Heady kiola mac ???

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Sub Event_Chat(ChatType, Sender, ChatText)
/if (${ChatText.Left[1].Equal[/]}) {
/call LoadMasters "${Sender}" "${ChatText}"
/goto :done

Is already defined in the code. So if your tacking yours into the bottom, it won't work.

Sub Event_Chat(ChatType, Sender, ChatText)
/if (${ChatText.Left[1].Equal[/]}) {
/call LoadMasters "${Sender}" "${ChatText}"
/goto :done
/if (!${ChatType.Equal[GROUP]} && !${ChatType.Equal[TELL]}) /return 
| ################# Buff Requests   
   /if (${ChatText.Equal[ds]}) { 
     /target pc ${ChatSender} 
     /if (${Target.Type.Equal[PC]} && ${Target.Distance}<=100) { 
       /tell ${ChatSender} DS is incomming !! 
       /call cast "O'Keils Embers"
     } else {
       /if (${Target.Type.Equal[PC]} && ${Target.Distance}>100) /tell ${ChatSender} You are out of range

It looks like you were missing a } bracket at the end. And .Equal isn't case sensitive. You can use .EqualCS if you want to check for case.

#Chat is a special type of pound command. Much like an event. You don't 'call' it like a normal sub. When you receive chat, it calls itself the next time it runs into a /doevents.
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