GM gave a "freebe"...

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Ok, I know some of y'all have discussed GK a million times or what not. But for those of that have not, and are only guessing what Ghost Killing is here goes (let me know if I'm correct w/o flame broiling me please).

I'm guessin GK is some type of plugin that lets players kill mobs w/o attacking them or maybe one that lets players attack mobs w/o the mob attacking back. either way, dosent sound like I'd enjoy using it. But I'm curious. I'm certain theres somebody else thats passed over this thread and wondered the same thing but didnt want to look stupid......I dont mind looking stupid, I think that about myself everytime I pass infront of a mirror anyways.

Thanks- BB
GKing is a way to kill raid mobs from the safety of the other side of the zone. It's a very powerful hack that has done nothing but wreak havoc on the game and those that use MQ2 for more passive functions. This site doesn't support it and i fully agree with that decision. It's more trouble that it's worth. Best left alone.
Ah, ok. So I wasn't too far off. Dosent sound like much fun to me. Thanks Rooster

go read Kodilynn's Sig..then

Kodi's sig newbs + the power of God (GK) = total fuckwad and the end of EQ

Everquest is a computer game and only a computer game. If people wish to "GK" then so be it let them. If this somehow destroys the fabric of the game then good, people should be focusing these sorts of computer talents on more important stuff anyways. As for this site not promoting these kinds of hacks and or files,.....They do and they lie to your face about it. I have friends who use lifetime accounts and its all available. This site hands out the very hacks they talk down about like candy to the lifetimers, then bitch when they think the game is getting ruined by it.

PS you can have my 10 dollars EQ sucks now
I'm in Lifetime, and I certainly don't see any of those things your talking about. I'm not sure who your buddy is, but you might want to take what he's telling you with a grain of salt, if thats what he's telling you.

Course, your probably not going to believe me anyways so I probably just wasted this 30 seconds of my life. :(
yes unless your friend is smoking something am not i dont see any gk in lifetime at all. so he is filling your head with air
I hear lifetime members get free bubble gum and popcorn. My friend told me so, it's a conspiracy I tell you.
Your "friends" have lied to you. If they really are lifetime, they are just stirring the pot.
Don't dignify him with a reply guys. He knows there's no GK plugins in lifetime.I seriously doubt he has friends in there, or probably anywhere for that matter. He's looking for attention, ignore and it'll go away. Like most insects.
I hear lifetime members get free bubble gum and popcorn. My friend told me so, it's a conspiracy I tell you.

where the fuck was I when the gum was handed out? :mad:
I agree that GK is a horrible idea that easily has the power to destroy the end game subscription base if a huge outbreak takes place. However, the possibility of that happening is slim to none, most people in my guild have never even heard of everquest, and all these "asshats running around ghostkilling" simply don't exist. They get banned, and fast right now.

Moreover, the ability to secure the plugin DOES exist. Other sites do it, Im sure a talented coder could limit the plugin to one character name, account name, etc. Its entirely plausible and possible, and the line about it not being possible is a lie or a way to avoid days, possibly solid weeks, of coding it out.

With that said, I have NO intrest in GK. But, both sides of the argument need proper representation here if some of the newer members wish to reach and educated decision on this topic. I really dont care that the lifetime members or devs are against it, if you want it, its out there. Should you choose to use it, remember two things.

Theres a 99.99% chance that you will get the banhammer, people WILL find out and you will have no reputation on the server. Unless the holy raptor jesus bequeaths some sort of anti-gm suppository into your possession, you're fucked.

It does destroys the gameI love this game, Ive played since early Velious, and I really don't want to see this game come to an early end. Subscription rates are going down steadily and server consolidation is going to happen again, its inevitable. HOWEVERWhen subscription rates get low enough, the game will be turned off. This is about money for SOE, not fantasy.

When end game players get shit ganked, they get angry, hell. I would. Doing that over time? People stop playing.

Thats my 2cp.
Theres a 99.99% chance that you will get the banhammer, people WILL find out and you will have no reputation on the server. Unless the holy raptor jesus bequeaths some sort of anti-gm suppository into your possession, you're fucked.

It does destroys the gameI love this game, Ive played since early Velious, and I really don't want to see this game come to an early end. Subscription rates are going down steadily and server consolidation is going to happen again, its inevitable. HOWEVERWhen subscription rates get low enough, the game will be turned off. This is about money for SOE, not fantasy.

When end game players get shit ganked, they get angry, hell. I would. Doing that over time? People stop playing.

Thats my 2cp.

Come on now, lets not start throwing random facts in the mix. There is no % chance on geting banned, its on how stupid people are in doing it. It may ruin the game as you say, but its out now and the genie can't be put in as easily as people might want. I do expect that once they fix it mq will take some work before it comes back up maybe.

Btw, on a different tangent, Ultima online is still going, so is Meridian. I really don't think eq is going to completely shut off the servers for a long time.
Theres a 99.99% chance that you will get the banhammer, people WILL find out and you will have no reputation on the server. Unless the holy raptor jesus bequeaths some sort of anti-gm suppository into your possession, you're fucked.

There is no truth in this.

And you can do a namechange if your server knows your a ghoster.

I do not know where you got this information from man, but even using ghost openly and unsafe.. you still prob wont get banned for it.

The only people that have gotten banned that I have known, used back in the day when it was all over.. back when CoA came out. And that is only because they had anguish gear from mobs that the servers top guilds hadn't even killed=p. And even then, he only got banned like 6 months later because everyone knew about it.
There is no truth in this.

And you can do a namechange if your server knows your a ghoster.

I do not know where you got this information from man, but even using ghost openly and unsafe.. you still prob wont get banned for it.

The only people that have gotten banned that I have known, used back in the day when it was all over.. back when CoA came out. And that is only because they had anguish gear from mobs that the servers top guilds hadn't even killed=p. And even then, he only got banned like 6 months later because everyone knew about it.

GM popped into an instance last night on Luclin and caught a "friend of a friend" redhanded.

10 day suspension and 20 day rollback.

Looks like GM types are popping into instances where high level monks are playing to check on them....
Gm came to my house today and gave me a working copy of GK, and no Dly, and a anti-GM finding me plugin. I soloed a orc pawn with it and got banned, I call bullshit =(
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