MQ2Melee - throwit and bow issue


Your UI is fucking you. Stop using it.
Dec 12, 2007
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It appears that the bow portion is not getting listed somehow, even though it will save to the .ini, and the /throwit command is not functioning as intended.

How it works to my understanding:

/melee arrow=arrowid#
sets throwit ammo based on ID

/melee bow=bowid#
sets throwit range based on ID

equips range and ammo, uses 1 ammo, re-equips previous range

and if i wanted to use say a throwing item instead of bow, i just make the arrowid.

How it actually works:
if you dont define arrow, /throwit = CTD

if you /melee bow=#####, it doesnt actually appear on the /melee list.

If you define arrow and bow with correct IDs, but dont have the items in top level inventory:
/throwit = does nothing

If you define arrow + bow with correct IDs, have items in top level inv, it equips them, throws item, and then doesnt re-equip old items.

Am i doing something wrong or is it not supposed to swap items back in or use from inside bags?