GASP!!!! Bin Laden looked at porn!

I think it would be newsworthy if he DIDN'T look at porn. Saw some funny things on he was looking at picture of a woman's ankles.
It's somewhat significant to discredit him in the eyes of Muslim extremists.
Bah! They look at porn as well. They just keep it under wraps like everyone else over there.
Bah! They look at porn as well. They just keep it under wraps like everyone else over there.

I was a counter intelligence agent in the Army, one of the few 97B's who actually did his job instead of being a specialized intel analyst.

I've drank with more city officials than I have fingers and toes. Arabs tend to keep whiskey hidden somewhere at all times.

As for porn, yeah don't fool yourself, they are just like every other sexually repressed people due to religion: They view it, they just are more shameful of it and hide it.
OMG HAX!!!! It's so important that Bin Laden looked at porn that we had to make a new broadcast over it!

Really? Come on people, at least be creative lol. Hell, I'd say even the pope has looked at porn but we don't see news casts on it. And my family wonders why I don't bother with TV anymore.

When I read this I thought to myself, "Do I live in China?" Honestly where else would such propaganda be spread. Yeah it is sad.
With 72 virgins waiting for him in the afterlife he needed the porn just to keep "in shape." :D
I honestly think people are alittle wierd that DONT watch porn. Just sayin...