MQ for Beta server?

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Wow, donation inc eqmule. Any idea if it would be more risky to use this on Beta vs Live? As I'm pretty sure they have more logging and monitoring going on on the Beta server.
Here is release zip for beta.

It will say it's out of date, just hit cancel, do not update files as it's linked to the live release currently.

Awesome, but not working for me for some reason.

I cancelled the update but for some reason nothing seems to work.

Can anyone confirm this is still working as of this morning and it's just me?

It does not. They patched.
new day new eqgame.exe seems like its just automated builds for the heck of it, well I can automate too then... gonna talk to fry about setting up an automated mq2build for it. such bs...
new day new eqgame.exe seems like its just automated builds for the heck of it, well I can automate too then... gonna talk to fry about setting up an automated mq2build for it. such bs...

Wow... ya, they are messing with us it seems... grrr...
They've done automated patching every morning for the past few years on beta. Usually occurs between 7-8 AM Central time.
They've done automated patching every morning for the past few years on beta. Usually occurs between 7-8 AM Central time.

Sounds like they're not really doing in actual changes though. Can we just like change the version number on our MQ2 to load it back up?
There is a override client version inside eqgame(beta).h which could be used.
For patches with no offset changes other than version info and offsets not in use this will work. Last 2 patches there was a change to one(1!!) vftable offset as well so not sure it would have helped, but something we could try.
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They've done automated patching every morning for the past few years on beta. Usually occurs between 7-8 AM Central time.

Sounds like they're not really doing in actual changes though. Can we just like change the version number on our MQ2 to load it back up?

Over the weekend probably not. Any changes they actively make the day before goes into the next mornings patch.
Everyone has their speculation about what the work hours are, how patches are released and what the protocol is at Sony but unless you're on the beta dev team, you probably are doing just that, speculating.
Just want to say thanks to you guys for the hard work and letting us enjoy this beta the proper way :)
Let me know if there's anything I can do to help out, finding that offset, ect.
Well was just offsets but to many for a simple version patch today I've sent the zip to fry for push he will do it when he wakes up unfortunately they always patch 3am his time so nothing we can do about that but wait. I made a small tool today that we are gonna use for future patches when it's only a few offsets which means I can hot patch the zip and put it up here earlier, but it was too many today so no go, we will see tomorrow if that approach is feasible. I hope it is cause I'm looking forward to try it and I'm kinda proud of it, made a retro feeling to it with wave scroller and c64 tunes lol.
I hope it is cause I'm looking forward to try it and I'm kinda proud of it, made a retro feeling to it with wave scroller and c64 tunes lol.

i just sent you $20 because this is the best thing i've read all day. lol!
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