Item click in holyshit?


Lifetime Member
Sep 27, 2007
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Trying this and its not working, any ideas?

holyshit10=/if (!${Item.Ready[Cohort's Warmonger Coat]}) /casting "Cohort's Warmonger Coat" item
Take off the !

You want Ready, but are using NOT Ready (!)

Might try Cast TLO also, e.g.:

holyshit10=/if (${Cast.Ready[Cohort's Warmonger Coat]}) /casting "Cohort's Warmonger Coat" item

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Take off the !

You want Ready, but are using NOT Ready (!)

Might try Cast TLO also, e.g.:

holyshit10=/if (${Cast.Ready[Cohort's Warmonger Coat]}) /casting "Cohort's Warmonger Coat" item



holyshit0=/if (${Cast.Ready[Dark Shield of the Scholar]}) /casting "Dark Shield of the Scholar" item

Is that correct htw?

Thanks in advance!
You don't need to use /casting btw. You can /useitem "Cohort's Warmonger Coat" also you can do

holyshit10=/if (${Me.ItemReady[Cohort's Warmonger Coat]}) /useitem "Cohort's Warmonger Coat"
Yeah 6 of 1, half a dozen of the other.

Should also check to see if you need to cast it.

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interesting with the differences over time...

FOR YEARS, I've always checked if an item is ready via .Timer and used either /Call cast "xxxxxx" item OR /itemnotify "xxxxxx" rightmouseup.

/if (${FindItemCount[=Lucky Mitosing Coin]} && ${FindItem[=Lucky Mitosing Coin].Timer}==0) /call cast "lucky Mitosing Coin" item

Is there a downside to doing it like this?
You don't need to use /casting btw. You can /useitem "Cohort's Warmonger Coat" also you can do

holyshit10=/if (${Me.ItemReady[Cohort's Warmonger Coat]}) /useitem "Cohort's Warmonger Coat"

holyshit0=/if (${Me.ItemReady[Dark Shield of the Scholar]}) /useitem "Dark Shield of the Scholar"

So you're saying that will work? I cant get the damn shield to cast without manually clicking the thing. :(

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You don't need to use /casting btw. You can /useitem "Cohort's Warmonger Coat" also you can do

holyshit10=/if (${Me.ItemReady[Cohort's Warmonger Coat]}) /useitem "Cohort's Warmonger Coat"

holyshit0=/if (${Cast.Ready[Dark Shield of the Scholar]}) /useitem "Dark Shield of the Scholar"

So you're saying that will work? I cant get the damn shield to cast without manually clicking the thing. :(


do /echo ${Cast.Ready[Dark Shield of the Scholar]}

Does it report true ?

holyshit0=/if (${Me.ItemReady[Dark Shield of the Scholar]}) /useitem "Dark Shield of the Scholar"

Should work also.
holyshit0=/if (${Cast.Ready[Cohort's Warmonger Coat]}) /casting ITEMID#|Item

This should work, I am using this and it works. Give it a try.

Yes your correct, some items uses different syntax's to fire as what one BP uses one syntax andother character of mine is not the same. So kinda have to juggle it around and see which works. but give that a try. that should work. Hope this helps.

So in my example

holyshit0=/if (${Cast.Ready[Selrach's Legionnaire Breastplate]}) /casting 148257|Item
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Most of the time, in the cast ready I put the item number, with /useitem full name here