Rubtub said:
Are they supposed to zone out?...

They exit once the mission is done...even though they've finished it before timer runs out they wait till timer runs out. :)

Working like a charm atm.. awesome work on this macro! :)
Not on my part, i had 12min timer.. and it waited until kicked get "kicked" , but you get exp since you've finished the mission.

Having one issue atm with lslooter.mac . First round goes great..after 2nd mission is started lsmain does his business but lslooters don't attack lsmain's mobs :confused:
sorry what i meant was.. That I had a 12min timer, it waited about 20mins after the timer was up to zone out to get another task.. Which the task "kicked" them out of the zone.. Supposed to happen?
Couple problems..

#1 .. If the main toon is faster loader then the looters... the main will get the next mission and the others will not get it.(anyway could add a wait 3mins? after zone out)

#2.. They infantry doesnt assist the Jugg on his target(dont know if that is supposed to happen)

#3 .. After /fade , he went to the last gnome, and started hailing him and then started getting attacked and only hailed the goblins killing him..

is there away to make a "only count goblins dead?".. I know i dont know code if i did i would help out.. the mission does work for me 1/5.. Thxs a ton.

If your boyfriend only knew who you were /kissing last night.
wtb more freetime lol I should've known better than to dig into this with so little time to run it, hopefully we'll get there.

Responding to Rubtub's post above:

#1 When I ran this thru I didn't have a problem, the looters still got the new mission upon zoning back out to lava... Do the looters never get taskadded to new mission or do they get new mission just don't choose new monster and don't zone in? On a side note, when you had this problem, did you change the looter macro like Kalle suggested? The Zone.ID was back asswards so after finishing first mission the looters wouldn't do anything because I had them looping IF in lavastorm, instead of IF in mission like I wanted it to be.

#2 They aren't attacking at all or they are attacking a different mob than the Jugg? and is this on 1st mission or 2nd+

#3 I assume this was the /fade called after hailing the hostages? I'm thinking of changing each hostage check to make sure it's specifically a hostage and not just "any plain target, period" like it is atm which will fix that prob if so, just need name of hostages and a quick /echo test to do it

#4 As it's coded it should only count anything dead that has the word goblin in its name however since my toons never die when i do the mission, I haven't had the chance to see if it's still counting player deaths or not. I wasn't having any luck getting spawncount to work for this purpose.
Fry said:
Amazing job like normal Booges. Time to give you a lifetime membership. Congrats.

Gratz Booges ;)
Gratz Booges.. ^_^

Ok, i ran with the new looter code : worked flawless..

2nd time... As you said Booges.. It got the mission they just will not choose could you post the code you got.. i think i might have changed the wrong code.

Just one question about the tasktime... I finished 9mins early.. I let it count down.. is it supposed to stay in the mission after the Tasktime is "no longer" or zone out get a new when it is just over?

Reason im asking I stay in the mission about 20mins over after no tasktime and wait to be booted.

Just wondering if that is what it is supposed to do.. This mac is grade A!! i love it thxs again, Kelle and Booges and Everyone that contributed.

For Some reason i set every thing up but once Main zones in he just doesnt do anything. Looter seems to be worken fine becuase when the gobo at first jumps main Looter attacks it but Main just sits there. Any suggestions anyone?
BTW tryin to box 3 accounts on this one comp i dont think thats the problem but its a little annoying so if anyone is on zek and will afk for me or w/e let me know.
Gratz on the life time also ;p
Also im not usen any of the macro UI's that come with it think maybe that is the problem?

:( could someone please upload there Lslooter that is working property that after the 1st mission it will choose the mission...:(
not sure , so question

yes i be a newbie ;)

does this need to complied or a mac AKA cut and paste?

as I said, I'm new to this
Hmm , odd

okay I tried that and it didn't work, not to sure just why atm
You get the code on the first page?

i start the looter first then the main, works the first round trying to get someone to upload there LSlooter.mac file so i can paste in over mine so it will choose the monster the 2nd round..
forinni said:
If you get this working you'll have a friend for life!
Thers a sploit ill post for don's after this gets working untill then you'll all have to wait!

Making 106 radiants a hour LMAO!

Need to contact this guy... :cool:
Rubtub said:
Need to contact this guy... :cool:
It's actually not as hard as you'd think if you have 4-6 accounts... with all level 65-70s. I've duo/truo'd? Emoush very easily. I think the mission gives around 25 Radiant/Ebons. Zone in, warp to Emoush, and kill.
And must say Booges you rock. Now to find some people to get this going on my server. ITs funny how you notice the lil things when you Mq too like a group member Warps on your map or right to you. Some people are too obvious hehe..
Anyone know how i open the Chest without the MQ2copen plugin ?
.... /tar chest... /open.. Did they remove the name? You'll have to target by race if they did..