Hud Target Buffs Editing Question


Dec 11, 2008
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i have been working on a overall hud for all my charcters... nothing too fancy and ran across this line of code in someone's hud so i decided to add it to mine

TargetBuffLine=3,166,95,150,255,8,------------ Target Buffs ------------
Buff1Text=3,166,105,255,234,8,${If[${Target.BuffDuration[1].TimeHMS.NotEqual["NULL"]},${Target.Buff[1]} :,]}

i did 50 buffs that can be on my screen at any given time and it works great... the only thing i would like to add if possible is another line were it will say the name of the person that casted the buff for each buff/debuff on target and if it is my name to make the name a different color...

atm just so you can get a visual of what im talking about what i got now kinda looks like this

-----Target Buffs------
Buff1: 2.21:54
Buff2: 31:36

Buff1 and 2 would have the spell name and the duration is after... i know how to move around the charcters in the hud/change color so none of that would be the issue... just dont know a good way to go about adding a name into it... so for example to look like this

-----Target Buffs------
Buff1: Randomasshole1: 2.21:54
Buff2: RandomAsshole2: 31:36

Would love to know if this could be added to the current code to be able to do that :p... thank you for your time
Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but to my knowledge it is not possible to see who cast the buff.

I double checked the buff data type and spell data type and in neither do I see a method for finding the caster of the buff.

The only thing you might could do would require a custom plugin that would watch for casting events and when buffs appear on you and try to calculate who cast them and store it in variables. But personally I would not want to be the one to try and code that, would be a pain in the butt to get working correctly :)
I'm pretty sure if you hold right click on the buff icon, the info text shows who cast it assuming it was cast on you after you logged in. I think this info is available without MQ.
yes im actually trying to find a way to do away with the Buffs under the target window is all i was doing