Necro Macro


Once You Go Hack, You Never Go Back
Oct 14, 2006
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Okay so I have tried the AFKnecro that was posted by Thez and it would not work. I had some of the same issues others were having on his thread but there was no fix for it and I couldnt figure it out.

I would like to request a SIMPLE necro mac. All I want it to do is assist MA, send in pet and cast a couple dots 2-3...then sit. nothing spectacular, but in my wealth of knowledge im having issues. Im sure if I tore apart other macros i could figure it out, but does anyone know a mac lik this one?
If that is all you want it to do use Autobot(Raiddruid)

This is the one I use that meta53 and I wrote (ok ok, I don't write these things, he does)
You have to /tell $necro "necroattack" to trigger it. I did this instead of autoassist for annoying multi pulls that I don't accidentally want to DOT.

| AFNECRO.mac initial version v04.01.08
| by Bearcub & Meta53
| modify mainassist to be your tank.
| Uncomment/Comment what you want to cast, then go to the Event_Attack
| call loop and modify what you want there.


#Event AttackCall "#*#necroattack#*#"
Sub Main 
|------------READ THIS SECTION AND EDIT IF NEEDED-----------|
|-- Set spell casting order here
   /declare mainassist string outer xxxxx
   |/declare spell_1 string outer Venonscale Venom
   |/declare spell_2 string outer Vakk'dra's Sickly Mists Rk. II
   |/declare spell_3 string outer Corath Venom
   |/declare spell_4 string outer Kedgefish Venom Rk. II
   |/declare spell_5 string outer Chaos Venom
   /declare spell_1 string outer Dread Pyre
   /declare spell_2 string outer Pyre of the Lifeless
   /declare spell_3 string outer Reaver's Pyre Rk. II
   /declare spell_4 string outer Searing Shadow Rk. II
   /declare spell_5 string outer Ashengate Pyre Rk. III
   /declare spell_6 string outer Auroral Darkness Rk. II
|-- Set to use FD here
   /declare autoFD int outer 1
|-- Am I spammy about being OOM?
   /declare lomspam int outer 1    
|------------END EDITING------------------------------------|

 /echo AFNecro Active
  /if ((${Me.PctMana}<=20)&&(${announce}==1)&&(${lomspam}==1)) { 
      /g ${Me.PctMana}m 
      /varset lomspam 0 
      /timed 300 /varset lomspam 1 
   /if (${GameState.Equal[CHARSELECT]}) /end 
   /call CheckEvents
   /goto :manawatchloop 

Sub CheckEvents
   /delay 1

Sub Event_AttackCall
   /assist ${mainassist}
   /delay 1s
   /echo Attack Called!
   /if (${!Me.Standing}) /stand
   /pet attack
   /call Cast "${spell_1}" gem2 3.5s
   /call Cast "${spell_4}" gem4 3.5s
   /call Cast "${spell_6}" gem5 3.5s
   /call Cast "${spell_3}" gem6 3.5s
   /call Cast "${spell_5}" gem7 3.5s
   /if (${autoFD}==1) /keypress 2
   /delay 5s
   /delay 1s
   /if (${autoFD}==1) /keypress 2
   /delay 1s
   /delay 1s

Note as you can see it is rather ugly. I handle what to cast based on the /call Cast lines. I usually comment them out and only cast what I want. Modify if as your leisure.
Buffbot -- don't use the most recent code post for AFKNecro, as that is half-finished code that I gave up on. Use the older code, like the stuff posted on the first page.
As for modbot, I'm trying to use it, but I'm having a difficult time setting it up. Even using the wiki that basically holds your hand, I'm still confused. Not sure what to set things at etc.

And as for Thez, I believe the one I was using was the one on the front page, though I'll retry that.
In addition, Thez's macro basically aquire's the target and does nothing.
I got autobot running in a very basic way (just what I wanted) and im happy with it! Thanks for the help.