Heady kiola mac ???

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Aug 7, 2006
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anyone know of one these thats some where? i need to make lots of them and really could use a macro ;) ;)

Just buy all the ingredients, bring up the recipe in the tradeskill window, and use the combine.mac
xcheck said:
Just buy all the ingredients, bring up the recipe in the tradeskill window, and use the combine.mac

oh ok my bad. not sure what all of them do hehe...ty
:eek: :eek:
is there a mac for enchanter casting thicken mana ect?

Put thicken mana in your first spell slot and /mac skillcast 1

You will have to stop it when it makes enough, it's a simple macro that just chain casts.
ya was gona try that, does it spam tho? spell not rdy or what ever it says?
ok how would i change /if (${Me.PctMana}<20) /goto :SitDown
to mana values,as in less than 300 mana.

also what would i need to add to cast breeze clarity ect to it, and to auto cast if it wears off?

/if (${Me.CurrentMana}<300) /goto :SitDown

For mana.

For the clarity, I guess you could add in an #event for when it wears off but that would take a bit of fiddling around with it.

well i got the event made , how do i get it to cast c when it wears off....not sure how events work....
Check out the [ame=http://www.mmobugs.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1621]lavamm macro[/ame] for an idea on how #events work.

You pretty much make the #event at the top, add the text you get when your clarity wears off next to it, add /doevents alot in the macro, then add a part of the macro thats called when that event happens.

#Event Clarity  "You lose a soft breeze or whatever it is"

/if ${Blahblahblah} macro junk

Sub Event_Clarity
	/echo casting clarity
	/cast clarity
kool26 said:
oh ok my bad. not sure what all of them do hehe...ty
:eek: :eek:

no problem man, it takes a while to learn all this stuff..there's so much here
|Created by HooseNutz - 27 FEB 05
|-Required plugins NONE
|USE: /macro skillcast 8
|Why I made this, instead of using MQ2Twist |to twist a spell-gem and chance getting |caught using MQ2. And to skill-up your |choice of spell types.

#include spell_routines.inc
#turbo 10
   /Echo =============================
   /Echo HooseNutz's Spell Caster
   /Echo =============================
[COLOR="Lime"]#Event Clarity "The cool breeze fades."[/COLOR]
Sub Main
   /declare SpellName
   /varset SpellName ${Me.Gem[${Param0}]}
   /if (${Me.State.Equal[Sit]}) /stand

[COLOR="lime"]   /doevents[/COLOR]
   /if (${Me.PctMana}<20) /goto :SitDown

   /if (${Cursor.ID}) {
      /goto :CheckCursor

   /call cast "${SpellName}"
   /goto :CheckMana

   /if (${Me.State.Equal[STAND]}) /sit on

   /if (${Me.PctMana}<98) /goto :HowMuchMana
   /goto :CheckMana

[COLOR="lime"]Sub Event_Clarity
  /target myself
  /call Cast "Clarity"
  /delay 2

Fry said:
add /doevents alot in the macro
That made me chuckle for a while.
Sweet got it workin, TY for all the help :) .. This is what i came up with if anyone wants to use it..

|Created by HooseNutz - 27 FEB 05.. Modified a lil by kool26 Aug'06
|-Required plugins NONE
|USE: /macro skillcast 8
|Why I made this, instead of using MQ2Twist |to twist a spell-gem and chance getting |caught using MQ2. And to skill-up your |choice of spell types.

#include spell_routines.inc
#turbo 10
   /Echo =============================
   /Echo HooseNutz's Spell Caster
   /Echo =============================

#event C "The light breeze fades#*#"
#event F "Your spell fizzles#*#"

Sub Main
   /declare SpellName
   /varset SpellName ${Me.Gem[${Param0}]}
   /if (${Me.State.Equal[Sit]}) /stand

   /doevents C
   /if (${Me.CurrentMana}<310) /goto :SitDown

   /if (${Cursor.ID}) {
       /goto :CheckCursor

   /call cast "${SpellName}"
   /goto :CheckMana

   /if (${Me.State.Equal[STAND]}) /sit on
   /doevents C

   /doevents C
   /if (${Me.PctMana}<98) /goto :HowMuchMana
   /doevents C
   /goto :CheckMana

   Sub Event_C
	/echo Casting: Clarity
	/cast Breeze
        /doevents F
         /delay 80
   Sub Event_F
       /echo Spell Fizzled: trying again
       /cast Breeze
       /doevents F /goto :SitDown

i havnt tried the fizzle event...never know when ya gonna fizzle lol

Thanks again all
noticed a loop if fizzled event works so fixed that...should work right now if it works ;)
also added autoinv when checking mana to get item off cursor after sitting to gain mana...
Last edited:
Unless something's changed, the /call Cast is to spell_routines which auto-recasts if you fizzle already, so you should be fine w/o a fizzle event
lil prob

ok been working on this lil off and on. trying to add class id for enchanter. which i beleave is 14. so that every other class isnt trying to cast breeze clarity ect

 Sub Event_C
       /if (${Me.Class.ID}" = [14]) {"
	/echo Casting: Clarity
        /target myself
	/cast Breeze
        /doevents F
         /delay 80

        } ELSE {

iam not sure how about doing what i put in " "
i tried several different things but tells me non numeric encountered

and the fizzle works hehe.. and wasnt awear of that Boog...

/if (${Me.Class.ID}==14) {

or /if (${Me.Class.Name.Equal[Enchanter]} {
nother question

how would one get skill cap..your lvl x 5 + 5 (for spell skills)...in a macro...i want to add this to macro ... i have it in it manualy but dont want to change it for every char that runs this lol...

gona add new mac of what i got soon...i hope

for what i have done so far its working great :)

/declare SkillCap ${Math.Calc[${Me.Level}*5+5]}
/if (${SkillCap}>235) /varset SkillCap 235


/if (${Me.Skill[Alteration]}==${SkillCap}) /dostuff

As for stopping on skillups, I'm also in the process of writing one. It just gives me a headache everytime I sit down to work on it, so it's coming slowly. It's not so bad, but coding in the Specialize skills is a mess. Below is a snippet so far. It's only the first part of the spec checks.

