MQ2bot stick command


Jul 29, 2008
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trying to be less obvious with mq2bot,
Is there a way to make a melee bot not automatically go behind the mob.
so basically:
1. attack the mob from anywhere
2. not follow the mob when it flees?

thank you,
holyshit3=/if (${Target.CurrentHPs}<20 && ${Target.Fleeing} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[crippling strike]} && ${Target.Speed}>30) /aa act crippling strike

This was what i used in my melee ini for monk snare

You could adapt it to use a keypress movement to break the stick command? in some custom settings?
I'm aware of the stick commands but I don't see how/where to add them within the mq2bot ini.
MQ2Bot doesn't control stick, other than sometimes to turn it off when needed, or when the autofollow.

The combat is MQ2Melee, so that's what controls your stick options. Look at the StickMode, StickCmd, etc. in the MQ2Melee wiki: MQ2Melee - MMOBugs Wiki

Me to

Im also still looking fo this answer, i cant find it. i want my toon to just face the mob and not go behind it.
Im also still looking fo this answer, i cant find it. i want my toon to just face the mob and not go behind it.
its your stick command/settings from mq2melee that engages mq2moveutils to stick. so dont make it stick from behind with your command.
I have been trying to get this answer as well for a long time with no success. No matter what the command is, it always still runs to the back of the mob.
I have been trying to get this answer as well for a long time with no success. No matter what the command is, it always still runs to the back of the mob.
mq2bot finds targets, casts spells, discs, aas, issues /attack on commands, issues commands to mq2cast
mq2melee uses melee oriented aas, issues stickcmds to mq2moveutils
mq2moveutils controls all movements

as it relates to stickcmd: the stickcmd is controlled by mq2melee as mentioned previously. it uses a default value or whatever you set it as in your ini. if you do not specify your own value, it will use default values.
default value if tank: stick id moveback
default value if not tank: stick id behind
default value if rogue: stick id !front

in your mq2melee ini, if i wanted my character to move close enough to hit a mob for sure, regardless of side, but not be up its asshole i would use something like this:

all of this information regarding that you need to set the ini if you dont like default behavior is in the wikis.
MQ2Melee - MMOBugs Wiki
  • stickmode=[on|off]
    If on, it will use the stickcmd as defined in the INI file, if off, it will use the default stick command.

  • stickcmd
<dl><dd> This command takes a list of options that should be passed to the /stick command, if you are using stickmode=1. E.g., "hold 15" (see the MQ2MoveUtils wiki, for available stick command options).</dd></dl> <dl><dd> You can put a note for display next to your stickcmd entry, as a hint when showing options with /melee. This is done by adding the option under the [MQ2Melee_Notes] section of your server_toonname.ini. </dd></dl> <dl><dd> Example:</dd></dl> <dl><dd> [MQ2Melee_Notes]</dd><dd> stickcmd=Keep behind the mob, and closer than the default melee distance.</dd></dl>
to reiterate: if you dont like the default behavior, change your stickcmd= in your server_character.ini under [Mq2melee] and make stickmode=1.