Plat Trade Dupe?

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Can you list a use for this plugin that doesn't involve scamming someone else?

Can you list a use for a gun that doesn't involve destroying its target? Ad idem. To answer your question: no. I see it's sole purpose to dupe another. Does that mean the creator is a scammer? No.
I don't see why you think that applies here, guns have multiple uses which I'm not going to go into. I also never called zippzipp a scammer, I only said that he is promoting scams by making this plugin available.
Plaz promoted scams by creating MQ in the first place. RIP =(
I have use the plat spoof to show my friends high amounts of plat all the time, just a fun plugin for me!
I don't see why you think that applies here, guns have multiple uses which I'm not going to go into. I also never called zippzipp a scammer, I only said that he is promoting scams by making this plugin available.

I'll say it....Zippzipp is a scammer, there. I'm making a drug that kills people instantly, which I know will kill people...does this exempt me if I say I didn't think it would? Stupid plugin which he knows would be used to scam, yet makes it an releases it. Sorry, but ZZ is becomming like his old friend CC, and the last few things he's posted is proof. :(
You can rationalize this as a fun toy all you want. It has only really one purpose to be used for malicious things, like what happened to everquestbb.

This isn't the first time this plugin was talked about in negative ways. Ill clean it up and post the source and be cool later today!
And starts yet again another flame war. Unity, you're a moron and I mean that in a nice way. Noone forces anyone to use anything on this site or any other site. Zipp clearly states he expects people to get banned for using that plugin and even says to use at YOUR own risk. He does not in any way support scams or scammers. Ironically, you only seem to be complaining about the platspoof that he offers. Why not bitch about GK or any of the other major active hacks huh? Stop crying about hackers scamming people. You wanna play a game where that doesn't happen due to all kinds of ignorant security, go play WoW. No point in accusing someone of supporting scammers when you don't even have the slightest fucking idea as to why the plugin was made. Seems everyone is quick to blame Zipp over a plugin, it's getting really old. Why not bitch about some of JJs? Hell, the fakexp plugin would piss anyone off just as much as the platspoof. And no, I'm not coming down on JJ, it's just an example. If you really wanna bitch about plugins, go bitch at codecompiler at his site.
Actually the loaded gun comparison is about apt. Just because I give you one doesn't give you the right to use it or kill someone with it. Yes it's there, yes it's stupid, yes it's dangerous and has the potential to lead to scams. The rest is up to the individual. Blaming the masses (of stupid irresponsible) people who choose to use it for that is kinda silly.

MQ2 could fall into that same category, and it's a stupid as fuck plugin I agree. Why it was made? PM Zipp and ask him yourself. Don't speculate and try to generate hate because you have some sort of beef with him.
And starts yet again another flame war. Unity, you're a moron and I mean that in a nice way. Noone forces anyone to use anything on this site or any other site. Zipp clearly states he expects people to get banned for using that plugin and even says to use at YOUR own risk. He does not in any way support scams or scammers. Ironically, you only seem to be complaining about the platspoof that he offers. Why not bitch about GK or any of the other major active hacks huh? Stop crying about hackers scamming people. You wanna play a game where that doesn't happen due to all kinds of ignorant security, go play WoW. No point in accusing someone of supporting scammers when you don't even have the slightest fucking idea as to why the plugin was made. Seems everyone is quick to blame Zipp over a plugin, it's getting really old. Why not bitch about some of JJs? Hell, the fakexp plugin would piss anyone off just as much as the platspoof. And no, I'm not coming down on JJ, it's just an example. If you really wanna bitch about plugins, go bitch at codecompiler at his site.

Since we're flaming...why dont you tell us why the plugin was made genius?
If I were Zipp, I would. But like Kodi said, PM him and ask...Genius.
Actually after talking to JJ I've encouraged jim to post the source so maybe we can get this shit nerfed. It has no purpose other than to annoy.
And starts yet again another flame war. Unity, you're a moron and I mean that in a nice way. Noone forces anyone to use anything on this site or any other site. Zipp clearly states he expects people to get banned for using that plugin and even says to use at YOUR own risk. He does not in any way support scams or scammers. Ironically, you only seem to be complaining about the platspoof that he offers. Why not bitch about GK or any of the other major active hacks huh? Stop crying about hackers scamming people. You wanna play a game where that doesn't happen due to all kinds of ignorant security, go play WoW. No point in accusing someone of supporting scammers when you don't even have the slightest fucking idea as to why the plugin was made. Seems everyone is quick to blame Zipp over a plugin, it's getting really old. Why not bitch about some of JJs? Hell, the fakexp plugin would piss anyone off just as much as the platspoof. And no, I'm not coming down on JJ, it's just an example. If you really wanna bitch about plugins, go bitch at codecompiler at his site.