Sub Magician
  /declare loopcount int local 0
  /declare Spec1     int local 0
  /declare Spec2     int local 0
  /varset CastCap ${Math.Calc[${Me.Level}*5+5]}
  /if (${CastCap}>235) /varset CastCap 235
  /if (${Me.Level}>20) {
    /varset SpecCap ${Math.Calc[${Me.Level}*5+5]}
    /if (${SpecCap}>200) /varset SpecCap 200
    /if (${Defined[SpecWnt]}) {
      /if (${Me.AltAbility[Secondary Forte]}) {
        /for loopcount 1 to 5
          /if (${Me.Skill[${SpecName${loopcount}}]}>100) /varset Spec1 ${loopcount}
        /next loopcount
        /if (${Spec1}>0) {
          /if (${SpecWnt.Equal[${SpecName${Spec1}}]}) {
            /for loopcount 1 to 5
              /if (${Me.Skill[${SpecName${loopcount}}]}>50 && ${loopcount}!=${Spec1}) /varset Spec2 ${loopcount}
            /next loopcount
            /if (${Spec2}>0) {
              /if (${SpecWnt2.Equal[${SpecName${Spec2}}]}) {
                /goto :EndSpec
              } else {
                /echo ERROR :: Secondary Spec cannot be set
                /goto :EndSpec
            } else {
              /if (${Defined[SpecWnt2]}) {
                /call Emergency ${SpecWnt2.Right[-11]} 50
                /goto :EndSpec
              } else {
                /echo Secondary Spec is FFA!
                /goto :EndSpec
          } else {
            /for loopcount 1 to 5
              /if (${Me.Skill[${SpecName${loopcount}}]}>50 && ${loopcount}!=${Spec1}) {
                /echo ERROR :: Two Specializes are above 50 already! Cannot use ${SpecWnt} -- Ending Macro
            /next loopcount
              /echo ERROR :: ${SpecName${Spec1}} is above 100 already, setting ${SpecWnt} as secondary
              /call Emergency ${SpecWnt.Right[-11]} 50
Thanks Taron, ill see what i can do with the info later...right now i got another problem......

with the afnuke.mac iam trying to get wiz to cast ds on tell/group. so if some one says ds they will get one...but i cant get it to work.....:(

Sub Event_Chat(string ChatType,string ChatSender,string ChatText) 

      /if (!${ChatType.Equal[GROUP]} && !${ChatType.Equal[TELL]}) /return 
| ################# Buff Requests 
     /if (${ChatText.Equal[ds]} || ${ChatText.Equal[DS]}) { 
         /target pc ${ChatSender} 
         /if (${Target.Type.Equal[PC]} && ${Target.Distance}<=100) { 
             /tell ${ChatSender} DS is incomming !! 
             /cast O'Keils Embers 
ive never messed with this stuff befor so no clue how about getting chat events to work as in tells or group.
been trying to get this to work at least 3-4 hours now lol

i added #chat group right above #chat tell in mac.
but i dont see how to get it to call that sub. but any help would be great.

| AFNuke.mac MQ2Data compliant and created by Azum
| 07/21/05 3:30pm es
| Original Nuke sub 'borrowed' from Yalp
| INI and Exclude code shamelessly stolen from ml2517
| Original Manarobe code mostly stolen from ieatacid, refined by Azum
| Leash and /iclick routines taken from Jerle's Rogue Helper macro
| When you first run the macro start it with /mac afnuke tankname and
| an .INI file will be generated (nuke_yourname.ini).
| To change the tankname, simply restart with /mac afnuke tankname again.
| Otherwise, /mac afnuke will start the macro with the tankname specified in
| the ini file.
| Useage /mac afnuke tankname1 tankname2 tankname3 or
| /mac afnuke tankname1 tankname2 or /mac afnuke tankname1 or /mac afnuke
| TIP:  The easiest way to exclude/include mobs is to set up a hotkey:
| For Excludes:
| /exclude ${Target.CleanName}
| To Remove an Exclude:
| /include ${Target.CleanName}

#include spell_routines.inc
#include AFNuke.inc
#include AFNuke2.inc

#chat group
#chat tell

#Event mezbreak          "#*#awakened by #1#"
#event stunned           "#*#while stunned#*#"
#event slain             "#*#has been slain#*#"
#event EXP               "#*#gain experience!#*#"
#event oom               "#*#Insufficient mana#*#"
#event range             "#*#target is out of range#*#"
#event cantsee           "You cannot see#*#"
#event died              "#*#Returning to home point, please wait...#*#"
#event died              "#*#you have been slain#*#"
#event zoned             "#*#You have entered#*#"
#event force             "The shield fades away."
#event force             "The maelstrom dissipates."
#event summon            "You have been summoned!"
#event hit               "#*# YOU for #*#"
#event hit               "#*# YOU, but #*#"
#event togglemain        "[MQ2] nuke1 #1#"
#event toggleend         "[MQ2] nuke2 #1#"
#event togglemodrod      "[MQ2] domodrod"
#event toggleconc        "[MQ2] conc"
#event concnum           "[MQ2] concnum #1#"
#event familiar          "[MQ2] myfamiliar #1#"
#event togglemainnukenum "[MQ2] mainnukenum #1#"
#event toggleendnukenum  "[MQ2] endnukenum #1#"
#event togglemaxbuffs    "[MQ2] maxbuffs #1#"
#event togglemobhealth   "[MQ2] mobhealth #1#"
#event togglestaffhealth "[MQ2] staffhealth #1#"
#event togglestopnuke    "[MQ2] stopnuke #1#"
#event togglestopnuke2   "[MQ2] stopnuke2 #1#"
#event toggledistance    "[MQ2] engagedistance #1#"
#event toggleass         "[MQ2] assist"
#event togglexuzl        "[MQ2] doxuzl"
#event togglemanarobe    "[MQ2] manarobe"
#event togglexuzlperc    "[MQ2] xuzlperc #1#"
#event toggletemp        "[MQ2] temp"
#event togglesnare       "[MQ2] dosnare"
#event togglesnareperc   "[MQ2] snareperc #1#"
#event toggless          "[MQ2] ss"
#event togglemanaward    "[MQ2] mw"
#event toggletimewand    "[MQ2] timewand"
#event toggleepic        "[MQ2] epic"
#event toggleforceshield "[MQ2] forceshield"
#event toggleautosit     "[MQ2] autosit"
#event togglemaelin      "[MQ2] som"
#event togglema          "[MQ2] ma #1#"
#event togglesa          "[MQ2] sa #1#"
#event toggleta          "[MQ2] ta #1#"
#event cycleassist       "[MQ2] cycle"
#event spellshield       "The magical barrier fades #*#"
#event manaward          "The blue aura fades #*#"
#event exclude           "[MQ2] exclude #*#"
#event include           "[MQ2] include #*#"
#event addmaster         "[MQ2] addmaster #*#"
#event delmaster         "[MQ2] delmaster #*#"
#event addjunk           "[MQ2] addjunk #*#"
#event deljunk           "[MQ2] deljunk #*#"
#event pause             "[MQ2] pause"
#event itemset           "[MQ2] itemset #1# #2# #3#"
#event itembounce        "[MQ2] itembounce #1# #2#"
#event itemcast          "[MQ2] itemcast #1#"
#event togleash          "[MQ2] leash#*#"
#event autofollow        "[MQ2] autofollow#*#"
#event stopfollow        "[MQ2] stopfollow#*#"
#event afhelp            "[MQ2] afhelp"
#event nukepause         "[MQ2] nukepause #*#"
#event toggleharvest     "[MQ2] doharvest"
#event toggleharvestperc "[MQ2] harvestperc #1#"
#event togglemeditate    "[MQ2] medtoggle"
#event togglepreconc     "[MQ2] dopreconc"
#event togglepreconcnum  "[MQ2] preconcnum #1#"
#event translocate       "[MQ2] tlocate #*#"
#event getout            "[MQ2] getout"

