Raid leader AA power level?


New member
Jul 10, 2010
Reaction score
Had a quick search of boards and couldn't see anything, curious if anyone is familar with a zone/way to at least easily get some raid leader aa at level 95?

Just one thing i never really was able/got around to doing figured it's one more thing to check off on a list :)

You need like 18 people in raid to get raid AA xp.
The requirements for RLAA = being able to get RAID EXP message. This is required by 18 people being grouped and in a RAID.
I always thought raid exp msg showed up when you were formed in a raid, didn't know had to have numbers. Nice to know though.
And, boy, do they take some time to pile up and max out! This is one reason why one of my old guilds got so pissed when our regular RL defected to another guild!
You could always make 17 silver accounts and load them up in a hotzone.
Do they have to be in the same zone/area? Could you just invite a random 18 and go exp?
Do they have to be in the same zone/area? Could you just invite a random 18 and go exp?

They have to be in the same area. You can not just do 15 in bazaar 3 in a zone
Given how slow RLAA rises, it's hard to imagine this would be worth doing outside of "normal" raiding. One of my old guilds wanted to spread the RLAA's out a bit. One of my toons was RL for probably about 15 raids and I think I got about half a yellow bar out of it. Half of ONE RLAA. This is the kind of thing to NOT pay attention to and after a year of raiding you're pleasantly surprised to have 8 RLAA's to spend. LOL
You have to have 18 people in a raid to be able to use the RLAA if not mistaken
They had RLAA as a reward for doing this years tower mission. Not to helpful now but maybe 2-3 years from now will be able to box it :)
Well, might have a look at the mass of silver toons and sk swarm see how it goes :)... still imagine it would be slow =\
Bring back god style raiding. I think that's how we plvled our raid leader.
the living legacy events gave 1 RLAA as a reward option on the long list of rewards. was fastest to farm them and just claim the RLAA as the reward. too late now, but there may be an event out there that still does.
PLing RLAA isnt even worth worrying about if your starting out with zero. Its reaaaallllll slllowwww going. You cant really "power level" it in the true sense of the word due to how slow it is.

Its one of those things that has to come naturally.