Is it a bad sign when....

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Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
Is it a bad sign when a GM zones in right on you and then hides himself.... I got scared and ported my group out and /end all macros...

can they see if I /unload ?

Am i probably being watched? ..hehe
Possibly being watched yes.

Cant see you unload and doing so is totally pointless.

If your gonna get caught your gonna get caught nothing you can do to prevent it.
Usually fast reactions like that cause the GMs to look harder at a person, unless you are using active hacks at the time you shouldnt freak out. Also unless you have alot of melee(they are easier to spot as macroed) in the group then just keep going as you normally would. Drop an emot or say something to him ask how his day is going. Last thing you should do is /q or leave the zone suddenly.
when a GM pop , just don t panic and calm down, sit yourself and stop your maccro, if he tell you just answer like you never cheated :)
When I was testing NoInterrupt, I was casting a spell, take off running, stop and wait for the spell to land. Turn around, and do it again.. Sometimes using /speed to get further distance..

Well, I turned around and there were 2 GM's. The first one asks me "What are you doing?". I replied "Running from that Ogre. He wanted to eat me!" (I was a gnome).. We had about a 15 minute RP conversation while she turned me into all kinds of forms.. (Including an Ogre myself) Then said she'd give the Ogre enough milk and cookies to fill him up so I wouldn't have anything to worry about.. She gave me some brew to "calm my nerves" and they both left. Mind you, NoInterrupt basically does a warp back to the original location to finish the spell, then warps you back to where you were. It's quite possible that they had suspicion what I was doing, and if I panic'ed and camped as soon as I seen them, I would have been busted. But since I remained calm, and joked around with them, they played along and let me be..

It was a low level test account so I didn't really care, but I still have yet to get as much as a warning on my accounts..

they gotta be easing up cause no one has been banned i been using warp for 3 months on my acount autotasking everynight and nothign so far :cool:
I really wouldnt just stop macros, first off they are invis, so if you detect them some how, well they know your using something, and will get added to a watch list. Unless your doing something that is warping or speedhacking, or really crappy macro that looks automated. Just go about your business. If your running 11 toons in same area your screwed anyways. You can tell scripted Melee when you have more then 2 in a group.

I used MQ1 and MQ2 for a long time. been banned once that was for ghosting Tacvi, fuckers took my BBB left me everything else. Have had many gms come talk to me while I farmed qvic, RSS, PoFire. Besides doing Tacvi with 4 Nothing has ever happend to me, just cheat smarter and dont panic at the first sign of a GM. I would leave the zone 20-30 minutes later and give a cool off period, but dont freak out.
yea, I found myself freakin out but kept telling myself to calm down... I was 6 boxing and this guy zoned in on me then hid. I was just fine tuning my macros for my toons and used /macro and /end alot while messing with them. I waited like 10min then loaded up a port and ported out and ran to bazaar to buy some stuff. I think I had /melee on though, that was about it. I was the only one in the zone.
GM got me in pok ! GOTCHA

they took my fucking surname away and now i cant make a new one !

it was plowedyourdad there no way its in namimg policy violation on strom btw. fers p
BigandHairy said:
they took my fucking surname away and now i cant make a new one !

it was plowedyourdad there no way its in namimg policy violation on strom btw. fers p
Yes... now way it's in naming policy violation...

# Vile, profane, rude, or racist names including common swear words, anatomical references, racial slurs, and homonyms of these words.
# Combinations of words that produce an offensive result (e.g. Hugeaz, Tug Mcgroin). Names of religious, occult, or significant historic origin (e.g. Jesus, Allah, Satan, Stalin, Angel, Devil, Demon).
# Common words and phrases that would not be found in the place and time setting of the game (e.g. Switchblade, Phaser, Toaster, Sloegin, Anyone). This includes references to drug substances or drug related paraphernalia. (e.g. Ecstacy, Cannibis)
I remember when a group of guildmates that shared a relatively harmless surname had their's removed by one of the more power tripping GM's on the server. I think the GM was named Wismon, but it was funny, cause right infront of the GM my friend changed his new surname to Wismonsmokespoll (or something of that sort) and screenshoted the GM stareing at him with his new surname. :)

Needless to say, it was removed moments later and his surname changing ability was revoked, but it was worth it to my friend.
You can still get a surname you just have to petition for it, they give you a space as a surname to keep from getting names against the Name Policy
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