than they do. So post it and lets see what we can get fixed.

Just copy the patch_titanium.conf file that comes with the release and you will have all the changes that have been made. the .conf files come with every compiled version off of eqemu. Once you copy it, restart your server and your good to go.
crashed my db...wtf lol
There's nothing in the .conf files that would crash you db.

All working quite well for me in 0.7.0-842 where they just about have the AA's working 100% now. Just needs a few more tweaks...
what exactly do you do? I tried just copying and pasting the new files and it always crashes my DB. So what do you do that is different from me?
I download both the source and the WIN32 Release from eqemulator.net's download section. Make the changes that have to be made to make it compile with VS Pro 2005 (what Sesmar does), and then I make some minor changes that I want, then compile it, copy and paste the exe's and dll file,
(zone.exe, world.exe and EmuSharemem.dll) then copy and paste all 4 of the .conf files from the WIN32 Release zip file. This way I know I have all the latest OpCodes that they have applied.

There is yet another release today (843), I'll get it tonight when I get home, this one has a lot more AA's in it. Seems that the file that confirmed AA's was way out of date and ended at 933. Now it ends at 1358 :)
after you overwrite your files I found out that you have to do a bunch of mysql stuff:

At the mysql prompt type:

ALTER TABLE spawnentry DROP spawn_limit;
ALTER TABLE spawngroup ADD spawn_limit tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0';
ALTER TABLE altadv_vars ADD class_type int unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
ALTER TABLE spawn2 CHANGE `condition` `_condition` MEDIUMINT(8) UNSIGNED NOT
alter table account DROP packencrypt;
alter table character_ change extprofile extprofile blob NULL;
alter table player_corpses change data data blob NULL;
alter table player_corpses_backup change data data blob NULL;
ALTER TABLE `npc_types` CHANGE `hp_regen_rate` `hp_regen_rate` INT( 11 ) NOT
ALTER TABLE `npc_types` CHANGE `mana_regen_rate` `mana_regen_rate` INT( 11 ) NOT
UPDATE `npc_types` SET `hp_regen_rate` = '0' WHERE `hp_regen_rate` = '-1';
UPDATE `npc_types` SET `mana_regen_rate` = '0' WHERE `mana_regen_rate` = '-1';
ALTER TABLE `npc_types` CHANGE `hp_regen_rate` `hp_regen_rate` INT( 11 ) NOT
ALTER TABLE `npc_types` CHANGE `mana_regen_rate` `mana_regen_rate` INT( 11 ) NOT
ALTER TABLE `npc_types` DROP walkspeed;
ALTER TABLE `traps` ADD `message` VARCHAR( 200 ) NOT NULL AFTER `effectvalue2` ;
CREATE TABLE rule_sets (
ruleset_id TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment,
PRIMARY KEY(ruleset_id)
INSERT INTO rule_sets VALUES(0, "default");
UPDATE rule_sets SET ruleset_id=0;
CREATE TABLE rule_values (
rule_name VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL,
rule_value VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY(ruleset_id,rule_name)

If you know mysql there you go, if not, you press enter after each ;
All AA's up to Omens now work and got augs to work as well. But still have a few bugs, like unpopulated zones. I am working on it too.
Well yes, if your updating and they have made any changes to the database, they will be listed in the change log. There haven't been any database changes since 838 and you posted that you were on 841, or is that when your database crashed, when you went to 841 without making the changes?
Going from 841 to 842 is where I kept crashing.