private server and MQ2?


New member
May 23, 2008
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hello i was wondering if any way to get MQ2 for an EQ private server ... i been playing on this private server and i cannot find a way to use mq2 on it or a site for it... and im pretty much retarded with computers so i wouldnt know how to complie or w/e it is u do to get it working.. if anyone got any info on it or able to help me out with plz pm me or reply would make my day.. Thanks

(so happy that I could make your day)

will someone do it for you?

probably no
Look around a bit more on this site. You'll find a working compile for EQEmu. I found one the other day and it works pretty well.
Well, it would appear we done half way decent in resurrecting a dead thread lol