sub main
/declare CChannel       outer "" 
/declare ChatController outer ""
/declare noInterrupt      int outer 1
/declare noInvis          int outer 1
/declare pcid             int outer
/declare preconc          int outer
/declare preconcnum       int outer
/declare npcnum           int outer
/declare forcespell       string outer
/declare shieldspell      string outer
/declare version          string outer 072105
/declare autoTL           int outer
/declare autositmana      int outer
/declare autosit          int outer
/declare sittimer         timer outer 0
/declare Y                float outer
/declare X                float outer
/declare pausetimer       timer outer 0
/declare nukepause        string outer None
/declare followdistance   int outer
/declare leashlength      int outer 0
/declare stakeX           int outer
/declare stakeY           int outer
/declare leashholder      string outer Nobody
/declare doleash          int outer
/declare wornslot         string outer NULL
/declare dopause          int outer
/declare AlertList        int outer 20
/declare buffslot         int outer
/declare maxbuffs         int outer
/declare retry            int outer
/declare retrycount       int outer 0
/declare olditem          string outer NULL
/declare snarespell       string outer
/declare snaretimer       timer outer 0
/declare bag              int outer
/declare slot             int outer
/declare snareperc        int outer
/declare dosnare          int outer
/declare snaregem         string outer
/declare modrod           int outer
/declare rodpercent       int outer
/declare hasrod           int outer 1
/declare asstimer         timer outer 0
/declare rodtimer         timer outer 0
/declare nukecount        int outer 0
/declare endnukenum       int outer
/declare mainnukenum      int outer
/declare checktarget      string outer
/declare conccount        int outer 0
/declare concnum          int outer
/declare IniFile          string outer
/declare INIFlag          int outer
/declare TempStr          string outer
/declare TempSpell        string outer
/declare medtoggle        int outer
/declare medpercent       int outer
/declare doharvest        int outer
/declare harvestpercent   int outer
/declare manatomedup      int outer
/declare checkfamiliar    int outer
/declare myfamiliar       int outer
/declare m                int outer
/declare n                int outer
/declare concuss          int outer
/declare shieldofmaelin   int outer
/declare stopnuke         int outer
/declare tankname         string outer
/declare engagedistance   int outer
/declare engagedmob       int outer 0
/declare mobhealth        int outer
/declare mobid            int outer 0
/declare forceshield      int outer
/declare manarobe         int outer
/declare beginrobe        int outer
/declare hasrobe          int outer 1
/declare donerobe         int outer
/declare tempstaff        int outer
/declare staffhealth      int outer
/declare stopnuke2        int outer
/declare mainnuke         string outer
/declare endnuke          string outer
/declare mainnukegem      string outer
/declare endnukegem       string outer
/declare forcegem         string outer
/declare harvestgem       string outer
/declare maelingem        string outer
/declare spellshield      int outer
/declare manaward         int outer
/declare ssgem            string outer
/declare manawardgem      string outer
/declare hasele           int outer
/declare myconc           string outer NULL
/declare myconcgem        string outer
/declare usetimewand      int outer
/declare useepic          int outer
/declare doxuzl           int outer
/declare xuzlperc         int outer
/declare mainassist1      string outer
/declare mainassist2      string outer
/declare mainassist3      string outer
/declare doassist         int outer
/declare ialias           string outer None
/declare doiclick         int outer
/declare bouncenum        int outer 1
/declare ibounce          string outer None
/declare itemspellname    string outer None
/declare clicktimer       timer outer 0

/if (${Defined[Param6]}) /varset CChannel ${Param6} 
      /join ${CChannel} 
      /1 I am here! 
      /echo Joined channel ${CChannel} 

      /if (${Defined[Param7]}) /varset ChatController ${Param7} 
      /tell ${ChatController} I am here! 
      /echo My master is ${ChatController} 
/varset IniFile nuke_${Me.Name}.ini
/if (${Defined[Param2]}) {
/ini "${IniFile}" Settings tankname ${Param0}
/ini "${IniFile}" Settings mainassist1 ${Param0}
/varset mainassist1 ${Param0}
/varset tankname ${Param0}
/ini "${IniFile}" Settings mainassist2 ${Param1}
/varset mainassist2 ${Param1}
/ini "${IniFile}" Settings mainassist3 ${Param2}
/varset mainassist3 ${Param2}
} else /if (${Defined[Param1]}) {
/ini "${IniFile}" Settings tankname ${Param0}
/ini "${IniFile}" Settings mainassist1 ${Param0}
/varset mainassist1 ${Param0}
/varset tankname ${Param0}
/ini "${IniFile}" Settings mainassist2 ${Param1}
/varset mainassist2 ${Param1}
} else /if (${Defined[Param0]}) {
/ini "${IniFile}" Settings tankname ${Param0}
/ini "${IniFile}" Settings mainassist1 ${Param0}
/varset mainassist1 ${Param0}
/varset tankname ${Param0}
} else /if (!${Defined[Param0]}) {
/varset TempStr ${Ini[${IniFile},Settings,tankname,NOTFOUND]}
/varset tankname ${TempStr}
/if (${TempStr.Equal["NOTFOUND"]}) {
/echo You need to start the macro with /mac afnuke tankname and generate your .INI file.
/call LoadINI
/call AntiRetard
/Echo  =+= Azum's AutoNuke Macro Enabled =+=
/Echo  =+= Type /afhelp for command list =+=
/if (${Spawn[${tankname}].ID} && ${doassist}>0) {
/Echo Your Main Assist is ${tankname}
/echo Your SA is ${mainassist2} and TA is ${mainassist3}
} else /if (!${Spawn[${tankname}].ID} && ${doassist}>0) {
/Echo Your Main Assist is ${tankname}, but they are not currently in the zone.
/echo Your SA is ${mainassist2} and TA is ${mainassist3}
/if (${doassist}<1) /echo Auto-Acquire Target Mode
/if (${Me.Sitting}) /sit off

/doevents flush

/call LoadExcludes
/if (${hasele}>0) {
/call ItemFinder "Maelin's Leggings of Lore" "Leg"
/if (${Macro.Return.Equal["NOTFOUND"]}) {
/varset hasele 0
/ini "${IniFile}" Settings hasele 0

