Howto avoid mob underworld?


Premium Member
Apr 16, 2008
Reaction score
Hello. I've been using a macro to kill anything in a zone, it will traget the nearest mob and attack.

However Sometimes it seems to find a mob under the world or something and just ends up trying to attack it without any luck.

Is there a way to stop it from attacking the mob to begin with? keeping in mind other mobs in the same have the same name.
when you target, you can do a zradius check. as long as the rest of the mobs you are killing are within a certain z axis, you could do that. search for zradius or ${Spawn} TLO for all the options.

or here is one out of a macro i use to pull with -
/tar id ${Spawn[loc ${XLOC} ${YLOC$} npc zradius 20].ID}
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Thanks mate! Will give it a go.

My macro is nearly perfected. :)

EDIT: Do I add that somewhere in this line?

         /if (${Target.ID} && ${Target.Type.Equal[npc]} && ${Target.Distance}<50 && !${Me.Combat}) /attack on
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in the macro i last saw from you, find this snippet and either copy and replace the exact lines or add the yellow text in that spot:

    /for i 1 to ${SpawnCount} {
            /if ((${Spawn[${NearestSpawn[${i}]}].Name.Find[void]}||${Spawn[${NearestSpawn[${i}]}].Name.Find[fallen]}||${Spawn[${NearestSpawn[${i}]}].Name.Find[Champion Ultharas]}||${Spawn[${NearestSpawn[${i}]}].Name.Find[Manifestation of Ravenglass]}) && ${NearestSpawn[${i}].Type.Equal[npc]} [COLOR=Yellow]&& ${Spawn[${NearestSpawn[${i}]}[/COLOR][COLOR=Yellow] npc zradius 20].ID}[/COLOR]) {
                       /tar ${Spawn[${NearestSpawn[${i}]}]}
                       /delay 1s ${Target.ID}

    /next i
I think that should work, i wrote it on the fly, so there could be a typo. and its bed time so i wont see it again until tomorrow. GL!
I don't think you've seen my updated mac. Using it in a different zone and just killing anything since it's an instance. A bit of research and I've setup to use my epic and my BP click. :)

Anyway I added this to the macro and so far so good but wont really know if it works unless I get stuck on an underworld mob again.

 /if (${Target.ID} && ${Target.Type.Equal[npc]} && ${Target.Distance}<50 && !${Me.Combat} && ${Spawn[${NearestSpawn[${i}]} npc zradius 20].ID}) /attack on

Thanks heaps for your help. I'm really happy with how the macro is turning out.
That will still target a mob underworld, just won't turn attack on.

You need to find where your macro has the /target line
i use something like this
/target npc zradius 30 radius 50