time sensitive berserker exploit


Aug 17, 2005
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Just plucked this off the Eqforum board. I havent been ingame to see or test n this but if its true expect it to be nerfed hardcore. Seems a very easy way to pl or farm anything

Was running thru a hedge event in PoN for a few alts on Friday night and our lone berzerker had his aura running the whole time. When the first mob spawned, it targetted the Aura of Rage and one of our tanks had to work doubly hard to get agro. This continued thru the whole walk and it got to a point that the tanks couldn't get agro off of it. And why would they want to? The Aura of Rage didn't take any damage. The Aura had agro nearly the entire final fight and the cleric didn't cast one heal on any of the tanks.

I haven't seen this happen on any other fights recently, but this could be the greatest exploit ever if berzerkers can use it in everyday groups. Has anybody else noticed this?
I have noticed that when i 3 box, I have my druid aura and cleric aura's up. and the rogue has a small macro running that basically targets any NPC radius 100. But the rogue always tries to attack the arua if no other mobs are around first.?
the auras are an npc, macros have been written to avoid attacking them.
This same thing happend to me doing a DoN mission. A caster in our group had an aura running and some how the 2 stone guardians agro'd on it and would not get off. This would be awesome if we could find out how to make this happen every time. Any ideas?
