Small world...


Lifetime Member
May 30, 2006
Reaction score
A friend invited me to come along to a buddy's house warming party. I didn't know the person in question, but my buddy's bait was that this friend of his played EQ. So I said ok.

Eventually me and the new home owner get to chatting and after some hints on his part, I asked if he used MQ. He informed me he was part of the dev team.

So I said "What was your MMOBugs name?"


Small friggin world.

He may come by for a visit after our conversation, but it sounds like his life is busy enough.
LV! Been forever since we seen him around. We miss him
Well he said hi as well but with a new house and a young child he's kinda busy. But who knows.
i would of abducted him and chained him up to write leet hax all day
Oh man some of the stories he told me about that... :)
I bet thats how he paid for his house...Ask him if he wants a 67' Fastback in trade for ND.
