Plugin MQ2Autojoin


New member
Sep 10, 2009
Reaction score

I have the autojoin plugin working except for this small issue. If I am already in a grp, and a person in the file sends an invite, it will pop up a message about if I join the group blah blah blah.. and I have to accept that before it joins the group. Is there anyway around this?

If you want or need the exact message, I'll have to get it later and attach.
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I'll take a look htw, new to some of these plugins =)


So the autojoin works perfectly fine if I am joining toons to the group, except for when I am already in a group, and its another person trying to join me (who then would become the new group leader). In the senerio below, I am already joined in a group with one of my other toons (which autojoin worked perfect).

Toon in my autojoin file send an invite to the toon that is group leader, and this popup comes up.


With no action, I get the following output from the MQ window.
<img src="" width="364" height="114" />

But then here is the Output from Chat window
<img src="" width="436" height="35" />

Has anyone ran into this and if so, how did you fix it? My google foo is not strong on 3 hours of sleep =)
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I made some changes (hopefully those changes are fixes). Pushed to update server, use mmoloader to update MQ2AutoGroup.

Let me know if that fixes it for you, thanks!

Hey htw,

Thanks for the quick turn around. I tested this evening, and it works as intended!