Innerspace Lavishscript/GUI Hotbutton window

Thanks for the reply but there doesnt seem to be any links I can click on in the first post.. There is bold letters Download and getting started.. But nothing I can click on. The 2nd post has 4 links to Helpfull resouces that I can click on but that is just MQ2Melee and holyshits. Been over the first post like 10 times now I must be blind lol
You have to have InnerSpace downloaded and installed. Open the InnerSpace console.

Paste this into the console:
httpget -file "./scripts/myupdate.iss";TimedCommand 90 "run myupdate install buttons2"

Just like it says in the first three lines of the first post. Unless I am misunderstanding what you are asking for. If you need a link to download and install IS, goto and download it there. You will need a registered account for this to work, which means you need to be paying for IS.
For Bladees1739:

Extract the EQ folder into your InnerSpace/Scripts folder.
Put MySQL.dll into InnerSpace/Lavishscript modules folder.
Put libmysql.dll into your windows/system32 or windows/syswow64 folder if you have one.


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