/delay 0
/if (${doleash}>0) /call Leash
/if (${dopause}>0) /goto :mainloop
/if (${tempstaff}>0) {
/call ItemFinder "Staff of Temperate Flux"
/if (${Macro.Return.Equal["NOTFOUND"]}) {
/varset tempstaff 0
/echo You don't appear to have a Staff of Temperate Flux
/if (${modrod}>0) {
/call ItemFinder "Rod of Mystical Transvergance"
/if (${Macro.Return.Equal["NOTFOUND"]}) {
/varset hasrod 0
} else {
/varset hasrod 1
/if (${Me.Pet.ID} && ${Me.Pet.Name.Find[familiar]}) /pet get lost
/if (${Cursor.ID} && ${Cursor.Name.Equal[Rod of Mystical Transvergance]}) /autoinv
/if (${doharvest}>0) /call Harvestcheck
/if (${Me.CountBuffs}>=${maxbuffs}) /call Junk
/if (!${clicktimer}) /call ClickBuffcheck
/call Buffcheck
/if (${modrod}>0 && ${Me.PctMana}<=${rodpercent} && ${hasrod}>0 && !${rodtimer}) /call Modrod
/if (${manarobe}>0 && ${hasrobe}>0 && ${Me.PctMana}<=${beginrobe}) /call Manarobe
/if (${medtoggle}>0) /call Medcheck
/if (${autosit}>0 && ${engagedmob}==0 && !${sittimer} && !${Me.Moving}) /call Autosit
/if (${doassist}>0) /call Assistcheck
/if (${doassist}<1) /call NoAssist
/if (${engagedmob}==1 && ${Target.ID}==${mobid} && ${preconc}>0 && ${Target.LineOfSight} && ${pcid}!=${mobid}) /call Preconc
/if (${engagedmob}==1 && ${Target.ID}==${mobid} && ${Target.LineOfSight}) /call Nuke
/goto :mainloop

Sub Event_Chat(string ChatType,string ChatSender,string ChatText) 

      /if (!${ChatType.Equal[GROUP]} && !${ChatType.Equal[TELL]}) /return 
| ################# Buff Requests 
     /if (${ChatText.Equal[ds]} || ${ChatText.Equal[DS]}) { 
         /target pc ${ChatSender} 
         /if (${Target.Type.Equal[PC]} && ${Target.Distance}<=100) { 
             /tell ${ChatSender} DS is incomming !! 
             /cast O'Keils Embers 

Sub Event_slain

/if (${Target.CurrentHPs}>=0) /return
/varset engagedmob 0
/varset mobid 0
/varset conccount 0
/varset nukecount 0
/varset snaretimer 0
/varset pausetimer 0

Sub Event_EXP

/if (${Target.CurrentHPs}>=0) /return
/varset engagedmob 0
/varset mobid 0
/varset conccount 0
/varset nukecount 0
/varset snaretimer 0
/varset pausetimer 0

sub event_stunned

/if (!${Me.Stunned}) /return
/delay 1s !${Me.Stunned}
/if (${Me.Stunned}) /goto :stunloop

sub event_cantsee

/varset engagedmob 0
/varset mobid 0
/varset conccount 0
/varset nukecount 0
/varset snaretimer 0
/varset pausetimer 0

sub event_range

/varset engagedmob 0
/varset mobid 0
/varset conccount 0
/varset nukecount 0
/varset snaretimer 0
/varset pausetimer 0

sub event_oom

/if (${Me.PctMana}<10 && !${Me.Moving} && !${Me.Casting.ID}) {
/echo Mana too low, medding to 15 mana.
} else {
/goto :end


/if (${doleash}>0) /call Leash
/if (${Cursor.ID} && ${Cursor.Name.Equal[Rod of Mystical Transvergance]}) /autoinv
/if (${modrod}>0 && ${Me.PctMana}<=${rodpercent} && ${hasrod}>0 && !${rodtimer}) /call Modrod
/if (${forceshield}>0) /call Forceshield
/if (!${clicktimer}) /call ClickBuffcheck
/if (${doharvest}>0 && ${Me.PctMana}<=${harvestpercent}) {
/if ((${Me.AltAbilityReady["Harvest of Druzzil"]} && ${Me.AltAbility["Harvest of Druzzil"]}>0) || ${Me.SpellReady["Harvest"]}) {
/echo Harvest Ready, stopping meditation and casting.
/if (${Me.Sitting}) /sit off
/call Harvestcheck
/echo Resuming Quick Meditation
/if (${Cursor.ID} && ${Cursor.Name.Equal[Rod of Mystical Transvergance]}) /autoinv
/if (${Me.CountBuffs}>=${maxbuffs}) /call Junk
/if (${SpawnCount[npc radius 40 zradius 20 noalert ${AlertList}]}>0) {
/varset npcnum ${SpawnCount[npc radius 40 zradius 20 noalert ${AlertList}]}
/for m 1 to ${npcnum} step 1
/if (${NearestSpawn[${m}, npc noalert ${AlertList}].LineOfSight}) {
/if (!${Me.Mount.ID} && ${Me.Sitting}) /sit off
} else {
/next m
/if (!${Me.Mount.ID} && !${Me.Sitting} && !${Me.Moving} && ${Me.PctMana}<15) /sit on
/if (${Me.PctMana}<15) /goto :Medloop
/if (${Me.Sitting}) /sit off
/echo Finished Quick Medding at ${Me.PctMana} mana.

Sub event_force

/call Forceshield

Sub event_spellshield

/call Spellshield

Sub event_manaward

/call Manaward

sub event_togglemain(Line, Command)

/if (!${Int[${Command.Length}]}) /return
/if (!${Me.Book[${Command}]}) {
/echo You dont appear to have ${Command} in your spellbook.
/goto :end
} else /if (${Me.Book[${Command}]}) {
/ini "${IniFile}" Settings mainnuke "${Command}"
/varset TempStr ${Ini[${IniFile},Settings,mainnuke,NOTFOUND]}
/varset mainnuke ${TempStr}
/if (${mainnuke.Equal[${endnuke}]} && ${endnukegem.Right[1]}!=${mainnukegem.Right[1]}) {
/varset endnukegem ${mainnukegem}
} else /if (!${mainnuke.Equal[${endnuke}]}) {
/varset TempStr ${Ini[${IniFile},Settings,endnukegem,NOTFOUND]}
/varset endnukegem ${TempStr}
/echo Your main nuke is now ${mainnuke}
/if (${Me.Gem[${mainnuke}]}) /return
/if (!${Me.Gem[${mainnuke}]}) {
/memspell ${mainnukegem.Right[1]} "${mainnuke}"
/delay 4s


sub event_toggleend(Line, Command)

/if (!${Int[${Command.Length}]}) /return
/if (!${Me.Book[${Command}]}) {
/echo You dont appear to
have ${Command} in your spellbook.

