Shaman not healing other pets


New member
Jun 27, 2015
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Anyone with a shaman as main healer experiencing problems with them not healing other pets in group?, my shaman will heal other ppl in group and his own pet, but completely ignores my mage pet.
The reason i didnt answer you the first time is because you provided no contextual information. Since I dont know what spell at what range or what your ini settings are, i cant really help. The code is set up to only heal your own pet if the target type is "pet" but since i dont know what spell you are using I cant be of assistance at the moment.
The current spell lineup that i have loaded is Spiritual Surge,Reckless Regeneration,Reckless Restoration,Krasir's Mending,Krasir's Recourse,Historian's Intervention, and Shear of Renewal.


  • shaman ini.txt
    1.8 KB · Views: 17
Seems this issue was fixed in a recent update. Shaman is healing mage pet nicely. These last couple updates have been really really really great, really.