List another plugin that is used to target other players and scam them on either of the sites? Platspoof is on my site as well actually, just no one has access too it really.

If you really want to compare fakeexp the illusion of getting exp to platespoof the stealing of items for say 50pp instead of 5mil. We really need to work on your rationalization process.
it's CC 2.0 nothing more, nothing less. When he started having problems with the community when it came to making money an product, he released plugins knowing people would get in trouble. Same thing here. Last few things he's promoted has caused nothing but problems. Just cuz he's posting them free, doesn't exempt him from knowing what the intent is.

As much as i'd like to see this released so it gets nerfed, I'd much rather see it restricted so the end punishment is not as massive as it would be if public. There's nothing good or rational that can come from this plugin.
it's CC 2.0 nothing more, nothing less. When he started having problems with the community when it came to making money an product, he released plugins knowing people would get in trouble. Same thing here. Last few things he's promoted has caused nothing but problems. Just cuz he's posting them free, doesn't exempt him from knowing what the intent is.

As much as i'd like to see this released so it gets nerfed, I'd much rather see it restricted so the end punishment is not as massive as it would be if public. There's nothing good or rational that can come from this plugin.

No one is forcing anyone to use the plugins. I do not use warp, rarely chain zone, and have never used GK. Why? I didn't want to raise eyebrows and increase my risk of being caught. Very simple. Take responsibility and don't cry if shit hits the fan.

Now that I'm aware of this plugin being available (as it was years since the last time I've seen anything like this), I monitor my platinum trading that much more carefully. Trade smaller amounts, minimize the risk to an acceptable loss (should shtf).
why all the kiss ass's? im not sure what the hell some of you are doing your only back ups are..."no one is forcing people to use this plugin" and saying ignorant things such as "His sight says this may get you banned" those aren't close to the point. what gold seller do you know gives a shit whether or not they get banned as long as they can make some real money before they get banned they dont care. The ones saying this stuff are missing the point of what others are saying completely. Platspoof has one intent to scam other people period. of course no one has to scam anyone to use it but the user is scamming others. too bad this happened to eq instead of one of you proud supporters on how this plugin can or should be used...
Oh what it would be like in a world where drug sellers, illegal firearm suppliers, and nuclear weapon sellers are free from all responsibility.
If a company continually makes bad products, people in general do not buy them. It will dissolve on its own.

Same issue here. If an author were to continually make malicious plugins, the credibility of the author would be shot and fewer people would use the plugins.

I doubt you can account for that absolutism.
edit changed who i was responding to.. Blitz your problem is not realizing people wont stop using those plugins. It helps tons of chinese plat farmers make real life money at the expense of other people. so releasing plugins like that will not stop people from downloading the stuff which wouldn't have zip stop putting them out which in the end wouldn't dissolve his "company"
ok, the thing is...this plugin will not only be used to scam non mq users, but also anyone. when most plugins are made, thought is put into what the intent of the plugin is, so what is the intent of this plugin? There's more to this than just "use at your own risk" or "if you dont wanna get fucked don't use it". People will be exploited by this without even knowing what is going on, which is not a good standard for our community. yes, the people that use this will be caught, and banned, but use your fucking head. This isn't just bad for MQ users, it's bad for the game in general. We take so much shit from the NON mq user community, and you think this will make it any better? Most people don't give 2 shits if we use map features, but trust me this plat thing will cause more harm than good, and fuckstick was well aware of this when he made, and released it.
If a company continually makes bad products, people in general do not buy them. It will dissolve on its own.

Same issue here. If an author were to continually make malicious plugins, the credibility of the author would be shot and fewer people would use the plugins.

I doubt you can account for that absolutism.

guess what...let's talk about the last few plugins that he has released to the public, and what good they have done...
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