Mac to PL, hunter, skill raiser, hit all once, or assist all in 1

Added: pl mode
This will allow you to be the PLer and it will use whatever buffs/heals you have loaded on your assist. Buffs land whenever they are needed, heals fire when you go below the designated %.

/mac pl pl 90 PeteSampras

Added: KillNamed variable. Default value is FALSE. This means it will ignore .Named targets when in seek mode so you don't go after quest mobs without requiring an ignore list. I want this mac to require no additional files or inputs. All other modes are unaffect by KillNamed variable.

Skidmachine and Theicon: that should solve what you are asking for. please let me know.
universal chat is freaking the hell out, and for some reason it is causing a CTD with its spam. I wrote a fix to stop the CTD. Hopefully hitall still works correctly after the fix.
cool, I'm at my parents place for the next while.. not sure if my brothers have an up to date eq but if I am able to I will check it out
Mac should now work with vanilla compile with some minor differences in a few spell types. It won't be as smart for dots/nukes/lifetaps and pet summoning (doesn't check reagents needed or exact hp amount of lifetap).

Added: delayed heals and heal over time should now detect and cast correctly

Changed: invis, undead spells, misc, transport spells should all get ignored for buffing. misc and transport should get ignored for raising skills.
While i was messing around with it:

Added: debuff support
Added: mez support (for non-bards)
Added: checks for nukes, dots, debuff, lifetap to make sure it is the correct body type of mob for the spell

That may have introduced some errors due to the amount of code added. Let me know if anything is funky.
It did introduce errors, found and fixed the ones i saw.
Been using this for a while now, its pretty solid. Do you have any tips so that it may loot corpses? Thanks again!
Good deal, i have used it to level some toons as well. This post reminded me that I made a couple changes. Reposted it. As far as looting goes, you would need to add in and /call the loot routine. I may add that eventually, but for a basic PL, most people don't want to waste time looting crap.

I am probably going to write a full blown bot using this method once I get some toons of the appropriate level to test it out. Make it just use whatever you have memmed/on you. I am busy the next couple months so it may not be soon.
Just created another couple of toons and wanted to use this to PL them.
When used on individual toons it works great.
When I try to use it for a small team it doesn't do the follow thing.
When I gave the command /bca /follow me I got this error:

ShammyGirl - Subroutine BuffLoad wasn't found
ShammyGirl - pl.mac@253 (Event_EQBC(EQBCSay,EQBCSender,EQBCCommand)): /if (!${Defined[BuffLoaded]}) /call BuffLoad
ShammyGirl - pl.mac@99 (Main): /varset CurrentSub mainloop
ShammyGirl - The current macro has ended.

I commented out the line to /call BuffLoad and didn't get any more errors but.. no follow ((
(There is no BuffLoad Sub in PL.MAC)

Sub Event_EQBC(EQBCSay,EQBCSender,EQBCCommand)
  /varset CurrentSub Event_EQBC
|   /if (!${Defined[BuffLoaded]}) /call BuffLoad
  /if (${EQBCCommand.Left[2].Equal[//]}) /return

It would be really cool to have my ShammyGirl chasing my SK around doing her Shammy thing.
If I move the shammy manually with PL.MAC active on the SK, she does her thing great!
(Set SK in Seek mode, SHM to assist mode, move SHM to within range of mob)

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You arent using the latest version. I fixed that several versions ago. I just posted a new one again that does hide/sneak if you are using skills method. It wasnt following correctly because it was playing/recording paths.
Hey Pete, just got home and was trying to get the PL mode going... here's the issue

/mac pl pl 90 nameofpleehere
macro starts up
quickly targets PLee and then self unless nothing on target, in that case it just targets self
PL'er buffs self with the memmed buffs
after the final buff is cast Everquest crashes

not sure if relevant but here are the plugins

Fixed it (i assume) and reposted. It was calling HealGroup routine without checking if you were in a group or not. That can CTD you and I am guessing that is the problem.
That fixed the crash issue :).. checked it real quick but it looks like it's failing to buff/heal PLEE (buffs PLER), does follow tho
Ok, ${Target.Name.NotEqual[blah]} doesnt return TRUE even if it is true, if you dont actually have a target ^_^. Learned something new. Fixed, reposted. Should be good to go now.
Something is still up with it unfortunately, same issue as prior. Doesn't run buff routine on PLEE or heal
Found it. Reposted. I had:
/declare variable value

instead of:
/declare variable string outer value

I just tested it, it worked to buff at any percent and heal only at the given %.