[HUD] Mouseover Comparison of Items


Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
So UI's have typically been used to display static information that is typically always available to a user. Some of my personal HUD elements even go so far as to extend the usefulness of picking up an item to the cursor (Such as showing value/name/tribute etc.

A while back I coded something that I feel has been missing from EQ despite it's old age and that is the ability to compare your currently equipped gear to gear in a bag by simply mousing over the item.

While the method I'm using can produce large CPU usage if used for multiple characters at once (not recommended), it's also quite helpful when comparing items on your characters as you level them up, or as you attain new gear and can't decide between the two items.

The method I use doesn't work unless both the items being compared are currently in your possession. IE: One item in your bag, and one item equipped.

What's the catch? I'm asking for $5 per player that wants access.

Do I need anything to use this other than the code itself? Yes, you must use MQ2HUD plugin and have the ability to copy/paste the code provided into your existing HUD then type in game
/loadhud mouseover
to load it and
/unloadhud mouseover
to unload it.

Once I pay my $5 what do I get? You get access to the version that uses fontsizes and a version that doesn't use font sizes. Simply PM me with your transaction ID on paypal and I will send the code to you and assist with setup if needed (Discord required)

Where do I send the $5 (USD)

How can I contact you on discord?
My username is:
You can also find me in the Discord channel for MMOBugs

Attached is two thumbnails, the first one is the original version which didn't have the ratio attached and was more of a crude mockup of what I wanted it to do. The second screenshot is a more refined variation and the mouseover hud in it's existing state. Simply slide your mouse over the item you want to compare and get that display attached to your cursor.


  • mouseoverhud.png
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  • mouseover.png
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That is really cool! I'd have never thought of using HUD for something like that!
Surprising dream idea

My God, when you get fully up to speed on coding (MMOMQ2plugins) you're ideas will change the game indeed. I too can't believe it's taken 19 years for this to bloom. Great idea Chat!! I keep saying it and you continue to prove it - you're amazing, my friend :cool:!! This is another idea that needs to stay on site, a Bugs exclusive somehow.

Can you imagine how invaluable this could be on raid loots? Where a quick decision is needed to place a winning bid, etc. I can remember losing some great stuff cause I was too slow. I bet we all have. But you need to recode it to work from a clicked-link for comparing to equipped or inventoried. By slot position I'd guess. Could it even compare multiple items, like ears/ fingers, etc? Easy for this dummy to suggest, huh? You know, htw is another hud wizard and MQ2/MMO expert & coder to boot, you might bump this over with. :eek:
Great idea. Comparing gear is such a PITA in EQ. Its why I pushed so hard to copy the WOW gear score plugin idea. Sadly I have a crash to desktop somewhere in MQ2ItemDisplay so I can not release it. This looks like it might be a viable alternative.

If I may ask, how are you getting the item under the cursor?
My God, when you get fully up to speed on coding (MMOMQ2plugins) you're ideas will change the game indeed. I too can't believe it's taken 19 years for this to bloom. Great idea Chat!! I keep saying it and you continue to prove it - you're amazing, my friend :cool:!! This is another idea that needs to stay on site, a Bugs exclusive somehow.

Can you imagine how invaluable this could be on raid loots? Where a quick decision is needed to place a winning bid, etc. I can remember losing some great stuff cause I was too slow. I bet we all have. But you need to recode it to work from a clicked-link for comparing to equipped or inventoried. By slot position I'd guess. Could it even compare multiple items, like ears/ fingers, etc? Easy for this dummy to suggest, huh? You know, htw is another hud wizard and MQ2/MMO expert & coder to boot, you might bump this over with. :eek:

It's not a bugs exclusive. I've sold about 15 copies of this already on another site. Sadly with raid loot it wouldn't function in the way you're thinking. Both of the items must be on your person for this to work. The one you have equipped will obviously be on your person. This uses the FindItem to find the item in your inventory to get the stats from it. I'm not sure of another way to access the information that would allow me to get the stats from the item when it isn't in your inventory sadly.

All the same it should help with a final decision on which item you should use.
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Great idea. Comparing gear is such a PITA in EQ. Its why I pushed so hard to copy the WOW gear score plugin idea. Sadly I have a crash to desktop somewhere in MQ2ItemDisplay so I can not release it. This looks like it might be a viable alternative.

If I may ask, how are you getting the item under the cursor?

Using the tooltip from the EverQuest.LastMouseover

To give any coders an idea how involved this is. I've coded 3 lines per stat plus provided a background for it all. A single line of the HUD looks like.

//Magic Comparison
	BGMO15lCursor=7,2,60,160,255,255,255		,${If[${FindItem[${EverQuest.LastMouseOver.Tooltip}].ID} && ${FindItem[${EverQuest.LastMouseOver.Tooltip}].WornSlot[1].Name.NotEqual[NULL]} && ${Range.Between[0,22 : ${FindItem[${EverQuest.LastMouseOver.Tooltip}].WornSlot[1]}]},${If[${FindItem[${EverQuest.LastMouseOver.Tooltip}].svMagic}||${InvSlot[${FindItem[${EverQuest.LastMouseOver.Tooltip}].WornSlot[1].Name}].Item.svMagic}, Magic:,]},]}

And that's what decides if I should list magic label.


That doesn't even get into the Math.Calc of the stat from your equipped item to the item you're mousing over to decide if it should be red text or green text, which is why there is 3, one for the label, one for the Red text and one for the Green Text, then of course the background.
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I spent a lot of time working on a "gear score" plugin. The idea being you could input what stats you want scored based on the class and have it rate items that are getting linked.

This requires the item link getting 'opened' after which MQ2ItemDisplay can provide the stats via ${LastItem} ( i think that is the TLO )

It works pretty nicely but there is a bug somewhere in MQ2ItemDisplay that causes a CTD when a link is opened. I have been unable to track down and fix it because its a random rare event.
Was just a wishful thought

My God, when you get fully up to speed on coding (MMOMQ2plugins) you're ideas will change the game indeed. I too can't believe it's taken 19 years for this to bloom. Great idea Chat!! I keep saying it and you continue to prove it - you're amazing, my friend :cool:!! This is another idea that needs to stay on site, a Bugs exclusive somehow.

Can you imagine how invaluable this could be on raid loots? Where a quick decision is needed to place a winning bid, etc. I can remember losing some great stuff cause I was too slow. I bet we all have. But you need to recode it to work from a clicked-link for comparing to equipped or inventoried. By slot position I'd guess. Could it even compare multiple items, like ears/ fingers, etc? Easy for this dummy to suggest, huh? You know, htw is another hud wizard and MQ2/MMO expert & coder to boot, you might bump this over with. :eek:

It's not a bugs exclusive. I've sold about 15 copies of this already on another site. Sadly with raid loot it wouldn't function in the way you're thinking. Both of the items must be on your person for this to work. The one you have equipped will obviously be on your person. This uses the FindItem to find the item in your inventory to get the stats from it. I'm not sure of another way to access the information that would allow me to get the stats from the item when it isn't in your inventory sadly.

All the same it should help with a final decision on which item you should use.
Is all good Chat. I know it'll be impressive and usable as designed!! Can only work with what's available. And I've never been disappointed by the magic you've :eek: worked, thanks