Noob BST , SK looking for AFK macros or tips


Jul 30, 2008
Reaction score
I got a 83 bst and a 81 sk on same account been cranking the sk latley but just after a macro for afking as latley been working my ass off no time to play but i realy want to get to 85

also i recall like last year before they banned it there was a zero delay and GK plug in i know they have banned GK but are there any new hacks released ?

and also how does /mmomelee work just auto presses the 1 and 2 buttons to bash and stuff ?

thanks agian :)
If you're looking for something AFK to just grind you AA/LvLs that's not really gonna be easily accessible, as people aren't going to give away their prime macros. Although you could easily find an auto-assist macro and work with MQ2Melee (that will automate your skills, anything you want) if you want to grind while being present with the least amount of effort possible.

As for GK, I wouldn't even put yourself at that much risk.
WOW! where is VI with his search sig. You wont hard many *if any* answers to AFK macros and definitely no info on active dps hacks. For custom macs see Devastator.
zippzipp has GK available has been safe on my characters thus far. More for exp'ing a melee char now though because i feel like anything you can GK, you can pretty much 1grp nowadays if you box a few chars. If your a solo player i think its def worth it though. there is a link to his website @ this one's home page

most anything you could ghost u could just group kill.... and be done way faster