Problems with EQ


Oct 25, 2006
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Hey all.

I think I have found myself in a unique situation. In my 6 years of EQ experience I haven't heard of anyone with this problem, so I am looking for any sort of assistance that can be offered.

When I attempt to log in on any of the 3 accounts I use, I can go all the way to the character selection screen, then when I try to log in from there, it sticks on the char screen, and after a slightly longer then normal load time, it boots me directly to server selection screen. No error messages, no bells and whistles.

I have restarted my computer multiple times, complete file checked multiple times, checked the video drivers, deleted the character.ini files, done a few more complete file checks, waved a stick of incense and muttered a bunch of words in Latin, and am getting ready to find my "fix-all" (Great Big Hammer).

Any ideas?
Get a friend to try and load your character then you will know if it's a computer problem or character problem.

I'm guessing it's a computer problem though and you best bet would be to reinstall EQ. If that fails it has to be a driver/router/internet problem.

I know that’s not much help to you but your going to need to start eliminating things it could be.

K thanks Fry, I will try that an see what happens.

It shouldn't really be internet problem. I am using the same computer and same settings right now to post this. Haven't had a hiccup when it comes to sites all day long.

On side note, I do remember seeing an error message a few times before this incident. I experienced this one over a few different computers, usually when Alt + Tab ing to make an instance a full screen or to go back to windowed mode. It also occures when I was trying to load up a second instance of EQ while both toons were in Icefall. Error message is as follows.

Resetdevice error ()

With an "ok" dialogue box to click and it closes an instance of EQ.

Thanks again Fry.
I had that same problem. I think something got corupted in my main folder. I replaced the game folder with a by pulling a copy of the installed game froma 2nd PC. I two box. The new folder worked fine. So it must have been a problem in one of the directories. I copied the toon files to new folder and all was fine.
Try and open your eqclient.ini. See if after any of the (Fullscreen)RefreshRate is a 0. If yes, change it with your monitor refreshrate for the corresponding resolution. That could help. I have to change those settings all the time, when i ran the options program.
Fullscreen refresh.

I checked an didnt see a fullscreen refresh rate on the eqclient, Would that be because I dont use EQ in a full screen?

I was able to log in my toons today... I have no clue as to what or why it wouldnt let me before. I gave up last night after a multitude of attempts and didnt change anything and let computer run all night. Get up this morn an try and while I do have a longer then normal load time, it loaded up for me. /shrugs.
blocking SOE?

Are you running Peer Guardian?
if it was a one day deal it was probably your ISP having issues.