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Fry Guy
Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score

General FAQ

  1. What is MMOBugs?
    MMOBugs is a community of EverQuest players who help share cheats, hints, tips, and guides to help improve their gaming experience.

    [*]How do I join MMOBugs?
    Follow the user registration process then pick a subscription that best suits your needs.

    [*]I have to pay to join MMOBugs?
    MMOBugs could not stay alive without a membership fee. Membership fees help keep MMOBugs up to date with the latest EverQuest cheats, helps reward members for their hard work and pay for hosting costs. Please see our subscriptions for membership prices.

    [*]How much does it cost to join MMOBugs?
    You can view the latest subscription prices on our subscriptions page. Subscription prices are subject to change based various hosting and upkeep costs.

    [*]How do I pay? What Payment Methods does MMOBugs accept?
    At this time we accept Paypal. Sending an online payment with Paypal is 100% safe and free. Paypal accepts all major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express), the Electronic Funds Transfer straight from your bank account. If for some reason you can't use paypal please contact us to work out another method.

    [*]Is my credit card and personal information safe?
    We never have access to your credit card information. Paypal handles all this information. PayPal has over 96 million members worldwide. will not disclose your personal information to third parties without your consent.

    [*]How can I help MMOBugs Grow?
    You can help MMOBugs grow just by getting the word out there. Do you own a website? Put a link to MMOBugs on it. Do you have some friends that might be interested? Tell them about what MMOBugs can do for them.

Forum access and billing FAQ

  1. Why can't I access all the forums on MMOBugs?
    You must register a username first. If you still don't have forum access please make sure you have purchased a MMOBugs subscription.

    [*]Why did I lose forum access?
    Check your active MMOBugs subscriptions. If you have no active subscription this normally means your MMOBugs subscription has expired. All you need to do is purchase a new MMOBugs subscriptions and private forum access will be restored.

    [*]I am still having a problem after reading the FAQ: what should I do?
    Please contact an administrator.

EverQuest FAQ

  1. Will I lose my EverQuest account by using things posted on MMOBugs?
    Most things listed on MMOBugs are against the EULA. You always run the risk of doing something that will get your account banned, howevers we will do our best to inform you of the dangers.

    [*]What is MacroQuest2?
    MacroQuest2 is a third party program which reduces repetitiveness and enhances the functionality of EverQuest. MacroQuest2 is as useful as you wish to make it. You can utilize it for the capabilities of the map and other plugins, or you can further enhance EverQuest through the use of macros or designing your own plugin. However, there are some issues you need to understand: First and foremost, the use of MacroQuest2 is a violation of the EULA of EverQuest. This means that if you do not use MacroQuest2 sensibly, you risk your character being suspended for a period of time, or in extreme cases, having your character permanently banned. You can read more over at Offical MacroQuest2 site.

    [*]Where can I get a copy of MacroQuest2?
    Check out our EverQuest MacroQuest2 Compiles forum for the latest version. You can also learn more at the Offical MacroQuest2 site.

    [*]How do I get MacroQuest2 to work?
    Download MacroQuest2 from MMOBugs from our EverQuest MacroQuest2 Downloads, Plugins & Offsets forum, unzip it, run mmoloader.exe and load EverQuest. A new window will pop up once you are ingame which will display all MacroQuest2 information.

    [*]What is a plugin?
    Plugins (.dll)- These are add-on's to MQ2's program, that create additional abilities and create additional commands to activate those abilities. For example: the plugin MQ2Map : this gives the ability to see npc's, pc's, and dropped items on your in-game map, you can click on them to target them. This plugin has created the additional commands of /mapfilter [command].

    Plugins can do countless things, because they are written and are only bound by the limitations of MQ2's broad range of calculations and top-level objects (spawns, people, items, windows, doors, etc...) You can run multiple plugins at the same time, they run in the background, always running when loaded.

    Please see Plugin List Wiki for a list of plugins and there features and Using Plugins.

    [*]What is a macro?
    Macro (.mac)- These are coded and you can learn the format by looking at others that are written on the site to get an idea of how. These enable the same abilities as a plugin, but they do not run in the background like plugins do. You can only run 1 macro at a time, starting another will close the one currently on and switch to the new one. With macro's it is the same as any coding, you are only limited to the broad range of MQ2's numerous objects, therefore you can target npc's, run to them, buy from them, cast spell, etc. all without even being there because you coded it to do so.

    [*]What is an offset?
    Offsets are memory locations within the EverQuest client. Macroquest2 and plugins apply changes to these offsets to give the desired effect.

    [*]How do I use soandso plugin?
    Check out the Plugin wiki for said plugin. Also, many plugins come with some sort of help file, and some even echo their commands and abilities into the Macroquest2 window within EverQuest.

    [*]Will I get banned for using MacroQuest2?
    Macroquest2, by nature, is against Everquest's EULA (End-User License Agreement. That being said, the risks you take directly effect the chances of your account being suspended or banned from EverQuest. The plugins offered here have been tested and have been found to be "safe", but takes no responsibility for your use of the plugins offered.

    [*]I can' t compile MacroQuest2. Can you help?
    Check out our EverQuest MacroQuest2 Compiles forum.

    [*]Will you compile this plugin for me?
    Post any requests in the EverQuest Requests forum. Be sure to include basic information about where you received this plugin. We are very careful here and do not want to take credit for anyone else's work.

    [*]How do I use a posted macro?
    Copy and paste the code information into a new text document and save it in your Macros folder with the extension .mac. Once ingame type /macro macroname�.

    [*]How do I stop a macro?

    [*]How do I load a plugin?
    Type "/plugin (plugin name)". Replace (plugin name) with the plugin name you want to load.

    [*]How do I unload a plugin?
    Type "/plugin (plugin name) unload". Replace (plugin name) with the plugin name you want to unload.


  1. What is MMOLoader?
    MMOLoader is a front end application that takes the place of the old macroquest2.exe file. This is an exclusive MMOBugs compile addon that verifies user information prior to running Macroquest2.

    [*]I knew it! You're trying to steal my information!
    No personal information is passed along through MMOLoader besides your login and password, as well as your IP address from which you are logging on from.

    [*]If no information is passed along, then why do you force us to use MMOLoader
    MMOLoader was created to protect the hard work the developers have provided here. It protects all private plugins, as well as makes sure that you have an active subscription. MMOLoader also allows us to see who might be sharing their login information.

    [*]That's not fair! I paid for it, why can I not share it?!
    You paid for it. Your many friends that you are wanting to share it with did not.

    [*]Can I bypass MMOLoader? I promise I am not sharing
    You can bypass MMOLoader by entering in your username and password.
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