New Moderator - TheStrategist


Team player /wink
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
Welcome another new mod to the team, TheStrategist! We now have a woman to keep us in line!
Congratz! Welcome to the club, Since i'm the veteran i'll show ya the ropes! ;)
Gratz, and dont listen to VI he will just give you herpes.
I don't think TheStrategist would be a good mod because she wouldn't sell me an account of hers because I didn't have the money...and I never sent a PM. But that doesn't matter!


But seriously, congratulations! :)
A woman..?

....well it was a good run mmobugs.
Thanks for all the work you've done.
But i don't expect this place to be the same anymore.

Im never gonna be able to find threads now. Always rearranging the threads and what not.
my lifelong dream of becoming a mod, shall never be realized.../cry