/goto :end
} else /if (${Me.Book[${Command}]}) {
/ini "${IniFile}" Settings endnuke "${Command}"
/varset TempStr ${Ini[${IniFile},Settings,endnuke,NOTFOUND]}
/varset endnuke ${TempStr}
/if (${mainnuke.Equal[${endnuke}]} && ${endnukegem.Right[1]}!=${mainnukegem.Right[1]}) {
/varset endnukegem ${mainnukegem}
} else /if (!${mainnuke.Equal[${endnuke}]}) {
/varset TempStr ${Ini[${IniFile},Settings,endnukegem,NOTFOUND]}
/varset endnukegem ${TempStr}
/echo Your end nuke is now ${endnuke}
/if (!${Me.Gem[${endnuke}]}) {
/memspell ${endnukegem.Right[1]} "${endnuke}"
/delay 4s


sub event_toggleconc

/if (${concuss}>0) {
/varset concuss 0
/echo Concussion Disabled
} else /if (${concuss}<1) {
/varset concuss 1
/echo Concussion Enabled
/ini "${IniFile}" Settings concuss ${concuss}


sub event_togglemodrod

/if (${modrod}>0) {
/varset modrod 0
/echo Mod Rodding Disabled
} else /if (${modrod}<1) {
/varset modrod 1
/echo Mod Rodding Enabled
/ini "${IniFile}" Settings modrod ${modrod}


sub event_toggleharvest

/if (${doharvest}>0) {
/varset doharvest 0
/echo Harvesting Disabled
} else /if (${doharvest}<1) {
/varset doharvest 1
/echo Harvesting Enabled
/ini "${IniFile}" Settings doharvest ${doharvest}


sub event_togglemeditate

/if (${medtoggle}>0) {
/varset medtoggle 0
/echo Meditation Disabled
} else /if (${medtoggle}<1) {
/varset medtoggle 1
/echo Meditation Enabled
/ini "${IniFile}" Settings medtoggle ${medtoggle}


sub event_togglepreconc

/if (${preconc}>0) {
/varset preconc 0
/echo Pre-Concussion Disabled
} else /if (${preconc}<1) {
/varset preconc 1
/echo Pre-Concussion Enabled
/ini "${IniFile}" Settings preconc ${preconc}


sub event_toggleforceshield

/if (${forceshield}>0) {
/varset forceshield 0
/echo Force Shield Disabled
} else /if (${forceshield}<1) {
/varset forceshield 1
/echo Force Shield Enabled
/ini "${IniFile}" Settings forceshield ${forceshield}


sub event_toggleepic

/if (${useepic}>0) {
/varset useepic 0
/echo Staff of the Four Disabled
} else /if (${useepic}<1) {
/varset useepic 1
/echo Staff of the Four Enabled
/ini "${IniFile}" Settings useepic ${useepic}


sub event_toggletimewand

/if (${usetimewand}>0) {
/varset usetimewand 0
/echo Wand of Impenetrable Force Disabled
} else /if (${usetimewand}<1) {
/varset usetimewand 1
/echo Wand of Impenetrable Force Enabled
/ini "${IniFile}" Settings usetimewand ${usetimewand}


sub event_togglesnare

/if (${dosnare}>0) {
/varset dosnare 0
/echo Snare Disabled
} else /if (${dosnare}<1) {
/varset dosnare 1
/echo Snare Enabled
/ini "${IniFile}" Settings dosnare ${dosnare}


sub event_toggleass

/if (${doassist}>0) {
/varset doassist 0
/echo Auto-Acquire Targets Enabled.
/goto :done
} else /if (${doassist}<1) {
/varset doassist 1
/echo Auto-Assist Enabled
/if (${Spawn[${tankname}].ID}) {
/Echo Your Main Assist is ${tankname}
/echo Your SA is ${mainassist2} and TA is ${mainassist3}
} else /if (!${Spawn[${tankname}].ID}) {
/Echo Your Main Assist is ${tankname}, but they are not currently in the zone.
/echo Your SA is ${mainassist2} and TA is ${mainassist3}

/ini "${IniFile}" Settings doassist ${doassist}

sub event_toggletemp

/if (${tempstaff}>0) {
/varset tempstaff 0
/echo Temp Staff Debuff Disabled
} else /if (${tempstaff}<1) {
/varset tempstaff 1
/echo Temp Staff Debuff Enabled
/ini "${IniFile}" Settings tempstaff ${tempstaff}


sub event_togglexuzl

/if (${doxuzl}>0) {
/varset doxuzl 0
/echo Call of Xuzl Disabled
} else /if (${doxuzl}<1) {
/varset doxuzl 1
/echo Call of Xuzl Enabled
/ini "${IniFile}" Settings doxuzl ${doxuzl}


sub event_togglemanarobe

/if (${manarobe}>0) {
/varset manarobe 0
/echo Mana Robing Disabled
} else /if (${manarobe}<1) {
/varset manarobe 1
/echo Mana Robing Enabled
/ini "${IniFile}" Settings manarobe ${manarobe}


sub event_toggless

/if (${spellshield}>0) {
/varset spellshield 0
/echo Spellshield Disabled
} else /if (${spellshield}<1) {
/varset spellshield 1
/echo Spellshield Enabled
/ini "${IniFile}" Settings spellshield ${spellshield}


sub event_togglemaelin

/if (${shieldofmaelin}>0) {
/varset shieldofmaelin 0
/echo ${shieldspell} Disabled
} else /if (${shieldofmaelin}<1) {
/varset shieldofmaelin 1
/echo ${shieldspell} Enabled
/ini "${IniFile}" Settings shieldofmaelin ${shieldofmaelin}


sub event_toggleautosit

/if (${autosit}>0) {
/varset autosit 0
/echo Autosit Disabled
} else /if (${autosit}<1) {
/varset autosit 1
/echo Autosit Enabled
/ini "${IniFile}" Settings autosit ${autosit}


sub event_cycleassist

/if (${doassist}<1) /return
/if (${tankname.Equal[${mainassist1}]}) {
/if (${Spawn[${mainassist2}].ID}) {
/varset tankname ${mainassist2}
/Echo Your Main Assist changed to ${tankname}
/goto :done
} else /if (!${Spawn[${mainassist2}].ID} && ${Spawn[${mainassist3}].ID}) {
/varset tankname ${mainassist3}
/Echo Your Main Assist changed to ${tankname}
/goto :done
} else /if (!${Spawn[${mainassist2}].ID} && !${Spawn[${mainassist3}].ID} && ${Spawn[${mainassist1}].ID}) {
/varset tankname ${mainassist1}
/Echo Your Main Assist is still ${tankname}, because ${mainassist2} and ${mainassist3} are not in the zone.
/goto :done
} else /if (!${Spawn[${mainassist2}].ID} && !${Spawn[${mainassist3}].ID} && !${Spawn[${mainassist1}].ID}) {
/echo All Assists dead or zoned, assist cycle failed

/goto :done
/if (${tankname.Equal[${mainassist2}]}) {
/if (${Spawn[${mainassist3}].ID}) {
/varset tankname ${mainassist3}
/Echo Your Main Assist changed to ${tankname}
/goto :done
} else /if (!${Spawn[${mainassist3}].ID} && ${Spawn[${mainassist1}].ID}) {
/varset tankname ${mainassist1}
/Echo Your Main Assist changed to ${tankname}
/goto :done
} else /if (!${Spawn[${mainassist3}].ID} && !${Spawn[${mainassist1}].ID} && ${Spawn[${mainassist2}].ID}) {
/varset tankname ${mainassist2}
/Echo Your Main Assist is still ${tankname}, because ${mainassist1} and ${mainassist3} are not in the zone.
/goto :done
} else /if (!${Spawn[${mainassist3}].ID} && !${Spawn[${mainassist1}].ID} && !${Spawn[${mainassist2}].ID}) {
/echo All Assists dead or zoned, assist cycle failed

