New to using the bots


Jan 13, 2014
Reaction score
I downloaded the clericbot, skbot and magebot files and added them to the macros folder and when I go to use them, they function much like the mq2melee with the exception of casting....I tried to adjust the ini files to account for the names of the spells and the gems they are in according to class and level....i cant seem to get the spells to work nor can i get the macro to end. For example, on skbot, it always wants to go back to the spot where I activated the macro and using /end does not stop it from doing that either...I could be across the zone and it it spins around and runs back to start spot?? As I said /end does not stop the macro so i let it get back to its spot and camp it out in order to stop the clericbot won't cast or heal the tank toon in this case my berserker 87. I guess I'd like to know if there are "ready-made" bot macros that would allow me to fully use my toons in bot mode while I run the tank toon lets say?
Thanks in advance for any advice or help you may offer
Look under plugins and use petes mq2 bot has its own folder will play any toon for u just have melee set up on them
Thank you!

I think I have found the files i need and now to install in right locaion and use!
It's in the auto updater, just select it and restart mq2. Should be good to go.
After first trial of plugin...

It worked really well with my 85 -86 it was so nice focusing on the main character....when i used a different pair, my 105 bst with my 87 SK, I wanted to bot the sk but it didnt work for it, what/how do I make it work for other classes? In what file or folder do I find the ini file if i have to adjust in there?
Thanks again in advance for any replies
it is set up for all classes. what you are experiencing is probably not realizing you have to set up your xtargets. here is the list of instructions from the main post. specifically step 3 and 4 is what people forget to do.

1. Download the .dll and place it in your mq2 folder with the rest of the plugin .dlls. (it is in the compile, so youve probably already done this)
2. /plugin mq2bot
3. Designate a main tank/assist.
4. On every character except the main tank/assist, set the rest of the characters XTarget 1 to main tank/main assist's target that you have designated in step 3.
5. To turn on: /bot on
6. To turn off: /bot off
newbie questions of process....

1) I load up mq2 app
2) I load both my eq accounts
3) I choose my 105 bstlord on one account
4) I choose my 87 SK on other account
5) Go to Shard's Landing to do progressions with sk (Jilare stuff)
6) On SK...I type /plugin mq2bot (says already loaded)
7) On bst I set bst as main tank and main assist using ROLES
8) on SK...I type /xtarget set 1 groupassisttarget
9) then i type /bot on

Very first time i did this, Sk worked great!

Next time i logged in, sk wouldn't cast, wouldnt autoattack, or anything and hasn't since...what am I doing wrong?

Also, is there a correct way to edit the .ini files to make adjustments?
1) I load up mq2 app
2) I load both my eq accounts
3) I choose my 105 bstlord on one account
4) I choose my 87 SK on other account
5) Go to Shard's Landing to do progressions with sk (Jilare stuff)
6) On SK...I type /plugin mq2bot (says already loaded)
7) On bst I set bst as main tank and main assist using ROLES
8) on SK...I type /xtarget set 1 groupassisttarget
9) then i type /bot on

Very first time i did this, Sk worked great!

Next time i logged in, sk wouldn't cast, wouldnt autoattack, or anything and hasn't since...what am I doing wrong?

Also, is there a correct way to edit the .ini files to make adjustments?
you can always try loading/unloading the plugin if its not working, but otherwise it should be done exactly as you stated. sometimes you need to redo the xtarget 1 manually by clicking on it with your mouse and choosing what you want. xtarget has been known to display incorrectly.

yes you can edit your ini and add if statements. there is a wiki entry about if statements you can check out for reference.
Also, make sure you do "/melee on". Otherwise your bot will sit there staring at you.