Mob repop suggestions?


Premium Member
Sep 25, 2008
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Ok, so i am trying to bag a bow from temple of veeshan for my ranger. I was wondering if anyone has suggestions on what's an efficient way to do this? Is there anything on MQ that would be of assistance (besides of course being able to see mobs from zone-in).

Is there a way to make the computer to start beeping when specific mob is up? Is there a way to get spawn timer or such for the mob?

All suggestions would be very welcome!
like in that zone you could type

/watch add "Dagarn" notify 1
Thanks VI,

Do you know if you can make it start a constant beeping of some sort when he's up? I put in sound notification, but want to wake my ass up if he's up... which would take something that sounds like a persistent sound alarm...

You rock!
Sub Main
/if (${Spawn[npc Dagarn].ID}) /beep
/delay 3s
/goto :mainloop

That will beep every 3 seconds. Change to desired interval.
Hmm... this is a bit over my head. Which file do you type this into? Or is it command prompt for MQ?
What he posted was a macro. Are you just hanging in the zone afk?

The macro could run and would beep like he said going non stop until you typed /endm
would it be safe to use that macro above but instead of the beep use
/vtell myname 002
because my pc beep is soo low. it would not wake anyone up in the house lol.

or is there a command to play the audio triggers? or the soundd trigger in the mq compile?