help with setting up berserker


New member
Oct 27, 2013
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hello i currently am trying to set up for my zerker but ive forgot what most of these plugins do my question is what plugin is used to set off disc ? which is to set off maybe his chest item? also one ability he has that i fail to keep up often is his cry line of disc is there a way to set that to go off X amount of time instead of it maybe trying to spam it when its avail which is right away?
My suggestion is to use the search feature on mmobugs wouldn't beserker and read all the posts about beserker then go to and read all the posts about Berserkers there you should be able to get a good idea of what you need for plugins and for macros
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My suggestion is to use the search feature on mmobugs wouldn't beserker and read all the posts about beserker then go to and read all the posts about Berserkers there you should be able to get a good idea of what you need for plugins and for macros

I tried to go to I am having the same issue and the one who started the post. I have it loaded and working somewhat but no where near what it should be for dps. As i have been asked to switch to the zkr for my main. I am also leveling him up at 87 now so if you have any of your old files I would be super appreciative.
My suggestion is to use the search feature on mmobugs wouldn't beserker and read all the posts about beserker then go to and read all the posts about Berserkers there you should be able to get a good idea of what you need for plugins and for macros

I tried to go to I am having the same issue and the one who started the post. I have it loaded and working somewhat but no where near what it should be for dps. As i have been asked to switch to the zkr for my main. I am also leveling him up at 87 now so if you have any of your old files I would be super appreciative.

At 87 your dps isn't going to be much anyway.

Most of the info here is for max level zerkers I've found. You need to make sure MQ2Melee is loaded. You then need to do the hard yards unfortunately (it isn't going to be real simple) and set up the holyshit/downshits based on YOUR disciplines / AA's / Items. It will frustrate the fuck out of you for ages, until it clicks. If you're a dumbass like me, it will take a while. If you're young and open minded, you will pick it up way quicker.

The holyshit/downshit thing is just a "when i'm fighting, if this aa is up, use it" or "when im not fighting, if this buff is down, redo it" sort of thing.

Since zerker is going to be your new main, you are going to have to actually know wtf you're doing with it, so taking a shortcut and copy/pasting someone elses holy/downs is just going to turn you into a bit of a tard when MQ2 is down after patches.
I have often thought of changing MQ2Cast so that it was forgiving of the spell rank thing. Would save a lot of time/trouble. Would like to make MQ2Melee load holy/downshits by class instead of by character.

Unfortunately both plugins are pretty convoluted and every time I look at the code I go running away.
Berserker - Holyshit/Downshit Thread

Thread for Zerker Holyshit/Downshit thread, used as part of MQ2Melee, You add code to the servername_character.ini located in MQ2 folder, if the INI doesn't already have a box [MQ2Melee] You can add it manually. Then paste the code from this thread into it.