/goto :done
/if (${tankname.Equal[${mainassist3}]}) {
/if (${Spawn[${mainassist1}].ID}) {
/varset tankname ${mainassist1}
/Echo Your Main Assist changed to ${tankname}
/goto :done
} else /if (!${Spawn[${mainassist1}].ID} && ${Spawn[${mainassist2}].ID}) {
/varset tankname ${mainassist2}
/Echo Your Main Assist changed to ${tankname}
/goto :done
} else /if (!${Spawn[${mainassist1}].ID} && !${Spawn[${mainassist2}].ID} && ${Spawn[${mainassist3}].ID}) {
/varset tankname ${mainassist3}
/Echo Your Main Assist is still ${tankname}, because ${mainassist1} and ${mainassist2} are not in the zone.
/goto :done
} else /if (!${Spawn[${mainassist3}].ID} && !${Spawn[${mainassist1}].ID} && !${Spawn[${mainassist2}].ID}) {
/echo All Assists dead or zoned, assist cycle failed


sub event_togglema(Line, Command)

/if (!${Command.Length}) /return
/ini "${IniFile}" Settings tankname ${Command}
/ini "${IniFile}" Settings mainassist1 ${Command}
/varset mainassist1 ${Command}
/varset tankname ${Command}
/echo Your Main Assist is ${tankname}


sub event_togglesa(Line, Command)

/if (!${Command.Length}) /return
/ini "${IniFile}" Settings mainassist2 ${Command}
/varset mainassist2 ${Command}
/echo Your SA is ${mainassist2}


sub event_toggleta(Line, Command)

/if (!${Command.Length}) /return
/ini "${IniFile}" Settings mainassist3 ${Command}
/varset mainassist3 ${Command}
/echo Your TA is ${mainassist3}


sub event_pause

/if (${dopause}>0) {
/varset dopause 0
/echo  - Afnuke Unpaused -
} else /if (${dopause}<1) {
/varset dopause 1
/if (${Target.ID}) /squelch /target clear
/delay 2
/echo  - Afnuke Paused -


sub event_togglemanaward

/if (${manaward}>0) {
/varset manaward 0
/echo Mana Ward Disabled
} else /if (${manaward}<1) {
/varset manaward 1
/echo Mana Ward Enabled
/if (!${Me.Gem["Mana Ward"]} && ${manaward}>0) {
/memspell ${manawardgem.Right[1]} "Mana Ward"
/delay 4s
/ini "${IniFile}" Settings manaward ${manaward}


sub event_concnum(Line,int Command)

/if (${Command}>0) {
/varset concnum ${Command}
/ini "${IniFile}" Settings concnum ${Command}
/varset concnum ${Command}
/echo Concussion Number set to ${concnum}


sub event_toggleharvestperc(Line,int Command)

/if (${Command}>0) {
/varset harvestpercent ${Command}
/ini "${IniFile}" Settings harvestpercent ${Command}
/varset harvestpercent ${Command}
/echo Harvest Percent set to ${harvestpercent}


sub event_togglepreconcnum(Line,int Command)

/if (${Command}>0) {
/varset preconcnum ${Command}
/ini "${IniFile}" Settings preconcnum ${Command}
/varset preconcnum ${Command}
/echo PreConc Num set to ${preconcnum}


sub event_familiar(Line,int Command)

/declare oldfamiliar int local
/varset oldfamiliar ${myfamiliar}
/if ((${Command}==52)||(${Command}==179)||(${Command}==303)||(${Command}==304)||(${Command}==305)||(${Command}==453)||(${Command}==454)||(${Command}==455)||(${Command}==457)) {
/ini "${IniFile}" Settings myfamiliar ${Command}
/varset myfamiliar ${Command}
/echo Familiar Type successfully switched.
/if (${myfamiliar}!=${oldfamiliar}) {
/for m 1 to 20 step 1
/if (${Me.Buff[${m}].ID}>0) {
/if (${Me.Buff[${m}].Name.Find["familiar"]}) /varset buffslot ${Math.Calc[${Me.Buff[${m}].ID}-1]}
/next m
/notify BuffWindow Buff${buffslot} leftmouseup
/delay 1
/if (${Me.AltAbilityReady["${myfamiliar}"]} && ${Me.AltAbility["${myfamiliar}"]}>0 && !${Me.Casting.ID} && !${Me.Moving}) {
/call cast "${myfamiliar}" alt 7s
/delay 2
/if (${Me.Pet.ID} && ${Me.Pet.Name.Find[familiar]}) /pet get lost
/if (${Me.Casting.ID} || ${Me.Moving}) /goto :wait1
} else {
/echo Invalid Familiar. 52=improved,179=allegiant,303=Ro,304=E'ci,305=Druzzil,453=Greater Ro,453=Greater E`ci,455=Greater Druzzil,457=Devoted


sub event_togglemobhealth(Line,int Command)

/if (${Command}>0) {
/ini "${IniFile}" Settings mobhealth ${Command}
/varset mobhealth ${Command}
/echo Mob Health is now ${mobhealth}
} else {
/echo Invalid Mob Health specified.


sub event_togglemaxbuffs(Line,int Command)

/if (${Command}>0) {
/ini "${IniFile}" Settings maxbuffs ${Command}
/varset maxbuffs ${Command}
/echo Max Buffs is now ${maxbuffs}
} else {
/echo Invalid Max Buffs specified.


sub event_togglestaffhealth(Line,int Command)

/if (${Command}>0) {
/ini "${IniFile}" Settings staffhealth ${Command}
/varset staffhealth ${Command}
/echo Staff Health is now ${staffhealth}
} else {
/echo Invalid Staff Health specified.


sub event_togglesnareperc(Line,int Command)

/if (${Command}>0) {
/ini "${IniFile}" Settings snareperc ${Command}
/varset snareperc ${Command}
/echo Snare Percent is now ${snareperc}
} else {
/echo Invalid Snare Percent specified.


sub event_togglexuzlperc(Line,int Command)

/if (${Command}>0) {
/ini "${IniFile}" Settings xuzlperc ${Command}
/varset xuzlperc ${Command}
/echo Xuzl Percent is now ${xuzlperc}
} else {
/echo Invalid Xuzl Percent specified.


sub event_togglestopnuke(Line,int Command)

/if (${Command}>0 || ${Command}<0) {
/ini "${IniFile}" Settings stopnuke ${Command}
/varset stopnuke ${Command}
/echo Stop Nuke is now ${stopnuke}
} else {
/echo Invalid Stop Nuke specified.


