Mac to PL, hunter, skill raiser, hit all once, or assist all in 1

Try this and let me know.
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Works for the first target, but the pet doesn't change targets.

I mean, its gets one hit, then changes target, but the pet stays on the first target.

EDIT: Works great if I manually press pet attack.
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Oh that's an easy fix. try this one.
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Working perfect now!

Thank you!

EDIT: Not quite, now pet will change and attack, but the actually PC doesn't attack, only changes targets, could be melee settings, but doesn't matter for me at the moment as my pet is a lot better at hitting red cons!
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hmm, i didnt change the /attack on portion, i only added a /pet attack line. nothing else should have changed.
Yeah, sorry, I think it was caused by me. Will try playing with it some more when I get home from work.

Thanks again though, its working great!
This seems to be KSing other people, people will be fighting a newbie mob and it has taken damage yet it still runs up to fight it

Does not look like this line is working, wondering if there is a different way to do this?

line 391
		/if (${Target.AggroHolder.ID} && ${Target.AggroHolder.ID}!=${Me.ID}) {
			/alert add 5 id ${Target.ID}
			/squelch /tar clear
I suppose a better method is to also check if the player is in your group, but that doesnt explain why it is still attack that mob. The group check addition would be:
        /if (${Target.AggroHolder.ID} && ${Target.AggroHolder.ID}!=${Me.ID} && !${SpawnCount[group ${Target.AggroHolder}]}) {
            /alert add 5 id ${Target.ID}
            /squelch /tar clear
Hmm nope that doesnt fix it either

${Target.AggroHolder.ID} is reporting NULL for low level mobs agro on someone on Ragefire/Lockjaw
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Hmm nope that doesnt fix it either

${Target.AggroHolder.ID} is reporting NULL for low level mobs agro on someone on Ragefire/Lockjaw
Then that is because it doesnt work on those servers due to lack of aggro info. You could use an HP check instead or a spawncount pc radius for someone that isnt in your group. Mentioning the server is a non-standard one up front saves a lot of guess work.
Will try that then

Other oddity is that it targets red mobs (like guards!)
i cant imagine .ConColor doesn't work. There is specifically a check to not touch red cons.

/if (${Select[${NearestSpawn[${i},npc].ConColor},WHITE,YELLOW,BLUE,LIGHT BLUE,GREEN]} && (!${NearestSpawn[${i},npc].Named}||${FindNamed}||${Me.CombatState.Equal[COMBAT]}) && ${NearestSpawn[${i},npc].LineOfSight} && ${Math.Calc[${NearestSpawn[${i},npc].Z}-${Me.Z}]}<25) {
i cant imagine .ConColor doesn't work. There is specifically a check to not touch red cons.

/if (${Select[${NearestSpawn[${i},npc].ConColor},WHITE,YELLOW,BLUE,LIGHT BLUE,GREEN]} && (!${NearestSpawn[${i},npc].Named}||${FindNamed}||${Me.CombatState.Equal[COMBAT]}) && ${NearestSpawn[${i},npc].LineOfSight} && ${Math.Calc[${NearestSpawn[${i},npc].Z}-${Me.Z}]}<25) {

What would be the way in game to test this? /echo .concolor or something? Thanks Pete. Would like to test this on new Progression servers.
TLP does show HoTT npc and pc. Not sure how that differs from the check you currently use.
I dont think aggroholder works on TLP
I always get NULL when I try to use it... was trying in game with /echo while selecting a npc that was fighting someone...

Is this the best way to see if an NPC is fighting someone else?


Or is there another suggestion? I used to use target hp >99% but would like something better...
Maybe a combination of Hitpoints and target? but then would it miss mobs that weren't targetting you? hrmm.. Unless your group always had aggro on the same person. Tank or something.
Couple of queries:

For mobs that are runners at 40-50% or that run fast, it won't run after them.

Is there anyway to make the PLer root mobs?

If you have a gate up on the PLer it treats it as a buff for some reason.

Is there anyway to make the PLer med in between?
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