Submitting Bug Report?


New member
Apr 18, 2008
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After using MQ2-MMOBugs-2008-04-24 release with modbot macro EQ would consistantly crash. The dialog box comes up stating that it would be EQ or could be MQ2 but that if I wanted to submit a bug report to come here and find out how to submit said report, but after using the advanced and regular search feature using combinations of Submitting+Bug+Reports Ive come up with nothing.

So with all that said should I try to search for a way to submit a bug report or just wait a couple days to see if anything else gets patched that my macro might be dependant on?


After using MQ2-MMOBugs-2008-04-24 release with modbot macro EQ would consistantly crash. The dialog box comes up stating that it would be EQ or could be MQ2 but that if I wanted to submit a bug report to come here and find out how to submit said report, but after using the advanced and regular search feature using combinations of Submitting+Bug+Reports Ive come up with nothing.

So with all that said should I try to search for a way to submit a bug report or just wait a couple days to see if anything else gets patched that my macro might be dependant on?


It's a problem with MQ2 not the macro(s). A fix is in the works, has already been posted on the MQ2 forum by their devs.

Given the penchant of the devs here at MMO to release their builds faster than most mortals could aspire, I don't imagine it will be long.