sub event_togglestopnuke2(Line,int Command)

/if (${Command}>0 || ${Command}<0) {
/ini "${IniFile}" Settings stopnuke2 ${Command}
/varset stopnuke2 ${Command}
/echo Stop Nuke2 is now ${stopnuke2}
} else {
/echo Invalid Stop Nuke2 specified.


sub event_toggledistance(Line,int Command)

/if (${Command}>0) {
/ini "${IniFile}" Settings engagedistance ${Command}
/varset engagedistance ${Command}
/echo Engage Distance is now ${engagedistance}
} else {
/echo Invalid Engage Distance specified.


sub event_togglemainnukenum(Line,int Command)

/if (${Command}>0) {
/varset mainnukenum ${Command}
/ini "${IniFile}" Settings mainnukenum ${Command}
/varset mainnukenum ${Command}
/echo Number of main nukes before concussion set to ${mainnukenum}
} else {
/echo Invalid number of main nukes before concussion specified.


sub event_toggleendnukenum(Line,int Command)

/if (${Command}>0) {
/ini "${IniFile}" Settings endnukenum ${Command}
/varset endnukenum ${Command}
/echo Number of end nukes before concussion set to ${endnukenum}
} else {
/echo Invalid number of end nukes before concussion specified.


Sub Event_nukepause(EvtText)

/varset EvtText ${EvtText.Right[-16]}
/if (${EvtText.Length}>0) {
/if (${EvtText.Equal["None"]} || ${EvtText.Equal["0"]}) {
/varset nukepause None
/varset pausetimer 0
/echo - Nuke Pause set to ${nukepause}
} else {
/varset nukepause ${EvtText}
/echo - Nuke Pause set to ${nukepause}
/ini "${IniFile}" Settings nukepause ${nukepause}


Sub Event_addmaster(EvtText)
/varset EvtText ${EvtText.Right[-16]}
/if (${EvtText.Length}>0) {
/call AddMaster "${EvtText}"

Sub Event_delmaster(EvtText)
/varset EvtText ${EvtText.Right[-16]}
/if (${EvtText.Length}>0) {
/call DelMaster "${EvtText}"

Sub Event_addjunk(EvtText)
/varset EvtText ${EvtText.Right[-14]}
/if (${EvtText.Length}>0) {
/call AddJunkBuff "${EvtText}"

Sub Event_deljunk(EvtText)
/varset EvtText ${EvtText.Right[-14]}
/if (${EvtText.Length}>0) {
/call DelJunkBuff "${EvtText}"

Sub Event_exclude(EvtText)
/varset EvtText ${EvtText.Right[-14]}
/if (${EvtText.Length}>0) {
/call AddExclude "${EvtText}"

Sub Event_include(EvtText)
/varset EvtText ${EvtText.Right[-14]}
/if (${EvtText.Length}>0) {
/call DelExclude "${EvtText}"

Sub Event_mezbreak(string line,string name)
/if ( ${name.Equal[${Me.Name}]} ) {
/echo Mez break detected, getting a new target.
/varset engagedmob 0
/varset mobid 0
/varset conccount 0
/varset nukecount 0
/varset snaretimer 0
/varset pausetimer 0
/if (${Target.ID}) /squelch /target clear

Sub Event_itemset(string Line, Command1, Command2, Command3)
/ini ${IniFile} "${Command1}" "FullName" "${Command3}"
/ini ${IniFile} "${Command1}" "KeepUp" "${If[${Command2.Equal[keepup]},TRUE,FALSE]}"
/echo ${Command3} (KeepUp=${If[${Command2.Equal[keepup]},TRUE,FALSE]}) updated in INI!

Sub Event_itembounce(string Line, Command1, Command2)
/if (!${Command2.Length}) {
/echo Improper use of /ibounce
/echo /ibounce <itemalias> Some Spell Name
/echo For example:
/echo /ibounce gobby Strength of Tunare
/if (!${Ini[${IniFile},${Command1}].Length}) {
/echo [${Command1}] not in INI file!
/declare bindex int local 1
/if (${Ini[${IniFile},${Command1},BounceOff${bindex}].Length}) {
|- This one is in use...
/varcalc bindex ${bindex}+1
/goto :CheckNextKey
} else {
/ini ${IniFile} "${Command1}" "BounceOff${bindex}" "${Command2}"
/echo Added "${Command2}" to [${Command1}]'s bounce list

Sub Event_itemcast(string Line, Command)
/if (!${Command.Length}) {
/echo Improper use of /icast
/echo /icast <itemalias>
/echo For example:
/echo /icast gobby
/if (!${Ini[${IniFile},${Command}].Length}) {
/echo "[${Command}] not in INI file!
/declare fullname string local ${Ini[${IniFile},${Command},FullName]}
/if (${Me.CountBuffs}>=${maxbuffs}) /call Junk
/call ItemFinder "${fullname}"
/if (${Macro.Return.Equal["NOTFOUND"]}) /return
/varset itemspellname ${FindItem[${Ini[${IniFile},${Command},FullName]}].Spell}
| /echo Casting ${itemspellname}
/if (${Macro.Return.Equal["INVENTORY"]}) /call IteminInvSlot "${fullname}"
/if (${Macro.Return.Equal["BAGGED"]}) /call IteminBag "${fullname}"
/if (${Macro.Return.Equal["EQUIPPED"]}) /call RightClickItem "${fullname}"

Sub Event_togleash(string Line)
/if (${Line.Arg[3].Equal[OFF]} || (${Int[${Line.Arg[3]}]}<=0)) {
/varset doleash 0
/varset leashholder Nobody
/echo - Leashing is now OFF!
/ini "${IniFile}" "Settings" "doleash" "${doleash}"
} else {
/if (${Line.Arg[4].Length}) {
/varset leashholder ${Line.Arg[4]}
/if (${Spawn[${leashholder}].ID}) {
/varset doleash 1
/varset leashlength ${Int[${Line.Arg[3]}]}
/echo - Leashing is now ON! Leashlength: ${leashlength} ft.
/echo - Leash-holding master is: ${leashholder}
/ini "${IniFile}" "Settings" "doleash" "${doleash}"
} else {
|- This spawn/thing/target doesn't exist
/echo - Can't find "${leashholder}" -- Who is that?!
/echo - Leashing is now OFF!
/varset doleash 0
/varset leashholder Nobody
} else {
/varset doleash 1
/varset leashholder Nobody
/varset leashlength ${Int[${Line.Arg[3]}]}
/varset stakeX ${Me.X}
/varset stakeY ${Me.Y}
/echo - Leashing is now ON! Leashlength: ${leashlength} ft.
/echo - Stake planted at X:${stakeX}, Y:${stakeY}
/ini "${IniFile}" "Settings" "leashholder" "${leashholder}"
/ini "${IniFile}" "Settings" "leashlength" "${leashlength}"

