Help: Merc getting aggro


New member
Jul 13, 2009
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I have another request related to mercs.

I am using a macro to auto-run my toon with a healer merc. The problem I run into is sometimes I will get a repop that aggros on the merc instead of the main. Naturally the merc dies because the dumbass won't fight back and then my main eventually dies without the heals.

I wrote my macro from scratch so I do know the basics, but I need to detect the situation described above so my main can grab aggro. Naturally, I can periodically target the merc and respond if the merc is ever below a set health percentage, but that seems clunky from a coding perspective. Events seem to be out of the question unless I manually code the name of the merc into an event: Merc1 has been hit by a... (actually that's better than the first way I mentioned). But still, the macro would break if I ever changed mercs. Still clunky.

Any suggestions on a plugin or a better coding approach to my problem?
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Events seem to be out of the question unless I manually code the name of the merc into an event: Merc1 has been hit by a... (actually that's better than the first way I mentioned). But still, the macro would break if I ever changed mercs. Still clunky.

Not really, if you wanted to do it that way. Can always assign a Parameter.

/declare HealMerc string local ${Param0}

/mac <name of macro> <name of merc>
would also want to put in there to check on merc only if out of combat unless he is drawing agro while fighting to
i was wondering about this myself, even if you used the event for your merc being hit, how would you set the macro to target the mob hitting the merc? i do not belive you can assist the merc for a target as they would most likely be targeting them self for heals. i guess depending on what class you play you could use some form of ae .. but that would be limited to toons with an ae with sufficent hate.
Im not good with the coding.. but couldnt u just do a check for mobs in a very small (within melee range) Radius around the merc, and have the macro sick your main on anything within that range?
You could try something like (untested, no clue if it works or not):

/if ( ${SpawnCount[ npc radius 50 targetable los]} > 1 ) {
   /for npcAdd 1 to ${SpawnCount[ npc radius 50 targetable los]}
      /echo Detected an add!
      /target npc radius 50 targetable los next
   /next npcAdd
Actually I think what happens is my main gets aggro when the mob pops, (since mercs don't trigger aggro on their own), but then the merc is closer to the spawn point and gets proximity aggro after my main is already on the hate list.

Unfortunately, if this happens while I am medding (which happens often because I play a caster), I don't have any kind of continuous target detection during my med sub. I could add that, but instead I just added a cast of Perfected Invis AA while medding. I'll try it out again tonight. /em crosses fingers

It was a logic oversight. My macro does respond if I get attacked while medding, but not if my merc got attacked.

This is a mostly guesswork, since I haven't witnessed it happening. I just know I walk away from the computer for awhile and when I come back I am dead.

The ideal would be some kind of aggro-management plugin that would keep track of who is getting hit and provide Boolean state variables to use in macros. Part 2 is, like you said, reverse targeting the mob that has aggro on a specified group member. All that is waaay beyond my abilities.

Still, if Invis doesn't help in this particular situation I will resort to your proximity detection suggestion. It would be helpful also when I get an add while fighting. Then I would know to switch an ae nuke into the mix.
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wondering about this problem also. As a BST im playing with the idea of leaving my BST sitting in a designated area so that my merc and pet will continue to kill mobs for AA exp. problem is there is that instance when a mob agros my merc before it makes an attempt at attacking me, thus keeping it off my warders agro list. I really dont want to run a full out pull macro so ive been trying to find a snippet that would just loop me searching for my merc having agro and /petattack on those mobs in a continuous loop. Frustrating so far lol