Sub Event_autofollow(string Line)
/declare distance int local 15
/if (${Ini[${IniFile},Settings,followdistance].NotEqual[NULL]}) {
/varset distance ${Ini[${IniFile},Settings,followdistance]}
/if (${Line.Arg[3].Length}) /target ${Line.Arg[3]}
/if (${Line.Arg[4].Length}) /varset distance ${Line.Arg[4]}
/if (${distance}<10) /varset distance 10
/ini "${IniFile}" "Settings" "followdistance" "${distance}"
/if (${Target.ID}) {
/echo - Autofollow on: ${Target.CleanName} (${distance} ft.)
/echo - Change targets to stop autofollowing.
} else {
/echo - Can't activate Autofollow -- no valid target!
/declare followID int local ${Target.ID}
/varset X ${Me.X}
/varset Y ${Me.Y}


/if (${Target.ID}) /face fast nolook
/if ((${Target.Distance}>${distance})&&(${Target.ID}==${followID})) {
/keypress forward hold
/delay 2
/if ((${Me.X}==${X}) && (${Me.Y}==${Y})) /call Obstacle
/if ((${Target.Distance}<=${distance})&&(${Target.ID}==${followID})) /keypress back
/if (${Target.ID}==${followID}) {
/goto :FollowingLoop
} else {
/keypress forward
/keypress back
/echo - Autofollow ended.

Sub Event_stopfollow(string Line)
/if (${Target.ID}) /squelch /target clear

Sub Event_Chat(ChatType, Sender, ChatText)
/if (${ChatText.Left[1].Equal[/]}) {
/call LoadMasters "${Sender}" "${ChatText}"
/goto :done

Sub Event_hit
/doevents died

sub event_died
/echo You died, ending macro

Sub Event_summon
/call Event_hit

Sub Event_getout
/if (${Me.Casting.ID}) /call Interrupt
/if (${Target.ID}) /squelch /target clear
/if (${Me.AltAbilityReady["43"]} && ${Me.AltAbility["43"]}>0 && !${Me.Casting.ID}) {
/call Cast "43" alt 7s
} else {
/call Cast "Evacuate" gem5 7s
/delay 8

Sub Event_translocate(string Line)
/if (!${Line.Arg[3].Length} || ${autoTL}<1) /return
/declare Person string local
/if (${Me.Casting.ID} || ${Me.Moving}) /goto :wait1
/varset Person ${Line.Arg[3]}
/if (${Spawn[${Person}].ID} && ${Spawn[${Person}].Distance}<=100) {
/squelch /target id ${Spawn[${Person}].ID}
/delay 2s
/call ItemFinder "Time Traveler's Abandoned Notebook"
/if (${Macro.Return.Equal["NOTFOUND"]}) /goto :nobook
/if (${Macro.Return.Equal["INVENTORY"]}) /call IteminInvSlot "Time Traveler's Abandoned Notebook"
/if (${Macro.Return.Equal["BAGGED"]}) /call IteminBag "Time Traveler's Abandoned Notebook"
/if (${Macro.Return.Equal["EQUIPPED"]}) /call RightClickItem "Time Traveler's Abandoned Notebook"
/goto :done
/call cast "Translocate" gem5 7s
} else {
/echo Translocate failed - ${Person} too far away or not in zone.

Sub Event_afhelp
/echo -(AFNuke Help)-
/echo /tl <name> - Translocate someone to bind
/echo /evac - Exodus or Evac immediately
/echo /harvest - Harvest toggle
/echo /harvestperc - Harvest Percent
/echo /medtoggle - Meditation toggle
/echo /modrod - Mod Rod Toggle
/echo /timewand - Wand of Impenetrable Force toggle
/echo /epic - Staff of the Four toggle
/echo /force - Force Shield Enable/Disable
/echo /temp - Temp Staff Enable/Disable
/echo /staffhealth <number> - Temp Staff Health
/echo /nuke1 <name of nuke> - Main Nuke
/echo /nuke2 <name of nuke> - End Nuke
/echo /preconc - PreConcussion toggle
/echo /preconcnum - Number of PreConcussions
/echo /conc - Concussion Enable/Disable
/echo /concnum <number> - Number of Concussions to cast
/echo /myfamiliar <number> - 52=improved,179=allegiant,303=Ro's,304=E'ci's,305=Druzzil,453=Greater Ro,453=Greater E`ci,455=Greater Druzzil,457=Devoted
/echo /mainnukenum <number> - Number of Main Nukes before concussion
/echo /endnukenum <number> - Number of End Nukes before concussion
/echo /maxbuffs <number> - Max Buffs before auto-clicking junk buffs
/echo /mobhealth <number> - Mob Health (Minimum health before engaging)
/echo /stopnuke <number> - Stop Nuke Amount (Switch to endnuke at this amount)
/echo /stopnuke2 <number> - Stop Nuke2 Amount (Stop nuking at this amount)
/echo /engagedistance <number> - Engage Distance
/echo /addjunk <name of buff> - Add Buff to Junk Buffs List
/echo /deljunk <name of buff> - Remove Buff from Junk Buffs List
/echo /addmaster <name> - Add Master to Masters List
/echo /delmaster <name> - Remove Master from Masters List
/echo /exclude <name> - Add NPC to Exclude List
/echo /include <name> - Remove NPC from Exclude List
/echo /manarobe - Mana Robe Enable/Disable
/echo /doassist - Toggle Assist/Auto-Acquire Targets
/echo /cycle - Cycle through your three assists
/echo /ma - Set Primary Main Assist
/echo /sa - Set Secondary Main Assist
/echo /ta - Set Tertiary Main Assist
/echo /doxuzl - Xuzl Toggle
/echo /xuzlperc <number> - Xuzl Percent Health
/echo /temp - Temp Staff Toggle
/echo /dosnare - Snare Toggle
/echo /snareperc <number> - Snare Percentage
/echo /ss - Spellshield Toggle
/echo /mw - Mana Ward Toggle
/echo /som - Shield of Maelin Toggle
/echo /pause - Pause Toggle
/echo /leash <distance> or /leash <distance> <player> - Set an anchor
/echo /autofollow <name> <distance> or /autofollow <name> - Autofollow Player, ends when target is cleared
/echo /stopfollow - Cancel autofollow
/echo /maxbuffs <number> - Max Amount of Buffs before autoclicking off junk buffs
/echo /nukepause <pausetime> or /nukepause None - Pause time between nukes
/echo /autosit - Autosit Toggle
/echo /iset <alias> nokeepup|keepup Full Item Name - Creates/modifies an item alias
/echo /iclick <alias> - Clicks Aliased Item
/echo /ibounce <alias> <name of buff> - Add an unstackable buff to the alias (Don't click alias if this buff is on you)


sub Event_zoned
/if (${doleash}>0) {
/echo - Zoned... Setting Leash to OFF!
/varset doleash 0
/ini "${IniFile}" "Settings" "doleash" "${doleash}"

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